Enthusiasts for a new messenger beta-test

Sup, Sup Forums

/biz/ told me that I could try and ask your opinion.

Our startup is going to launch a closed beta of a team messenger this April.

We are looking for enthusiasts who are tired of complicated settings, don't like to limit their message history and if course those, who want to share their thoughts on a new software product.

I wonder if Sup Forums can help me with volunteers.
I would appreciate your help.
In case you are not interested, at least share a feedback what messenger you use and whether you are happy with it.

fuck off with your botnet

go suck a dick

You mean like slack?

Yes, kind of.

You don't messengers at work?

I don't work

How have you become that successful?

>>enthusiasts who are tired of complicated settings

Why should I use your solution above Slack? You need to convince slack users to move and attract non-slack users with more features.

disability neetbux :D

source or GTFO

The enthusiasts on Sup Forums aren't ones who get tired of complicated settings or desire easier methods of anything to do with computing. Half the people here are quite content using a 30+ year old OS with IRC servers and rudimentary internet browsers as their only connection to the outside world. This is what you'd call the tinfoil hat crowd. If there's a sliver of a chance that they're being used in any way by the software, it won't be on their PCs. If you're marketing this towards businesses, good luck convincing them to switch from the software all their employees are trained to use

what the fuck.
how is this not advertising?

anyhow, fuck off OP. no one cares about your un-monetizable chat bullshit that has been done literally to death at this rate.

unless your meme chat is free and opensource and also happens to be decentralized--or at least federated, no one cares.

Thanks for your question.

Well, to begin with, our messenger will have unlimited searchable history, and a simple user interface.

By the time of the release we will implement easy-to-use workflows, AI-powered auto suggestions, transcript for voice messages and other cool features.

Thanks for your reply. I thought Sup Forums is a place where a lot of young people live. I must have been wrong.
P.S. IRC was great at its time.

So how much do you charge the Chinese and NSA for the user data you mined?

Is asking for an opinion a promotion now?
I appreciate your honest feedback. That's exactly what I am here for.

Sorry, I don't have any idea what you are talking about.

Sounds not cool. I hope you are doing well.

eh spending your tax money is pretty cool

You don't even miss your job?

never had one kiddo

That's close to impossible to believe in.

My company still used Skype for conference calls and training (screen sharing). Go after them, not slack. Do a multiplatform client (Skype screen sharing doesn't work on Linux). Integrate with Slack and Jira so we can initiate a call in your platform from theirs and we'll be happy customers.

Heh, I'd probably wait more for releasing, even for a private beta. The first impression is important, if you're not feature packed, I'd just wait a little longer, until you have something to get people's attention.

whatever man, keep busting your ass so your boss schlomo shekelstein can add another story to his yacht

Thanks for a suggestion.
Btw, what features are important to you?

Thanks for a suggestion. I never thought about that.

>/biz/ guy can't believe there are people without jobs
include me in the screencap lads

What are the reasons for unemployment, unless you have trouble with health?

But I like talking to people, socializing with colleagues, solving interesting tasks. I find my job quite rewarding for me. Why should it be only about money?

Okay, legit question here

Why would I use your software instead of Discord? I'm a student working on a semester long group project.

Discord is great for communication. It is not business-oriented, so it lacks collaboration tools. If you need a communication tool - then you choose out of Discord, Curse, Skype.

Facebook messenger.

What features do you like there?

keep telling yourself that lol

He is memeing you, if you really want to capture the business market look at the features Jabber has.

What do you do all day long then?

>who are tired of complicated settings
Wrong approach, in my opinion. You should have sane defaults, a basic and simple set of options for the average user and advanced options hidden behind a click or on the advanced tab or something. Chrome does this very well.

Then why it isn't open source you mongoloid commie
also your hipster ad image fucking sucks, not all of us like to spend their entire time on starbucks

this was my feedback, glad to help.

Thank you for your answer. What are the top features, you use in your messenger at work?

Mass adoption?

>sounds like every messenger, ever
kill yourself

whatever I want, wouldn't expect a wagie to understand

Thanks! That is the type of feedback I really like to get.
Are there any features you especially like to use?

It should be Open Source for all the autists here.
It should be simple. I don't want fancy contact pictures etc. Simple text and image sharing (optional).
It should be fast

Whatever happened to this stuff?
We had months of raving about this shit like it was IM Jesus
Then suddenly people decide it hates our freedumbs like everything else and we never hear about it again

Please lisence it under the GNU licence

That is pretty honest. Thanks.
I don't quite get why am I a commie? Did they invent proprietary soft?

What types of people do you like?

>Hipster cartoon design
>Spelling errors
>Writing buzzword shit
>Fucking newfag advertising
>Trying to sell messenger app #6,000,001
>Closed source proprietary botnet shit
This has to be a joke

That's not an issue for my group because the software we're using has collaboration tools built in

Nice picture. Did you write the text yourself?

I think it's meant to say they hate freedom

Especially everyone else's

What is not a buzzword for you then?

Oh, then you've already made a great choice. Hope you finish the project successfully and on time.

> literally no description of the product
Can we talk to someone who isn't marketing?

what do you mean searchable history?

do you really expect to throw all the chat logs at elasticsearch and allow users to query it?

or do you magically expect to keep an unlimited amount of text and appropriate levels of full text search indexes locally on some shitty SQLite3 DB?

also what about "privacy?"

if you're storing chat back history in plaintext, it's obviously not end-to-end.
if it isn't even end-to-end it literally offers nothing over more established platforms like whatsgoy

No one will use your half-assed proprietary chat tool you moron move on with your life

I like honest, intelligent white people

I don't like niggers, spics, kikes, dykes, fags, Redskins, zipperheads, gooks, spooks, reds, pinkos, Christcucks, sandniggers, goatfuckers, slant-eyes, whores, midgets, pakis, shitskins, porch monkeys, pavement apes, Zionists, progressives, trannies or shrub rocketeers

Y-you too

>Hi Sup Forums my company is working on a commercial messenger. We offer open source client, end to end encryption, communication with toaster, cloud service over protocols xyz. We're working on it because is missing features . What do you think?

>mfw I thought it said chantry
The social messenger app market has already been saturated
Lmao you've probably invested so much money and time into your application

You're likely talking to some "computer science" sandeep.

I find this extremely homosexual OP go eradicate yourself


Where is your tolerance?

>every single person in that pic is a fucking hipster except the kid on the left
You can tell a lot about a product from things like this.
This app will be shit. Bankrupt in 4 months.

I'd use that.
And pull request.

In the $current year$ you should be glad they are at least all white

Any popular company would have at least one black male and a burka in there

It should have at least all the features of modern IRC clients - configurable filters and highlighting, notifications on mentioning configurable phrases, regex search.
Anything else depends on what the rest of your feature set is, but URL embedding and preview of documents would be nice.


>not a single man is clean-shaven

You're entering a flooded market. Why?

No one wants cool features, people already went through the hassle of moving to Slack. Does anyone need the features you're providing? And if they did, what's stopping Slack from copying your features ala Whatsapp did with Snapchat?

i only said commie because of that "why it should be about money" part
just limit the hipster count to 1, not every 3 out of 4 people has beard like richard stallman, do they?

Oh, I understand now.
Is this photo better?

No you're still retarded

OK, I admit I am. What is wrong this this photo?

You must be joking

If you're really the Op then I gotta takr my hat off for you, seeing as how this thread is treating you and basically acting like a bunch of underage arduino homos.

The thing or difference your messenger lacks for me, is a clear goal and why this messenger should be treated differently than others.

Furthermore, you should not include any people in your advertisements and instead just make an illustration of the globe with a lot of intercommunication strings around it.

Hope your messenger breaks new ground in the world of business, godsspeed, /biz/guy, godsspeed.

Does anyone need the features you're providing?
That's a great question. You never know what you will end up with, until you try.

What are the features you like to use, or features that need to be improved?

I am pretty sure we will have all these features soon. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

it's better than the first one i'd say

but still, if you won't make it open-source i don't really see how it will be any different than generic messenger #3824

>limit message history
didn't knew whatsapp had that, or maybe they don't even have that
>tired of settings
most messengers don't need any "setting"

but here's an advice for you, support themes, or at least just make one alternative dark theme, that's what whatsapp is missing

Name at least 3 things you dislike about it.

I only need one
>look how diverse we our! Our product must be good!
Virtue signaling at good development are mutually exclusive

>literally retarded so he gets government money to keep him alive
>also obnoxious cunt

The average 4channer. No wonder people here circlejerk over decommissioned office laptops, its the only thing they can afford.

have you sucked your daily dick yet son

I'm an voice actor. I'm a NEET who gets paid tens of thousands for standing in a booth for 2 hours every few months to do adverts and presentations.

Enjoy your poverty, scum. What's your Bitcoin address, I'll throw you some dollars/pounds/shekles.

I fucked your mom sperglord

>tfw I get six months a year off
Hello neetbro

>14 years old: The Post

You are poor. You are a loser. You are a permavirgin. Enjoy your Ramen and water dinner, nigger.

Thank you for your help, man! I wish more comments here were as helpful.

Could you share the features you use in a messenger at work? If you use any, of course.

Why do you think so?
What kind of signaling do you like then?


What genres are you performing in?

>90 replies
seriously? Did a janitor post this or something?
Since when was blatant advertising allowed on Sup Forums?

We send applications and get rejected, probably it has to do with our virgin aura.
One thing to consider: teens are always running away from parents eyes (very important if your goal is to build a social media platform). Another lesson to take from whatsapp is that people for some reason prefer phone numbers instead of emails, you might be called out here for doing a botnet platform with datamining in mind but people in general does not seem to care about privacy (but bunisseses might, given that the big guys are being spied by governments agencies now), they prefer convenience.

Shut the fuck up and go back to your Intel vs. AMD vs. NVIDIA crap threads. This one is a breath of fresh air.

Don't you use messengers at work?

>Not throwing down a bitcoin address or paypal just to see what happens
>Insulting a guy who might give you money for keks
You can't even NEET right. A true NEET learns to exploit the charitable.