How is the simpliest way to start a job as a helpdesk? I well know linux and winshit troubleshooting and simple things like configuring lan etc. So I have only know basic shit.
What shall I learn first and where can i find good materials?
>tl:dr neet seeks job to start in IT
How is the simpliest way to start a job as a helpdesk...
Call random people and tell them you're from Microsoft. Make sure to use an Indian accent for authenticity.
Bad idea. You should become an anime girl instead.
I think that it not gonna work in my country.
Can only suffer with dreaming about this.
You can do it though user-kun, I believe in you :3
Sell your ass for 50 bucks a pop
Bumping for some serious answers
You missed the serious train a long time ago. You should've gotten serious about working instead of being a NEET. You only have yourself to blame.
>long time ago
I lost only 3 months already.
Too long
Start a business of fixing broken desks
Try looking up in some insurance company or any place that is bound to have very shit systems. Make sure to learn a bit about ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS, mail clients and Active Directory.
The applications part is just so you can recognize the name and pass it to the next level without wasting your time.
Oh and get some IT certs.
Apply everywhere, try to get an internship
well I'm in IT, took a bit of work to get here without a college degree but I'm here.
1) Know your shit - frankly knowing linux won't get you any bites, it's windows knowledge that will get you in the field. Head over to THG forums and start answering people's IT questions for a year. You'll learn a few things at the basic level
2) Volunteer your IT expertise to charities. The poorer the better. Generally speaking charities work with old donated EQ, their needs are basically to keep everything running with bubblegum and duct-tape, do this for a string of charities for a year or two. This will pad your resume a bit and make it possible for you to actually get a paying job in the field.
3) Find an IT firm hiring, work for whatever they want to pay you doing whatever they want you to do no matter how basic it is. You'll probably make min wage and get exploited badly but you need this on your resume for the rest of your career. Furthermore you'll get a chance to branch into Server maintenance and bigger network infrastructure and will see more viruses and shit. IT is basically a field with 3 main skill sets needed to make a career in. SERVER-NETWORK-VIRUS. That's what separates uncle Jim who knows computers and the actual IT pro. You need to pad out your knowledge. You also need to learn how to deal with customers, and solve IT problems when someone has a clock on you.
4) once your resume is filled out a bit, now you can start looking for that IT "dream" job, which will pay you solid money, and you can do in your underwear from home, Like I'm doing right now (yes I'm on the clock... well I get paid salary, but I'm still posting this from my home in my underwear).
Too many people in their mothers basement with passing knowledge of IT stuff has made this a rough field for newcomers to come into. But if you can persevere you'll get your foot in the door.
>3 month employment gap
Into the trash it goes!
Thank you Anons, will do
People skills
Go back to /biz/
If you speak a language besides English, you can apply for helpdesk support jobs for other languages.
There are tech hubs which always look for multilingual people, for example in Ireland and eastern Europe. Its easy to get one of these jobs, and they provide good career opportunities as well.