Why don't we have hoverboards yet?

Why don't we have hoverboards yet?

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Probably because hover boards are a fucking dumb idea?

Anyone lazy enough to want one wont be able to be held in the air by it and anyone healthy enough will have actual legs and feet that will always be a thousand times more efficient and quicker.

Yeah, anyone lazy enough wouldn't be able to ride a motorcycle, and anyone healthy enough will have actual legs and feet that will always be more efficient.

Because it's not Germany.

dumb comparison is dumb

Because physics and that damn guy reality:

But we do

You're a fucking retard, go watch some more star trek, fucking mouth breather.

Hoverboard concept is inefficient currently, levitation requires some form of thrust and the current available forms are not feasible. Since you're talking about a hover skateboard as well remember how limited your novelty interest will last.

Fuck off.

>has wheel that touch the ground


It's not a dumb comparison at all. Are you this incapable of abstract thought?
Pooinloos, every fucking time.

Insurance companies.

Because teleporter is way faster way to travel.

then why are actual skateboards popular? stupid argument

It would take a stupid amount of energy to keep it afloat and balanced and skateboard tricks would not likely work on it anyway. Meanwhile a skateboard takes no power besides your own legs and it just werks

Because skateboards are like $10 and used by children.

You can't even get a generic Walmart board for that price

Well, the point is that no skateboard is going to cost you millions of dollars.

Mass produced hoverboards wouldn't cost millions either.

And hoverboards will cost millions of dollars, because?...

>not a board
>doesn't hover

Because you can grind with em.

Teleporters don't do shit except kill you and make a clone of yourself at the destination.

does it even really matter?

Because you touch yourself at night


>Why don't we have hoverboards yet?

Because nobody has figured out how to manipulate gravity.

So, maybe 15 years ago, I read an article about the guy who invented the technology behind those "sonic cannons". You know, the ones they use from ships to cause intense pain for any pirates that try to board? IIRC, he used the same technology to create some kind of innovative speakers. The basic idea was that rather than directly, physically moving air molecules to generate sound (via direct pressure waves), it was supposed to focus energy on a location, meaning the sound pressure waves emanated from a location near the observer.

Anyway, in the article they asked him what he thought would be the next big thing. He said that he thought gravity would be the next big area of research. He said he knew of several people working on solving the mystery of what gravity *is* and how it can be manipulated.

That was a long time ago, and I haven't heard much of anything since.

>That was a long time ago, and I haven't heard much of anything since.
Maybe because we know what gravity is and how to manipulate it: mass.

>Maybe because we know what gravity is and how to manipulate it: mass.

What? How is that -- in any way -- manipulating gravity?

fuck i lose hard

First skate boards themselves haven't been mainstrem for a while now. Since Tony Hawk.
Second. If we had that technology it would be a waster to use it on a fucking board. Instead of personal vehicle, Building, quick transportation. FFS OP you are retarded.

wew lad

We got hoverbored of the idea.

hoverboards are fucking complicated but its comparatively very easy to just imagine a board in the air moving around

the gap between human imagination and technological reality is really really big

We already have imageboards what the fuck would making them hover do?

Looks shopped


You could make a magnetic floor and use a magnet as the hover board.

Personally I don't think using photoshop or any other brand matters much because it's just contributing to making those words generic. If they become too generic then adobe loses the rights to the trademark.