What program you made you're the most proud at?
What program you made you're the most proud at?
a couple of compilers and a pretty fully fleshed out kernel.
Scada system for a factory. It had 8 PLCs connected through Modbus TCP.
Either a data recorder that collects data seabed data from an ROV and combines it in survey data to make a real time plot of voltage potential through the water column across a pipeline or the controls for an autonomous pipe crawler that takes x-rays of risers and flowlines.
But 0%3 and 0%5 aren't 0
A firefox extention that lets you keep track of television shows you watch online. You manually enter the website and episode you're on and manually increase the counters each time you watch a show. Not amazing but first extension I made.
Very basic addon by the way, feel free to fork the git project and continue it. I've basically stopped development.
A game I made for my 386 in the 1990s when I was around 16, in C and Assembly, with interrupt handlers and all that Jazz.
60 FPS in 320x200
Graphics rendered with 3D Studio 4.0 for MS-DOS
It was an Asteroids clone with gravity between all the objects on the screen.
I put so much work in it and made no backup.
Accidentally deleted the source code.
Never made a game again.
I made a porn game in pure C back when I was in college.
It wasn't good, but I liked it anyway.
That's a big system.
Do PLCs still use these awkward languages? I did plc programming in college and the only options were straight assembly, ladder diagrams, something resembling pascal, and some gui drag-and-drop lego brick shit.
I wrote a program to keep the /dpt/ running 24-7 with sensible OP images... I'm just not sure if I should actually run it or not. But it was nice to learn how to do such a thing.
After seeing "The Social Network" I recreated that face ranking website (with chess ranking system) but with pornstars
4 U
Okay it's mathematically wrong but in programming it seems to be true. The more you know
>mathematically wrong
0 divided by anything = 0
remainder = 0
How is it wrong? Zero is in the same modulo class as n in nZ/n
I wrote a complete human child adoption mod for ragnarok online. It was built on the pet system, you got a small novice child, then you had to feed it, do it's questline (go to school for kids, for example), then you were able to grow it up completely.
A local server used it and people frikkin loved it, it was so good to see so many adopted children made by me. They were even helping in battle.
This was before I started coding.
Since then I only wrote a couple of software for businesses.
How old are you now?
How is life?
my gaem. No bully pls it has a state machine and everything :3
3dstudio 4 came out in 1994, and he said he was 16, so that him up to 39 years old
it is, of course, possible he got the software later, though having a 386 even in 1994 was already a bit outdated, so it's doubtful it was much later
not very successful, sporadically employed as a programmer, but happy.
Childhood and teenage traumas have surprisingly long-lasting effects. Took me until my early 30s to get over it. But I'm more or less happy now. I should have taken LSD earlier in life. It's a great medicine. It fixed more in 24 hours than 24 weeks of therapy could.
I sometimes dream of making a game again, but I don't play them myself anymore, so it's pointless.
Yes, my 386 was outdated. Many already had 486s. The copy of 3D Studio was old. It took a while for pirated floppies to get distributed.
37, slacker, sporadically employed as a programmer, enough income to be independent.
Regrets: trying to be a Normie for far too long. What a load of wasted energy.
I sometimes dream of making a game again, but I don't play them myself much anymore, so it's pointless.
Yes, my 386 was outdated. Many already had 486s. The copy of 3D Studio was old. It took a while for pirated floppies to get distributed.
A damage assessment mobile app that quickly updated pole and line damage in hurricanes and snowstorms. Wrote it in Cordova, deployed to iOS, Android, Windows Mobile and Blackberry (this was circa 2011-2012). Improved power restoration times by 40%. We eventually upgraded it with an entire team and licensed it to other utilities in the South East US area. It was my shining moment, I now run a start-up. Good times.
I made asteroids in python.
Even though I've done stuff that's a lot more 'complicated' since then I feel like it's still the biggest problem that I ever undertook, especially considering I was basically a complete beginner at the time.
I made a winsock aim spammer in vb6 and an AOL lobby chat bot that harvested screen names to spam/crack and use to spam from. I released the aim spammer and made it send out my affiliate link instead of theirs once every 10 instant messages sent. Made almost 4 thousand dollars before the method died.
>get into some summer undergrad research program for drones (got AA'd in because I got the 'tism)
>end up in the group trying to get a drone simulation working
>weeks pass, I basically didn't do shit, rest of the group is kinda-sorta getting something built (it ended up not in a meaningfully workable state)
>had an idea for an anti-collision algorithm, can only really code it in the context of the rest of the sim and tell my teammate that
>she initially seems to understand and try to provide the interface so I can get program data needed for the algorithm (positions of other aircraft) and control a simulated drone, but something falls through or she's dumb or I'm dumb and I forget exactly what happened but I won't be able to just make an extension to the broader system
>go fuck it, throw together a 2D sim in Pyglet and just use the beach ball image from the tutorials as placeholder graphics
>come up with a mildly clever way to avoid having the drones looping around just-out-of-reach waypoints forever, also the basic anti-collision system works even though I didn't make the enhancements I hoped to
>professor running the program seems to be impressed anyway
desu I should've gone with the computer vision guys instead, their work was actually pretty cool and actually did stuff.
>be me, 12 years old
>playing mildly obscure vidya
>school holiday happens
>no friends, free time
>reverse-engineer the whole thing
>write an entire level editor for it
>drop it on sourceforge
>someone comes in and makes improvements
>autism kicks in and i don't know what to say
>never respond
>forget about the whole thing
still don't know what happened after that and im too embarassed to google it.
oh wait I just realized this is about things you're proud of.
uh, nevermind then.
What game?
Return Fire
a shitty ncurses music player in Python.
If you scrolled too fast the actual selected track would get out of sync with the track highlighted on the screen.
It's not this, is it?
yes that's it.
please don't remind me.
>apparently just werks
>no negative reviews
why are you embarrassed, user?
I was too autistic to respond to anyone who messaged me about it.
stupid reason probably but that's why I feel bad about it.
A series of microsoft excel macros and functions that hold my company together and keep everyone up to date with information for our hundreds of developing and active projects
its wonderfull
>most proud of
I wouldn't say I am proud of any code i wrote but the one I hate the least is github.com
made a twitch.tv spam bot, sold it for few months, put up fake reviews of twitch streamers, got sent DMCAs and lawyer threats, sold the source and signed NDA to one of my customers for $3k extra.
Understandable, but life goes on. You have much to be proud of, user!
a stupid colorful musical anime slideshow type thing
Make one user. I don't play much either but have found enjoyment in making some games abit simple or just rom hacks.
That sounds awful.
That sounds awful.
man, that's fucking impressive!
why are you so embarrased, you should be proud about making a useful tool that people use and like
fuck that comic strip
Not him but I always get embarrassed whenever someone is proud of something I've done. I don't understand why I do this. I avoid any praise at all for any accomplishment and put it off or say "it's not really that impressive" and mean it. If I don't get praise I beat myself up over it, and if I eventually get praise I beat myself up over it.
What the fuck is this phenomenon even called?
A tool I wrote that sped up webshop management by a several tenfolds and replaced 3 workers, 1 accountant and 1 sysadmin.
I used php and flash.
Self loathing?
depression, avoidant personality disorder
I think perfectionism may have something to do with it? I hate how that word sounds like it's a positive thing.
Chronically low self-esteem. You feel unworthy of any praise so praise makes you feel like shit, but not getting any praise just confirms what you already think about yourself so you feel like shit.
It's a largely ignored problem that most millennials have.
life is too short not to automate shit
this raytracer
I made it in a day, was surprised that it worked
married? plans?
I did oversampling in mine.
How long did it take you guys to program? It been almost a month and i still don't how compile code to make one ;_;
I made a program that collects images of pages you want to print as a book and organizes them such that each sheet of paper you print out has two pages per side (so 4 pages) and you can fold them and it will read like a book. You can also specify how many sheets you want per stack (the book industry usually has eight sheets per stack as a standard, so that's the default in my program.)
All you would have to do is feed whatever number of sheets were required (the program would tell you this, calculating the number based on how many pages you have and the stack number you specified). Then it would ask you to print the reverse side. Of course I'm sure there's software for this but it seemed quicker for me to just write the program myself. I used it to print out comics I'd made digitally.
OOP pong c++
I wrote a GUI in Excel for my friend who works as some sort of financial analyst. Apparently he was the only person in his office under 60, and the only one who knew how to actually fill out the spreadsheet properly.
He told me it was only supposed to be used in his office, but one of his bosses put the sheet on a shared drive, and it got spread around, supposedly being used by banks all across America now.
Makes me regret doing it for free.
Microsoft Windows 10 Professional x64
Haven't you figured out how to use a compiler in a whole month?
Duke Nukem clone when I was 14.
I made Tetris in batch
>married? plans?
Occasional hook-ups: yes. Marriage material: doubtful. The one true love is long gone.
>Make one user. I don't play much either but have found enjoyment in making some games abit simple or just rom hacks.
Maybe I should. What are your games about?
One game idea that has struck for 15+ years:
a text adventure game that incorporates real, physical puzzles. picture an abandoned industrial building. you build real mechanical puzzles, secret doors, etc... and interconnect it with a multi-player text adventure, that is played on terminals spread around the area.
of course that's very elaborate and most likely won't much you rich
*won't make
How are you sporadically employed? Do you live alone? How do you get jobs? Do you work more than a year at a time at any given company? Career or just "jobs"? etc
Honestly curious
>Do you work more than a year at a time at any given company?
In the past, yes
Structural design code for a field that I would rather not reveal here. Done in my free time after working hours, it took me almost 2 months to finish the code.
Embedded all my engineering designer experience in the code, and interfaces between different software reducing 3-4 weeks work for a team of 3 engineers to under 2 hour to collect and input the data from different disciplines only by myself.
> people still asking who do I manage to finish multiple structures in parallel in such a short time
> never answered the question, or made mention to such development because company would never compensate properly and would take away my spare time development if it ever leaks.
> top management simply satisfied with performance, don't bother where the magic comes from.
> get fastest promotion ever in the firm just under 2 years after joining
> at the moment pretending I'm busy working on the projects when actually coding next level.
Seriously if you ever make something great that out performs, reach a pre-agreement with your company or keep it to avoid free-riders.
Shit happens. Even working for a corporation they will try to sell you the goodness you will be doing. The result is that increase efficiency means money that for you means a slap on the back in most cases.
>t. T.A.D.
this simposons just looks so void of substance
made a pretty good markov chain-ish twitter bot in php+mysql, but lost the code and databases when i decided php was retarded. trying to rewrite it in python every now and then but training it takes over an hour instead of 30 sec for the php variant.
what is this?
Google ray tracing. Basically 3D rendering where you simulate the travel of photons to generate the image. It has the advantage of being able to realisticly simulate things like light refraction through water (if done correctly).
It's pretty cool imo.
> for a field that I would rather not reveal here
so automotive or aerospace?
since they're really anal about revealing their projects and if you write software for them you're bound by 10 NDAs and/or possible lawsuits
>Sup Forums
>making anything except shitposts on an Armenian rosary enthusiast board
haha good joke
you just press f5
i made this last week because i print stuff in a copy center almost daily, everytime i have to calculate how many pages are there because cost per page stuff. it was getting annoying to count pages in dozens of pdf files. its shit but i am proud
>Okay it's mathematically wrong
it isn't
>package asmr content in a cordova app
>upload to playstore
>someone actually bought it
my daughter :^)
how do you know you are the dad
the hospital makes a low-key DNA test together with the vaccines and tests
don't do that
He's 1/200 black so it's only logical that the baby is black.
i have bad news for you user, your daugher is going to be autistic
at least she'll be intelligent then
can't risk it with all the asians bringing diseases here to Australia
its default in visual studio, i didn't touch anything
a python program that generates a CS grad-tier fizzbuzz program and runs it
Did you ask advice regarding this on workplace.stackexchange.com?
print "Hello world!"
no I did this before college
I'm making one that uses OpenCL now
I plan to get into the fractal rendering game