good thing Sup Forums didn't use cloudflare.... oh wait
Good thing Sup Forums didn't use cloudflare.... oh wait
Be sure to change the password for your Sup Forums account
The DDoS attacks were annoying though. And I don't have a Sup Forums account.
What an useful test...
>Sup Forums account
You mean my token and pin? Is ther even an option to renew it?
>Sup Forums pass breach
I would love to see how hiro deals with that
Nope, you're fucked
fake news!
not affected
I fucking told you not to use this shit.
I'm getting green on Sup Forums. Explain.
i'm getting red
The irony.
This is a stupid argument, it should be don't use cloudflare not don't use discord. It isn't their fault one of their third partys is shit
came to post this
It should be obvious by now that writing good C code is impossible.
When the switch to Rust will happen?
Betterdiscord already was a good blow
I'm kind of skeptical that the state machine generator they used could output code that would make it past the Rust compiler.
will there ever be a low level code that isn't completely broken? or is it just impossible?
>government project needs to be extremely fast, highly stable and with strict control of all data at all times
>so it needs to be written in C
>it's extremely slow because it involves thousands of hacks for simple things
>it's extremely instable because half of those hacks nobody knows why they are required but never remove them
>the one guy who actually understood some of the steaming pile of garbage code is fired, and a new intern just removes protections to "fix" the errors he doesn't understand
Sup is red, but boards.Sup is green. Sys.Sup is green, as are is.Sup and is2.Sup
fuck off Bjarne
highly abstracted OOP languages are vulnerable and lazy
Note however that these may be false negatives, nonexistent domains show up as green, and if it doesn't track subdomains, it may consider the Sup Forums subdomains to be nonexistent addresses.
Has anyone found any cached cloudbled Sup Forums data yet?
This is only a problem if you were jewed into getting a pass. In that case, you deserve your fate.
Someone in the original thread found some random post on Sup Forums with an IP from New Jersey in the Google cache before they removed it
A person in another thread found the IP address and browser headers of a Sup Forums user.