>Spend 10,000 dollars
>Get stains
Apple quality, everyone.
>Spend 10,000 dollars
>Get stains
Apple quality, everyone.
wtf I hate appel now!?
maybe don't use your laptop as toilet paper?
What did you do OP?
what do you think this is? welcome to 4 chan faggot
>crusted cum
Disgusting OP
>rip faggots off and make them cry
wtf i LOVE apple now!?
>mom buys iToy
>tries to apply screen protector
>Waaaa, Apple's fault!
Don't worry, OP, I thought your shitpost was amusing.
That's a screen protector, you sillies. :)
This shit happens when you use plastic cases like the baby they are
That's an extra plastic "protector" above the crystal. My old S3 screen is almost perfect and I never used those shit things.
t. mactoddler
You guys are retarded. This is the Anti reflective coating on the screen that is supposed to be fused to the glass shitting itself. Ever wondered why apple displays have a purble-greenish tint when looking at the reflection?
everybody who posted in this thread knows this. please stop being new.
Which Macbook costs US-$10000?
Why germans are always into scat?
you ever been to germany? all there is to do is eat asparagus and shit on each other.