Hey guys, i want to brick my iPhone before the warranty ends, to get a new one from Apple. Do you have any tips to do it undetectably?
IPhone Bricking
really strong magnet
What do you think about microwave?
piezoelectric grill igniter in between the power board and the logic board
but if you do something like that you're a dirty nigger
get a magnet from a hard drive and fuck it up
I already paid the price of 2 phones, I'll jusget the second one.
Where is the best part to use the magnet?
Degausser should do the trick
harddrive maybe even screen
Still working fine.
And yet you don't have accidental damage cover?
Found your problem.
Make a homemade outlet to headphone jack cable and just turn off your breaker plug it in and then turn it back on
t. Alberto Barbosa
blast it with x-rays to corrupt the flash/roms
Destroy its charging circuit (or more) by applying a too high voltage on the charge port. Even if it doesn't die right away just let it run out of juice and try to start it again after a while to ensure it's empty. It won't be possible to turn it on anymore and appears dead.
You faggots need to forget about magnets. Magnets won't damage your phone unless you throw one at it.
Retardation in its purest form
bout 20 minutes in the microwave should do the trick
loling at your life