American Poo in the Loo

My goal is not to offend or rile you up but to spread awareness and spark a serious discussion about this problem. You need to take this issue seriously and you should thank me for taking the time to spread awareness.

I have plenty of American friends, and when I asked them about the pants pooping in American culture they suddenly became very defensive, claiming it is perfectly normal and acceptable to poop in your pants if you are too busy to find a loo at the moment, plus you can always clean up later.
"If you gotta go you gotta go they said".
I have had this discussion with at least 4 americans know personally and they all find this socially acceptable.

After researching this, starting many discussions on online forums such as reddit it turned out that this is not only socially acceptable behaviour in the US, it is an important part of their culture and how they interact with each other.

Indians cannot poo in loo - but neither can Americans.

Does this mean that Pajeet taking a shit on the street in Hyderabad is higher being than Jeff Stains in Walmart?

Provide the proofs so I too may come to this conclusion.

Think of it like adult . convienient, efficient: tge american dream

Most people poo their pants at least once a month here
Shit happens, no big deal


this Joe Smith, casually pooing the loo while buying a phone in his AllAmericanTM sports jacket

at what age do american aquire this practical skill? can you do it in jeans or only sweatpants?

>this is normal in america


>he still takes poo to the loo

I mean, come on, it's 2016.

>sweat pants
>t-shirt / hoodie
>sport shoes

Why are Americoons such style cripples? Sweat pants and t-shirts are what one wears at home; if you wear that outside, you're a dirty immigrant here in the civilised world.

have you launched the freedom misslies today?

žižek is a pleb.

Žižek says it as it is, you nincompoop. I bet you poop your pants.

what kind of shitholes are these americans in
i've never seen a man shit himself in my life

That is freedum missle.

The Estados Unidos, of course.



This, I live in the Northeast.

more like #2


I have never seen anybody do this but the banter is still funny

For someone who haven't and probably will never be able to travel to America should I just laugh this off as one of things people tell on the internet or this thing is real?

I can't even tell anymore...

P... Pants?


I poo my pants all the time guys. It's only natural. Pants are a creation, they aren't real.

I've only seen it once and that was because the guy was retarded.


I've seen this happen in boot camp, so it can at least be attributed to the intense stress. Not to mention I seen one recruit pee himself right in front of me because he was afraid to ask permission to use the bathroom.

However, I never seen people doing this in public, but I do prefer online shopping to avoid lines and parking so that might be why.

Are American diets really this bad that they're constantly shitting themselves?


It's a le epixxx meme bro XD
Europeans are so good at this XDDD
I just wish I could le upvote this XDDD


Yeah, it's why they're fucking dumb.

This meme won't last long

tfw this is kind of a sexual fetish i have
tfw i am a living meme

>Does this mean that Pajeet taking a shit on the street in Hyderabad is higher being than Jeff Stains in Walmart?

Whose worse? The average American is likely more civilized than the average Indian so they probably get the point.

Whats worse shitting in your pants or shitting in the streets? Well at least after you shit in the street, there's a safe distance between you and the poo...

to be quite honest: I've known more than one person in life that kept an extra pair of underwear in their locker or car in case they shit themselves while working

Is that blood on her leg??

If I have to shit and the store doesn't have a bathroom I'll just let it go. Shit stains wash out and I'm just going home anyway

I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Yeah, they "shit themselves" but it's not as funny or weird as you think. It actually feels pretty good and it's something that comes from your body anyway so who cares?


What the flying fuck

I can't believe in it. So incredible shit.

Wait other countries don't do this?
What else would you do if there is no bathroom around?

Literally India tier, and the worse part is that Indians are probable Too poor to have a bathroom, not even in the worse shitholes of LA you will see something like this, I'm not even memeing here

Vehemently disgusting

>This entire thread


I was talking to one of my friends the other day and while we were standing around talking, he told me he shit his pants.

In order to make him feel better, I bought him an ice cream cone, but he said he was fine because by now he was pretty much used to it, and plus, you can always clean up poo stains afterward at home.

I mean, if you gotta go, then why not just go? It's not like a bathroom's going to magically appear in front of you anyways, right?

We still hang out every now and then, and I always offer him ice cream cones now, but he tells me not to, because ice cream mmakes him lactose intolerant, and he doesn't want to end up pooing his pants again.

We're 43 btw 2bh.
