Philippines future president Rodrigo Duterte: a "punisher" with death squads

Yet another country, The Philippines, has fallen to the lies and propaganda of authoritarianism. This global epidemic of authoritarian regimes rising must end. Turn back now before it's too late.

>MANILA, Philippines (CNN) -- Firebrand mayor Rodrigo Duterte, who is set to clinch the Philippines' presidency, said he will be a "dictator" against evil and vowed to step down in six months if he failed to fulfill his promise to stamp out corruption.

>"I will be strict. I will be a dictator, no doubt it. But only against forces of evil -- criminality, drugs and corruption in government," Duterte said Tuesday morning in his hometown of Davao City, in the southern Philippines.

>“But the best practices in the city, ma’am, are the killings (of criminals),” Duterte recounted telling the former President.
He said he did not care if the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) filed cases against him in court for his extrajudicial solutions to criminality.

>The CHR has repeatedly accused Duterte of violating human rights by tolerating the vigilante group Davao Death Squad that had been linked to the summary executions, gangland-style, of suspected criminals, mostly drug suspects, in the city.
Duterte has repeatedly denied any link with the death squad and raised doubts over its existence

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>“I am really angry,” he said in the final debate before the 9 May polls. “They say I am a killer. Maybe I am.”

>Asked what he would do if he learned one of his children was involved in drugs, Duterte replied: “I will kill him.”

>Analysts say his profanity-laced campaign has resonated in a chaotic, high-crime society with limited opportunities for a vast underclass working for a tiny elite.


chinese soil

He's the hero of ASEAN


Look at all rightards posting here. Rightsrdism is on the rise in many countries now due to the previous 20 years of liberal governments in many countries. This would end eventually when people get tired and disappointed of rightards and we would have liberal or even left governments again. Look at Russia. We are right wing traditionalist shithole now but people are getting tired of it and in next 10-20 years liberals would come and make us more left and comfy.

Authoritardianism is cancer
It's now spreading in Europe and Asia and Trump will bring it to the USA...

kv. kristinn kommi

>Íslenska Þjóðfylkingin in charge of að vera ekki einhverfir rugludallar
>Íslenska Þjóðfylkingin in charge of að gera sjálfa sig ekki að fíflum

desu þá nenni ég ekki að horfa svona langt myndband
>hann vill byggja mosku

Nei en gæinn þarna Örvar Harðarson er 100% pottþétt alltaf á Sup Forums, þarna sést hvernig Sup Forums týpan er IRL, hann er lolbelja.

>hann styður áframhaldandi kapítalísma í skiptum fyrir brauðmola frá yfirstéttinni í formi hertrar innflytjendalöggjafar


>authoritarianism is bad
fuck off liberal

Ég þorri að veðja að þú vinnur á kvöldvakt í sjoppu eða fiskvinnslu.

He saved Davao City

Hversu miklu þorir þú að veðja? Eigum við að segja 50 þúsund krónur?

Bentu mér á galla

Einn dós af appelsíni

Ok Björgólfur Thor þá skuldar þú mér dós af appelsíni vegna þess að ég er byggingarverktaki.

>Stórauka löggæslu

2.Fyrir mína skattpeninga?

>Auka hlut Íslands í eigin vörnum

1.Algjörlega óþarfi
2.Fyrir mína skattpeninga?

>Skipta um mynt


>Úr Schengen

Blockar nokkra tugi þúsunda Íslendinga frá því að vinna áfram úti, hver heldur án djóks að það sé gáfulegt fyrir 330þ manna þjóð að einangra sig og ætlast til þess að geta gert einhliða landamærasamninga við stærri ríki?


Sama og fyrir ofan, risavaxið fjárhagslegt tap fyrir engan ágóða

Svo er þessi texti of lagatæknilega óskýr til þess að geta kallast alvöru stefna, ÍÞ-liðar eru alltaf að rífa kjaft við Pírata og segja að þar sé engin stefna, en stefnan hjá Pírötum er allavega rétt sett upp lagatæknilega og hvergi óskýr í orðalagi, þjóðaratkvæði "eins og í Sviss"? Húsnæðiskerfi "eins og í Danmörku" ? Hvernig virka þessi kerfi og af hverju kemur það ekki fram?

Fuck everybody in here

I know this word from having studied German, why the fuck are you guys talking about oranges lol