Why don't white Russians consider themselves European?

Why don't white Russians consider themselves European?

I don't consider myself European, only in ethnicity. I doubt Mexicans consider themselves North American.

Only Americans unironically identify as European.

because they lost the civil war

European bastards like me also consider themselfs European.

Well, I live in asia

I consider myself Swedish first, Finnish 2nd, Nordic third and European 4th .

desu it's not too bad

I don't think so

>tfw 22:21

I don't really feel european, with Greenland being 300 kilometers away and us getting iceberg sailing polar bears from them and all that.

it's because you're an island monkey

Yes and the fact that we are often not included on the European map


Iceland is quite popular In SK these days

Poo wine is more popular in SK these days tho

Some do, some don't. We aren't a hivemind and a philosophical argument between Slavophiles and westernizers has been going for centuries.

Are You Ill? Iceland is really popular in SK for Trip these days

>Are You Ill?
No, I'm I.

I dont consider myself european.
I consider myself a fucking Alien.

You are North American (masterrace)



Most Icelanders live on the North American plate so Icelanders are cultureless fat new worlders.

They never fit into the culture tbdesu

russia has a habbit to stretch its borders a little too far from time to time, if russians would consider themselves yuropean, half of the world might start doing the same... and I believe it might be inconvenient. russians consider themselves russkies and others who happen to be included in the state at the time.

>w-we have more desolate wasteland than you

>white Russians
If you mean ethnic russians (russkies) then they consider themselves europeans and it's 85% of the entire population. If you mean other white citizens of Russia (finns all kinds, volga germans, balts, polaks, hungarians and so on) they also conser themselves europeans.
Among non white we have only tatars and caucasians, but they are white by your standards. they don't conser themseves european.
Another group is yakuts, they are like the northmost people on the Earth. They are russian speaking mongols and they are europesised (or whatever you call it).

So Caucasians and Siberians are russkies?


no reason left to want to be considered european desu senpai

Are people from Norcopping swedes?

Yakuts, tuva people and such asian small nations

because europa is of fag and invaded them every 100 years

Russkies are majority in Siberia. Even in Yakutia russkies are 40%.

caucasians and native siberians (various tatar tribes and other mongoloids) are not russkies, russkies are those who has no additional 'culture' which isn't russian. but if it was me who decides I might want to add some 'racial' prerequisites, but let's be honest, it's pretty much cruel and unnecessary to refuse a person whos only fault is some oriental features in his blood.


your addiction to alcohol is much bigger as well