

trolley problem edition

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first for pullin the lever

Why is Jugla the only decent part of Riga?

so why are you christian?

but (You) don't know where (You) will be


The fuck is a cultural Christian? Either way you should be ashamed.

>a twenty percent less chance of getting aids and stuff like that
Then why Estonians are uncut?

that's no reason to not make a choice

I'd take the straight route, it will be more likely to be reported in the news. That way my meme will pass on to the future generation.

why do you mutilate dicks? don't you know that only savages do that?


Do Aussies, Brits and the res of Anglos also mutilate their cocks? Or is it exclusively American thing?

why do you mutilate dicks? don't you know that only savages do that?

>you will never lie supine in bed with the back of your head resting on a fresh pillowcase that is neither too hard nor too soft with the thick duvet and grey woolen throwover pulled up below your chin and squirm your body a little until a little heat is generated and your body is in a position you feel is incapable of being surpassed in terms of how comfortable you are and feel the soothing chill of the bedsheet against your calfs and hear the rain falling on the low sloped roof of your Gryffindor dormitory and have it seem so much louder now that the last candles have been put out and the final whispered conversation has reached its conclusion and have your anus feel warmly elastic after defecating in a cold bathroom cubicle some ten minutes ago and your eyes heavy enough to encourage sleep but not so heavy as to make sleep urgent and feel the sudden rush of your youth and the passing desire to run down through the rain and dive in the lake adjacent to the castle but smile instead as thunder breaks in the distance and your body is weighed down by the warm blanket

Hey guys, just dripping in to to say I hope all of you are doing alright

>>>/cum/ back any time :^)


Smash Mouth of course, how is that even a question

all star is great desu


Are you scatvian or AIDStonian?

Another great fap lads..

Good afternoon chaps, how has everyone's day been? x

post pics

some australians do to stop sand from getting in their shell and infecting their dicks, but i think that's only in queensland

No spankage for the wankage tonight

>Do you play openttd?
yeah, that's the only game i have on linux

>queerslanders unironically peel their bananas


The fap or the porn?

Literally me

up to you desu

homoboi probably wants to see your dick

still me lads

>his country unironically has an AIDS epidemic

Should I just give a single picture or a link?

>400 people with AIDS
homoboi logic xDDD


I'm Latvian.

I have equal Estonian/Latvian mixture but I barely know any Estonian so whenever I'm in Estonia I feel like a foreigner because I don't understand anything.

>he down plays the number of his compatriots who have AIDS on the internet


Imagine finally losing your virginity and getting stds

>he IS literal AIDS on the internet



Seriously? When? Thanks for reminding.

what did he mean by this?

>Who else besides estonia would care about eurovision......

>thinking about this problem in school in philosophy class
>Professor looks at me
>I give my answer
>He says:
>all you tbw


Gosh fine, I guess I'll read it.


>school in philosophy class

Me infront of them filming.

Me on the other side of the world in my room

tfw no gf to dress up in seifukus with

me in ur mum's asshole with my dick hahah rekt homoboi


Can he recover??

how do i triphomo without reading the faq?


What should I do, lads? Should I go and grab a couple of beers with my friends or should I lay in bed and shitpost? Feel a bit tired, 2bh


#yolo in the namefield


i'm going out and getting shitfaced while watching eurovision. follow my lead

don't mind me just courting your mother LOL

rip user


Go out with your friends, cherish them, try to spend as much time as you can with them. Or not,

i dont care.....

Why would you want to become a tripfag?

6:20 blaze it motherfucker

>cherish them
that's what i told ur mum when she asked if she could lick my balls

literally azusa tier

>be me
>make 2 posts with tripcode
>already feel dick in my mouth

how do you live like this faggots?

I would never make a post like that.

Ur mum didn't mind the taste

I wasn't talking about you.



>Eesti on homo maa.

What did he mean by this?

Oh great. Another tripfag to filter

Dont make me tell binland to stop importing your vodka.

that tripcode was #balt if you want it, i'm no longer a homo

I think we need more tripcode users. Don't you think?



Good, good.

spare a (You) for a dying man, sir?

>*teleports in to thread*
>*unsheats vintage memes*
>"nothing personal, /balt/+/ausnz/"
>*you died from autism*

Good night lads

see (You) in the morning


*has janny mode on*


I hope I did it right, it's been a long time.

trips traps trull)))



I'm so special

Remember when estonia was cool? Nope, me neither..

>„Remdamiesi tik objektyviais duomenimis, kurie, pabrėžiame, yra labai preliminarūs, išties pastebime šiokį tokį klientų srauto parduotuvėse persiskirstymą. Į kai kurias „Maxima“ parduotuves šiandien pirmoje dienos pusėje užsuko mažiau žmonių, kitose gi priešingai – klientų srautas kiek išaugo ar išliko stabilus.

Starved for no reason..