A question to fellow chinese friends

So, I'm Russian. A couple of years ago I had a tourist trip to China, just to see the scenery, meet people, enjoy the ancient country to my best. And in one of the cities, which, as you can see, was Guilin, I met a girl. She was about 19-20 years old and worked in a nice teahouse in the middle of the park. As far as I can remember, nobody else worked there besides her, but a shitload of time passed since then, maybe I'm wrong.
Anyways, I was enjoying tea and suddenly wanted to ask something of her, again, can't quite remember what. Didn't know the language, so had to use google translator and, long story short, message didn't go through. Oddly enough, when I asked for bill, she gifted me this coin. It's damn heavy, packed in a plastic case and overall doesn't seem like a regular "Thanks for coming" gift(I've seen some cafes in Japan do that thing). Questions like "Why?" and "Is it even a gift?" didn't get through, see the part about google trans. So I left, and never knew wtf was that.
So, some years passed and today I woke up, saw this beauty on a shelf and thought "Int is somewhat nice from time to time, maybe those guys can help solve the mystery"
Can you help?

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бaмп фo ю фeлa

Tell me if some part of the story is fucked up. It happened like four years ago, may forget something.

And obviously, excuse my poor grammar. Not used to writing extencive stories on a foreign language.

Sup is picrelated, just so you guys can be sure it's legit.


ching chong

It's a memorial coin of Guilin (桂林), famous scenic place.

Yes, I'm not retarded, thank you.
What bothers me is that girl was just nice. No sign of distinct sympathy of something. Is it usual business to run small, probably not very profitable teahouse and do this kind of gifts to any stranger that wonders in?
You're such a funny dude, I'd marry you if that was possible.

I like your writing, it flows, not smoothly, but quite well

and the symbol of 桂林 is 象鼻山 (elephant trunk hill), and that is carved on the coin.

are Russians really that cold? I mean it's kindness, not usual, but not unexpected tbqhwy

Teach me Mandarin plx

It's a memorial coin for Elephant trunk hill in Guilin.

The hill looks like an elephant putting its trunk in the water. Hence the name.

quite rare desu

how are you
good day to you

It's just... Weird. I'm not used to this kind of generousity, so it feels like something happened and I simply missed it

and on the opposite side of the coin, there are 12 Chinese zodiac,
and at the center it says 鶏 (chicken). A chick gave a chicken coin to a chickened guy!

Wo hen hao.
Ni hao ma?


Holy shit, it happened around 2005 then? I'm fucking old.

Fellow China traveller here.

It's funny, because that is exactly how I found my current chinese gf. Though it wasn't a teahouse, but a restaurant in Chengdu, I tried to talk to one of the servers there with my limited chinese. I couldn't understand what she said at all, but in the end she gave me a memorial coin of sichuan.
I left, but always wondered what this coin was about. So when I ended my trip after a couple of weeks, I went back there for the last few days and thought I would try to ask her about it. Long story short, I found her again and she said something in Chinese, which turned out to be: 'I knew you would come back.', as I learned later.
Then I fucked her in the ass while she was complimenting my huge white dick, while her Chinese bf had to watch.

I guess it happens, cherish it or something, bring it to your grave, bla bla

I had been doing business with the chinks for 7 years and I never received anything for free

>didn't even ask for samples

top kek

hao, xie xie

You need to add the leaf to the flag first.

Feelsbadman. Wanna come to Russia so I can pass this wonder to you?
Okay, so it's not any tradition you know of, and she just really liked me?

the coin was made in 2005, and maybe she had kept it for a while.
You were lucky since Guilin is infamous for rip-off.

>Staying Aware: 5 Popular Guilin Scams and How to Avoid Them

Arigato godzaimas

Oткyдa ты? Bocтoк Poccий?

Mocквa/Хaбapoвcк. Пoлoвинa oттyдa, пoлoвинa oттyдa. Poдилcя в Mocквe, живy тyт жe, ecли peчь oб этoм

>живy тyт жe, ecли peчь oб этoм
I can't translate this, care to do so?

Partly Moscow, partly Khabarovsk. Born in Moscow, currently live here aswell, if that's what you were asking for

Aхa, cпacибo.

Glad that helped. Have a nice day : ]

"Ecли peчь oб этoм"
Can you explain that?

Question "Oткyдa ты?" can be roughly translated both as "Where do you live?" and "Where are you from?", so just to be sure I said that my living place is in fact Moscow

is gift-giving just not a thing in russia?

Gift-giving to a stranger you just met - no, never seen that, except maybe for charity reasons