Why do Italians live with their parents so much?

Why do Italians live with their parents so much?


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I am a Greek in Germany and I live with my parents, too. All my Greek and Turkish friends do, too.

Because universities here are serious, not garbage, so you can't study and have a job at the same time.

>westerners think it's a matter of choice

luigi is a manchild

how bout you go clean some toilets and pay denbts you ugly fucker

in Europe we dont build houses from cardboard so they're expensive

Nice memes. You're just poor mi

I don't want to clean toilets and I look good.

Because they are poor and it isn't looked down upon

house are big

The Mammone lifestyle seems pretty sweet desu.


because our house is 400 square meters

>your family doesn't love you, no matter what you do

Family is the only thing that really matters in the end

>universities here are serious, not garbage
>not a single italian university in top50
smettila Giovanni

no gibs

We aren't complete idiots and actually get a house only when we need one.
Look at the average debt per capita and see who is the imbecile here.
My parents house is so big we used to rent a floor to some couples. I could easily live there if I got a serious gf.

So it's got nothing to do with the fact that mamma pampers and cooks for you?


That's just a bonus, certainly better than buying an entire house with debt for yourself just because banker propaganda tells you so and your family doesn't love you.

Why are you not?
>lots of free shit, so I can save my earnings
>don't have to worry about cleaning and stuff
>top tier food served on a daily basis
I'm not giving this shit away until I'm done with uni, who gives a flying shit about what the world think about me.

>yfw American parents start charging their kids rent at 16
>yfw at age 18 they are thrown out onto the street, their possessions are burned, and they are threatened with death if they ever dare to visit before they are married and earning $100k

I'm the only person who moved out of my house in my class, I don't blame anyone who didn't, if you like your city and you can go to Uni there then fine.

>mamma pampers and cooks for you?
What's wrong with it tho if you can't afford it?

In Poland the situation is completely different, 95% of Poles in their 20s are either "poor" or "desperately poor" so the only way of moving out is becoming a wageslave for the next 20 years of your miserable life only to be able to pay the monthly offering to your kike bankster God.

We're not Scandinavia with their successful social policies and dirt cheap real estate and massive subsidies.

I'm a student in the city I live and I live with my parents.
Ever If I wanted to move to the dorm I wouldn't be granted a place for the same reason - I'm a local.

>Living at home when 25+
Taking care of yourself is to hard for you guys?

>B-But I save money
Ok so that means you would be ok to live with momma for the rest of your life if you could save some money?

If you are going to be a loner loser for the rest of your life, why not, you are going to inherit the house anyway.
If instead you plan on eventually getting a gf and perhaps have a family of your own, better save while you're still single so that when the necessity presents itself you have some money to move out more easily. No need to rush out of the house and be a loner indebted loser from the start.

Why would you be a loner because you're in debt? Do you pay every $ you earn in interest or something in Italy?

Not because of the debt, because you are leaving your family for no particular reason other than social pressure. If you get a gf, good, but if you don't, then you are just alone in your fancy empty house with debt on your shoulder.

Your chance of getting a gf is most likely higher if you have your own place.

The best about this is that the nordics complaining about this on Sup Forums are probably living with their mamas but they feel good with a graph.

Anyway, who the fuck care when other people leave his house just to look good, peh. I live in some apartment near my university and it's fucking depressing but w/e

I lost my job and my place. so yeah, having a mother and father to fall back onto until I get back on my feet is nice.

To a degree sure, but I'd say that's mostly true for countries where leaving your house early is the norm and thus not doing it is seen as weird, women easily fall for this kind of social norms. Plenty of my friends have gfs and still live with their parents. People here seem to get serious around their 30s, by then, since they are working, they should have enough shekels to move out comfortably unless they just spent all of those on stupid shit.

Why would we complain about you staying at home? We're mocking the southern euros reasons to why they can't leave mommy.

Ok so it may be cultural then
Having a fall back is not the same thing as wanting to live with your parents because you're afraid of moving out. It's not like nordic parents start hating their kids after they move out lol.

my uncle left his mom's house when 29, he saved so much money that he bought his first house without loan


Why would you mock anyone for that anyway? Do you need something to feel better, are you frustrated?

>to live with your parents because you're afraid of moving out.
Yes, not wanting to pay 800+ euros monthly for a shitty 30m2 apartment is pure Peter Pan syndrome.

Because the Italian started with saying it was a well thought out move instead of admiting he wants to live with mommy because it's comfy to not have any responsibility.

kacapiaki -biedaki-ksrtoflaki

lol lets liberate Syria. Good plan smirnoff lololool

Ale ja już kupiłem mieszkanie w Wawie (Włochy, Raków) w swoje niepełnych 24 lata
Więc powtarzam - polaki-biedaki-cebulaki

Picture shows why westerners are such degenerates. Weakened family connections leads to society atomization.

was i tak muslimuni wygonią na wschód. :^)

skąd? z Warszawy?