Why do Asian girls make strange noises and faces during sex?

I thought it was all a meme, just something you found in porn, that Asian girls didn't do the strange noises and faces in real life anymore than they enjoy having heels inserted into their buttholes.

I was wrong.

I slept with this Chinese-American girl, and she did it. The weird faces. The weird noises, like she's crying, like I'm hurting her. And I'm pretty sure she wasn't doing it uncounciously either, because when she started to really get into it she would just make normal sex noises and faces. Like she was too distracted by what she was feeling to keep up her weird act.

What the fuck is up with that. Explain pls.

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Please I must understand

Maybe the sounds have something to do with asian languages.


No it's like crying and shit. You must have heard it if you ever watched Asian porn




Pls no memeing



You never had sex, stop lying.


Either lying or you got a bum one. I screwed a Japanese girl for a while, and she made the best sounds I've ever heard, they weren't screechy or stupid like in JAV, they were just the best. No one else has come close since.




I can confirm this. It's a bit strange.
I am pretty sure she doesn't watch JAV though.
It's probably some weird cultural thing.

c-can i join




Right? It is weird.

At some point I almost got soft because she was making such weird faces


Too bad we cant actually discuss it here because of too many memes.

>even aussie complaining about shitposting

>When Sup Forums becomes /trash/ with flags

pretty sure it's just an attempt to seem pure and untouched, so they act all squeamish even though they're probably sluts

>Chinese-American girl
>make strange noises like JAV
Yeah, she absolutely has a Japanese bf. It's common story here, Chinese girl who has a Japanese doing that for gain his favor.


Asian girls tend to play 'virtual blush' which gives man a feeling of raping her. in which man gets more stimulated sexually.

it's very common for Asian. As for me, white woman or other race woman, have no blush things during they're fucking, but rather fully enjoy it like beast. I fucking don't like it. girls must have kinda of a resistance to sex.

I thought everyone here was having sex with qts from around the world, maybe I misjudged this board.

>enjoy it like beast

>it's very common for Asian.
nice try virgin boy

We see through the bs Pierre

yes. This is true.


I just put my head over her shoulder. It isn't so bad.

Come on Peter don't tell me you've never had your way with a French tourist visiting Piccadilly Circus

Maybe because they read too much eromanga?

Hunger games threads here we come!
Pretty sure thats just a meme. Sup Forums does have the best memes. When they dont go overboard that is. Hate for it to end up like Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

I don't need to when Jamal is doing that in France

Wtf are you on about


Time to leave your basement

>tfw haven't had my way with a French tourist
would be optimal 2bh

It annoys me. I thought it was just a porno thing but it's true.
Sometimes I'll say "shut up the neighbors can hear" and they'll just keep on doing it.
And like you said, it's not unconscious. They're doing it deliberately.

I'm having sex with tourists and you're mumbling something about arabs to explain why you're not getting any but I'm the one who needs to get out of the basement. Okay.

Right? If I had never seen JAV before in my life I would have been so confused, I would have probably stopped and asked if I was hurting her. So strange.

Yeah right. More like watching JAV in your mother's bedroom weebcuck

Jeez someone's projecting

Come on frenchie, cut the bs and tell us the truth. Maybe we'll give you a little
More respect for being a loser

don't diss it until you've tried it

I matched with a tourist on Tinder and we had sex and she made strange noises.

Oh look at you making up shit that never happened. Maybe if you start working in the kitchen like that stupid rat, you might get somewhere

please teach me your ways, how do I find tourists on Tinder?

By actually using it you moron!

It's a girl with a profile in another language and she says "I'm in france only until monday, show me around!"

thanks guys

Sup Forums is a normie board you salty virgin

Sup Forums is not normie race traitor. People like you are the reason why Europe is descending into shit



I fuck my non-White gf multiple times every week and there's nothing you can do

>Active people who actually go out are the problem
No, you're the problem together with SJW's you loser

Which never happen of course

You really believe there are no people having sex with their gfs several times a week? Or that none of them have ever visited the 250th most visited website on the internet?


You're as bad as the SJWs.


