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>US in charge of not being cucks

I bet some of you faggots even enjoy that idea




>1 in 6 Americans Gets Food Poisoning Every Year, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Finds

I don't see a problem. Some jobs just require that sort of thing. Do you think air traffic controllers can afford to take a poopee break every hour? If they don't like it they can quit and get another job. That is the true meaning of freedom

>If they've got a shit job, why don't they just work harder so they afford buying a better job?


Air traffic controllers have 2 hours work-2 hours rest shifts.



noice. sounds like those poultry workers should become air traffic controllers

a small price to pay to be free from corrupt unions (and gommunism)!


>people never get sick during work and have to use the bathroom outside of their regular schedule

>Some jobs just require that sort of things

The only job that should require shitting and peeing in a diaper is diaper tester, if that even exists

There's toilets, it takes one minute maximum to take a piss break, five if you need to take a shit. This is not job flexibility but basic human decency

Don't get your unions bann the last true American tradition: Diapers.

Diapers the lifestyle of freedom and real man. While nowadays toiletts are for trans-people thing anyway.


Europeans will never understand. As much as I like Europe, their heads have been under the jackboot of the socialist authoritarians for too long

>There's toilets,
Toilets are for transgender people.
Modern Americans use diapers.

If you can't hold your bladder for two hours between toilet visits you oughta be classified as physically handicapped.

So beeing a women is a physicall handicap?

Sounds legit.

>tfw gf has a diaper fetish

>Having to pee on yourself because Mr. Supervisor won't take you over for two minutes so you can rush for the bathroom is okay

t. Germany

>having to pee every two hours

You shouldn't drink so much wine at work, LaPierre. Otherwise you'll make a Concorde crash again.

It's a basic right to be able to take a bathroom break if you need to go, unless there's extraordinary circumstances that force you to continue working

Even airplane pilots can go on bathroom breaks at any time, that's what the co-pilot is for. And when you're not the country that hosts Lufthansa, that doesn't cause problems or airplane crashes

Being an air control officer is an extraordinary circumstance, that's exactly why they're only working two hour shifts.

Lmao no.

And no it is not

>tfw I forget to put on baby powder and my button gets all itchy
>can't scratch because it's a hassle to remove my diaper

>not using a diaper everyday at work so you can discreetly cum in your pants without people noticing

TTIP would basically force european companies to do similar shit

Does anyone have a screen cap of the article? I don't want to give the Guardian hits.


Sounds about right, for a country so fervent about freedom the US sure does have limited employee rights compared to the rest of the developed world.

TTIP needs to be fought by all of us.

Dubs speaking the truth.

>Common sense on Sup Forums
