Sissy British boys

>sissy British boys

Other urls found in this thread:


Sauce pls?
Image search doesn't show anything

Wish I had hot bf

Looks like something by Yadokugaeru to me.

Hello :^)


You guys are fucking gay

It's just a picture of a panda :^)

Says the guy with the link


No, it's not that exact dojin
But I also think it's from Yadokugaeru

nope going 2 waste for ya.

Maybe it's not a guy?

That looks pretty gay tbf

You people are strange.

can only reasonably have one more beer :(

wow u mean if i have sex with boy it will be like hot sex with a pretty ANIME girll?!?!? wow why i not have sex with boy sooner

so you admit anime is pretty?

W-will you be gentle with me aussie-kun?

>sissy Turkish """"""""""""boys"""""""""""""""""""


They told me anime would turn me into an ultraviolent fuck, instead it turned me into a gay pedo

Boring. Better Sabaton video:

That's hot

Oh, a Russian kid? how old are you, dear? and what are you wearing?
Do you like gladiator movies?


>Do you like gladiator movies?
Yes everyone like it here

Well, yeah? does America discover joso TODAY? why the fuck are you guys always 15 years behind civilized nations?

Though, if you *are* new to this, prepare for the fapathon of your life. I kinda envy you.

>yank talks to you about freedom

is this the real thread yet?

Ah shit. Do you have a little brother?

>Yes everyone like it here

>Do you have a little brother?

I don't usually whack it to animu. So I'm ignorant to all the hot degenerate shit that goes on

Why? are you a sissy boy? do you like gladiator movies?


>this thread

>sissy British boys

I wish gays died already

Almost everyone wants to fuck little boys once they turn about 40.

Wish all moroccans would die already but you fuckers don't stop coming

too bad

I'm too cute to die tbqh

Oh, you're cute? how old are you? and do you like gladiator movies?

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with boypussy?

A large part of the Internet is. These days, I'm kinda disappointed when I grab a dojin and the girl turns out to be an actual girl.

Really disappointed that you faggots don't recognize locon's art at first sight.

You grow tired of MILFs once you're about 30, so you get into little girls. Then later, into little BOYS. Such is life.


see Apologize.

"artist: locon"


Super la censure....

That's Laurent (aka Laura) from "Turn A Gundam". This pic is a one shot but you should find plenty others of him, and quite a few dojins too.

Like this
Laura wa Ore no Yome Turn-A

>this fucking thread

"group: yadokugaeru"


you are still a faggot tho

It's just better

So, let's see what we learned today on Sup Forums:

- Japan, France, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Colombia: full gay pedo
- Russia, Morocco, UK: violently homophobic
- Austria: tolerant
- US: gets its sex education furthered in this very thread
- Australia: confused about its sexuality

Did I forget/misunderstand something?

how many boipuccies in this thread ?_??

boipussy = first world

first heard it here folks, only boipussy will keep shaira law away through dick unity

Traps are shit, cross dresser master race

but traps are crossdressers
cuteboys can be

Newfag desu.

Well I guess I worded that wrong, dudes with tits are awful

not really into transsexuals either, I guess I could date one post-op but dick + tits feels wrong.

You get desensitized from everything else over time. For me, first it was normal 3d porn, then 2d hetero, then futa and now traps.

Though Rondo Duo just came out and now it seems I'm going backwards.

Fucking faggots how do you live with yourselves?

>sissy brit boy thread
>no one posts Nathan
What the FUCK