Be European

>be European
>get bombed
>welcome refugees
>get bombed
>ban Christian imagery
>get bombed
>cover up mass sexual assault
>get bombed
>segregate swimming pools
>get bombed
>put Arabic translations everywhere
>get bombed
>elect Muslim mayor
>get bombed
>put Arabs in all your media
>get bombed
>convert to Islam
>get bombed

>be American

...your dick sucked by the rest of the world?

hit by a plane


>be american
>get shot
>be european
>get bombed
>be african
>get aids
>be asian
>get shot by government
>be south american
>get shot twice


>be American
>take a walk with shoes on
>get shot


>be american
>get shot
>erect towers
>get bombed
>walk into school
>get shot

wew lad think you need to sort your problems first before you complain about our Allahu Ackbar overlords

>be american
>take shoes off when entering house
>get shot

>be american
>have blue beer cup instead of red
>get shot

somebody is on full damage control
did he die

The white race can survive if the Americas are lost, it can't survive if the motherland is lost tho

>not packing on fat to make yourself resistant to bullets

This makes me sick.

jesus, I see the ride will never end in the UK...

>be Swedish




>Hakim Khan



this is false

Noticed too kek