Why doesn't Windows have these cool slide animations anymore?
Why doesn't Windows have these cool slide animations anymore?
Because Windows hasn't had a good UI since 2000
>not disabling all animations
2000 was the first to stop having the slide animations, actually
Animations are nice as long as they aren't slow
> disables all animations
> absolutely all animations
> desktop is frozen
> screen doesn't change
> can't get past the first login screen now
it still amazes me how well they nailed the windows 95 gui, considering every version since then has just been progressively making things worse
Evil people actually think they're doing good things.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
because everyone at microsoft who knew how to make a gui left or died
where did they go?
How aspie do you have to be to even care about something so trivial?
To be fair, I can understand removing them since switching menu items quickly is a bit disorienting with all of those slideout menus.
Watercolor was based as fuck. Shame they ditched it for Luna.
How awful, I need to wait before I can see where to move my mouse.
That looks so good. Why the fuck would they switch to what we got with XP?
You have to wait with fade animations too
it looks pretty modern by todays standards, but at the time the fashion was more about gradients and rounded edges
watercolor looked more professional than consumer, and XP was a consumer-oriented release
Both 2000 and XP had fade and slide options.
Desktop Properties > Appearance > Effects (in XP)
cool, thanks
>gradients and rounded edges
This aesthetic will be revived in my lifetime.
one particular fella who was responsible for the UX back in the 2K/XP days got sidelined into media center, then into zune, then was forced to make zune into a phone OS, and is now in some useless position
98 was Microsoft's last good work
the fuck is this
Windows 98 first logon and disk properties window
Ehh they look kind of interesting however they are more distracting then productive.
Win98 was the best UI DE.
Now its all in the cinnamon DE.
Posted from cinnamon on my linux machine.
Yes can not agree more win7 DE UI was a disaster.
Then you got win8
This is what happens when you get rid of white people and replace them with cheap poos. It's all part of the plan.
Too bad Windows 7's classic theme looks like ass
Doesn't look bad tbqh
Reduce window border size to 0 or 1
The mixture of the classic theme and the Windows 7 icons looks awful
>Win7 UI
There is your problem!
Run cinnamon like everyone else.
Daily reminder winfags can no install different DEs
Windows 10 classic is okau