Is it gay to cuddle?

Is it gay to cuddle and spoon with another man?
I heard that this is a common practice in Europe bewteen male friends, and that they all sleep on the same bed and spoon each other.

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I am Greek

Do you guys like cuddling?

only in southern europe

It's ok as long as you're 2D


>Is it gay to cuddle and spoon with another man?
In theory no, in practice yes, because 10 out of 10 times it's gays who do that crap.
>I heard that this is a common practice in Europe bewteen male friends, and that they all sleep on the same bed and spoon each other.
Only if there's only one bed. And you should definitely chant a litany of no homo's during the entire time you're in that situation, otherwise people will think you're a fag and nobody will want to be friends with you anymore.

Don't know if it works. Once we slept in a same bed with my former flatmate since he didn't have bed of his own yet.
It all ended in dick sucking and butt things.

>nobody will want to be friends with you anymore.
Why are euros so homophobic?

It's probably an Eastern Euro thing. No fun allowed is our motto. Add a dash of 'everyone must be the same' and 'how dare you be different' and a pinch of self hatred, xenophobia and voilá.
No wonder our suicide rates are so high, the best and brightest want off this ride as soon as possible. Only the morons and brutes live long enough to be pensioners.
I'd wager Western Europe things are different though.

God I hate this place.

>God I hate this place.
I'd switch places with you if I could.

For what? We're so poor, I'm pretty sure your country might be richer than ours.

Only if both are males or both are females
But there's nothing wrong with gay things, so go on

Greentext pls

naah... brazil is trash

Me and my bf cuddle all the time and we're perfectly straight:3

if you get sexual feelings while doing it

Aaaaaaw yis


Maybe. But I think you see the name Eastern-Europe and associate it with grandiose crap Western Europeans have. Make no mistake, Eastern Europe is dirt poor. My country for example? 40% of people live below the poverty line.

>First week in a new flat, close to the city center, which I shared with a friend of a friend.
>We both had separate rooms but most of his stuff, including his bed, was still at his old place and basically just had a thin mattress, a pillow and a toothbrush with him.
>We decide to celebrate the occasion and go out to have a beer or two.
>Ended up drinking shit-ton, smoking weed and clubbing 'till early hours.
>Stumbled together back to our place
>Tell him he could sleep with me in my bed (got a big double one and he was using a towel as blanket) and told him to just bring his pillow.
>Stripped ourselves just to our boxers.
>Lights out and into the bed
>Both squirming around a bit, trying to find a comfortable position
>Our legs end up tangled up and after a while he starts rubbing his foot against my leg
>neither of us says a thing but we turn our bodies towards each other
>Put my hand over his shoulder and start rubbing his back
>soon after, we started kissing
>he takes my boxers off and grabs my dick, stone hard a this point.
>he goes down on me and starts sucking it
>after awhile I tell him to take a condom from my drawer and fuck me hard
>He does that, I go on my fours
>Takes only like 15 seconds until he takes off the condom and throws his load on my back
>Afterwards cuddles & sleeping

Boy did that feel weird and awkward the morning after. We didn't really talk about that since.

This got me hard

>not cuddling with your m8s ironically

weak bantz 2bh ladz

When was this?

Couple of years ago.

How old were you, user?

We were both 22.

W-where are you going with this?

Nowhere. I'm just curious.
I like to read these stories.
Specially when finns are involved :3

Haven't really done anything like that since then, tho bottoming felt godly.

Should get back on the bat sometimes.

>tho bottoming felt godly.
I'm jelly because I never had sex :(

>Living in degenerate capital as a fag
>still a virgin
Literally how?
Im bi and average looking and finding a guy to bottom for me is the easiest thing in the world literally a few clicks away on my phone and I have a twink over my house or vice versa and I'm fucking him.
Come to Texas and I'll fuck you as long as you aren't fat and disgusting.

I have never known that to happen.

>I'll fuck you as long as you aren't fat and disgusting.
I am fat and disgusting.
Besides, it shouldn't be just about sex, you know?
I mean, I want my first time to be something I can look back to! Something special!

I hate everything you represent


>I'll fuck you as long as you aren't fat and disgusting.
Pretty low standards desu

With that attitude you'll become a wonderful wizard.

From my experience with gay people is they tend to be the biggest promiscuous sluts. I've never longed to date a man because I'm typically only into them when im horny af and need to fuck something. But man gay guys usually just love getting fucked.

I'm working out and trying to lose weight.
I still want my first time to be something special.

You've been sheltered and live in a fantasy world instead of the real one.


Have I? How come?

Im a degenerate with little to no standards when I'm horny. I've never bottomed or gave head before surprisingly enough.
Im pretty fortunate to have a qt twink fuckbuddy who's always dtf, and has a bunch of girl clothes he wears for me.

>Tfw no qt twink submissive Aussie to bottom for me.

>Went to high school in Texas
>A good amount of kids still stigmatized being gay
>The openly gay kids at the school were literal walking stereotypes
>tfw never came out, never had a boyfriend, and never had sex

You've been overfed I assume since you were a kid. That's being coddled. You think the first time will be special. It will be awkward even if it's with someone you really like. It's always awkward. You think someone amazing is waiting around for a fat (or formally fat) virgin? Completely entitled

It won't be. Get that stupid disney shit out of your head for your own good man.

First time being special is for girls because they are scared, because it hurts, because virginity is important and shit.

that shit doesn't apply to men.



Even if it is akward, it needs to be with someone I care for. Also, read this:
>I'm working out and trying to lose weight.

But I want it to feel good

Is there a problem with being bi?
Disgusting oppressive faggot.


If you're in West Texas I can be your fuck buddy. I'm strictly a top though.
I bet you'd be sprung after a night with me. I've a nice aesthetic uncut cock that 9/10 girls/guys I've been with have complimented.

This was supposed to be a thread about cuddles, not this.
Jesus Christ.

He's just being tsundere towards me because he secretly wants my big American cock in his boipussy

biscum go die in a fire

>i only have sex with guys because they're easy
>i'd only ever kiss or cuddle a girl

fucking biscum degenerates

Are you like, gay?

Can you guys stop please

Salty faggots.
Also never denied being a degenerate.
I've taken a fags virginity who claimed to hate bi people and had him begging for more later.

There's literally no point in having sex with a guy who won't at least suck your dick

>virgin gays

How to find them

Biscum master race reporting for duty.

I'm not salty.
I don't have anything agaisnt your lifestyle.
It's just that this particular thread was not made for this sort of attitude.
It's a thread about cuddles and romance.

biscum should be castrated

Spooning leads to forking, everyone knows this.

Depends on where you live and how high your standards/how shallow you are.

Hard to find, seeing as many decent homos (not walking stereotypes) don't announce themselves. Most people think I'm 100% straight. Chances are as well that the queens are the promiscuous ones. I know what means too. Not special but just to give a shit about them. I'm not a virgin but I'll only have sex with people I care about. If not my hand is just fine.

>gay people
Pick one and only one.
Gay porn with cheesy acting isn't reality.
You are going to die a virgin with those unrealistic expectations. Lose weight and you might find a bf who will love you but the sex won't be romantic like you imagine it.
Closeted Highschool senior who I met at a gym and eventually seduced. He was a total qt was the only guy I cuddled with after.

>who I met at a gym
One more reason to go to the gym
>tfw if I worked out I could easily have a nice twink body

How do you know about this?
You only seem to go after guys because they're easy to fuck.
Have you tried to find a decent partner?
Someone who would care about you?
Someone who you would feel the obligation of treating with respect and making sure they are enjoying every second?

>>tfw if I worked out I could easily have a nice twink body
Well, if I made it, you can do it as well.

Well it's common in my house. I'm gay though so it gives me a boner and we have sex.

I was talking to somebody on Reddit who claimed cuddling with her dad was normal and platonic. Anything is possible OP. Like just think of this. We pet our cats and dogs. We don't pet eachother. Monkeys touch strangers and shit to get to know them too. The most we do i shandshake. It's probably normally for some people to do it platonically.

There are "cuddle parties" out there too. Check out this.

or you're a closet fag like me. Who knows.

Even worse than biscum

You have to some social skills if you want something other than a slut.
But yeah a lot of variety at the gym from muscly bears to the occasional twink (my personal favorite).
Getting /fit/ will help a lot if you're bi/gay.
Not claiming to be an expert but I definitely know more than you the sheltered fat virgin. I've never failed to have sex with a guy that I've gone after. I guess it's possible but it won't be something easily achievable by the likes of you judging by your attitude (I've spotted you in multiple threads)

There is nothing wrong with subreddits of niche hobbies and subjects. You can actually have some discussion unlike 95% of the time here that ends with shit posting and Tumblr tier hivemind


I want to cuddle with a waitu piggu


Right. Look pal, again, I have nothing against your lifestyle, and nothing against you.
No need to be rude. I'm trying to change my attitude, and so far things are going good.
I'm just saying that you don't seem to be the guy that is actively looking for a monogamous relationship with another man, which is probably why you haven't come across any romantic homosexuals.
You wanna have tons of sex? Go ahead man. More power to you. But you don't need to degrade people who are not into that.

I have venereal disease the post


Funny enough I discovered reddit through most boards obsession with it. I probably wouldn't have known about it if it weren't for people like (You).
I've nothing against you either just giving you some tough love. This isn't a hug box and don't expect it to be. I hope you find what you're looking for though, pal.

>tfw i'll never get to experience something like this

I'm clean, I get tested every few months. :^)

Guy who mentioned weirdo incest subtheme girl here. That's how I feel about Sup Forums and Tumblr too. The smaller parts of sites are usually better. Look at us. We have Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Tumblr lets you only follow what you want so I just have all cock porn.

>I've nothing against you either just giving you some tough love
Don't you think it was a bit uncalled for, tho?

>This isn't a hug box and don't expect it to be
I know it isn't. But how about some positive reinforcement? It works sometimes.

>I hope you find what you're looking for though, pal.
Thanks, man.

>being jealous of someone who is weird and awkward the night after

Nigga live your life and find someone to give a morning blowjob and eat pancakes with.

What you think?

so you distrust the male whores you have sex with

I find it odd that you're trying to specify if the ACT ITSELF is gay, when you'd probably already have to have some form of (gay) relationship with a guy to even get to that point.

Or do you cuddle strangers?

>tfw no bf

Je peux être ton petit ami si tu veux.

I'm not a SJW but I think it might have to do with the fact that heterosexuals are for reasons irrelevant to this discussion prone to be against things they might perceive as homosexual.

So its not really about being gay but rather about the fear of being (or at least looking) gay.

Or something similar to that reasoning.

I wouldn't hug or cuddle another man because I think it would feel awkward and/or seem suggestive.

Not necessarily wrong, but definetely awkward.

whats up

age/weight/reason for virginity?

It's only gay if your balls touch

Do what you want. Who gives a shit what others think.

23/80kg/not a very social person and the gay dating scene is pretty slutty

>tfw literally every gay guy was closeted during my time at high school
>tfw never experienced teen gay romance
>tfw basically whored myself out to older guys


I was into older fit guys when I was a twink but never did anything cos I thought all gays were into muscle men and not skinny guys. Waste of youth

It's easier to ignore what other think of you when they don't bash you in the face for it. Even though it's 2016, a boy wouldn't dream of holding his bf's hand in the streets after sundown in most of EU countries (southern, mostly, including some 'hoods here in France).

Do you live in a decent-sized city?