1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Your favorite world leader

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for the memes

when was this? holland became fat again nowadays



Hollande is a wise man




w-what is that coming out of the tube


big spaghetti


Merkel is god-tier.
She cucks the entire first world and all they can do is cry and shit themselves

post his qt pure daughter please :3

fucking kek
i imagine putin literally fuming afterwards
he's the kind of man that seems very insecure about looking weak

its a shop tho


i'm sad now

we all know who really wears the pants in that relationship

delicious Slurm

Did you make that just now? nice

dont be sad

1 - Greece
2 - Merkle

benjamin netanyahu



1. Finland
2. Kanye West

only if she cared about her country as much as she cares about her wardrobe
>women in politics

One and only

Based Obama. Eh hates the jews and doesn't afraid of anything.

while there's a lot of stuff he does that I don't like, it is undeniable that Orban is charismatic as fuck desu