It's actually really good if you use binary packages for things that take long to compile

It's actually really good if you use binary packages for things that take long to compile

Might as well use binary packages for the whole system if you're doing that.


Find a distro that you can use without poettering malware but up to date packages.
Gentoo is literally unique and by far the best Linux distro if one has the computing power and the knowledge required to set it up.
USE flags alone are something completely priceless.


>poettering malware

Not really.

fuck you dmitry

Come on guy

systemd works just fine
pulseaudio works just fine as well
maybe stop being stuck in 2008 phamilia

xorg suck, I don't even use xwayland, Xorg finished, it's past.
I want to switch to velox soon.

In most cases there is no need in systemd or pulseaudio.

in most cases there's also no need to use computers at all

Try USE="-gles2", I think gles2 is ancient shit

opengl is ancient shit as well.
Whole bunch of software must switch to vulcan + wayland graphics stack.

A lot of things kind of work while still being shit (e.g. Xorg, qemu, etc)

Why use it?
Use wayland, docker. etc.

Nigger I was installing Gentoo before it was a meme on my K6-2 300 MHz in early 00s, it was kernel 2.6 if i remember right. Shit took literally a week to compile with everything, X11 included. It was pulling sources over an ISDN line too.

Not gentoo installing takes 1-3 hours on 2 core cpu.

You don't know shit namefag.

Docker is a different thing, it can't replace qemu.
XFCE does not support Wayland, Gnome requires systemd and KDE is utter shit honestly.

plain alsa just works too.

>gnome + browser in less than 300mb
what browser is that?

weston don't requires systemd, as well as some other things.


Might as well use Arch at that point.

What wayland compositor (weston) not requiring systemd has to do with XFCE not running on wayland?
I don't care what dependency wayland pulls because the only sane DE (XFCE) does not run on it anyway.

If xfce doesn't support wayland it's dead DE. Say hello to dumb developers.

You sound like a broken record.