Can you pass the US Citizenship Test?
Are you American enough to get past the first hurdle in immigrating here?

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can you pass the Hellenic Citizenship test, malaka?

yeah no

16 correct

not too bad i think, without learning for it

some of the questions are quite tricky or loaded

>Your score : 75%
>Good job! You answered 15 of 20 questions correctly.

can i america nao ?

wtf I hate the simpsons now

what a coincidence

Am I allowed to enter now?

16/20 80%

Absolutely embarrassing

I will never be a true American...

This is a test we make our 7th graders take.

This is a test designed for 12 year olds

I don't need it anyway.

we know it

why the fuck would i know what the last day is you can send in your federal tax income forms

this might come as a shock to you, but these things are not taught to kids outside the US

15. April am I right? Guessed it right if I remember correctly

>european education

We have a few thousand years of actual history to draw from, so why would we care about utterly uninteresting north american history

>w-we don't need knowledge anyway!

Most of the civic ones are the same than in Chile since we also have a presidential republic.

I got wrong voting age wrong, I responded 21 since that's the drinking age in the USA and I responded that the first 10 laws are the unalienable rights

can mongol become american?

You can only be my friend if you're this American.

I would love to see an average American taking a test on European history/politics.

15 correct, 5 wrong. I'm a bad neighbour.

>american """""""history"""""""


Bring it Kraut!

Only got one wrong because
>the constitution protects the freedoms of american citizens

alright give me one

>Being American

As if I would always have one at hand.

but english is taught to kids outside of the us and uk


I mean you have more knowledge than the library of Alexandria at your finger tips right now hans

I carry with me a pocket version of the test presented. It proves to myself and others that I am truly a patriotic American who bleeds red white and blue.

but you are american


... thanks to America.

Do it in German, took yours in English as well :)

Or if you're a lazy fuck just to what this guy said.

>European test for citizenship

>getting a 4/20

you mean outside the uk

I lived in the US for almost 5 years as a kid
The only answer I didn't get correct was the one about two rights in the Deceleration if Independence.
Life and pursuit of happiness sounded so close to being it, but I put liberty and justice. I thought Life and Pursuit of Happiness was the constitution.

We are European, actually.

>failing the easiest question


>What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

>The constitution was written.

This is some hard shit.


Instead of learning British history at a young age, I learnt Yank history so I only scraped a pass with

Fucked up a lot of questions about how your government works, but to be fair I don't know how mine does ether.
Also Labor day being American national holiday confused me because Russia also has a holiday called the Labor day.

>mfw there are people that apparently cannot answer these questions correctly

anything below a 15/20 and you're retarded, europoor/communist/terrorist or not

... That wasn't on the test I took.

I was running on only a year of German from high school that I barely remember, because google translate just made it even more confusing. The time it took me to look up all the words though. It was painful.
Do migrants in Hesse have to take this test?

It could be randomised

There are more than 20 questions you know, they pick random ones every time

you'll always be our hat, canada.

t. Pants

Feels bad man.

Is it good? D:


tfw not american enough to be an american

You disgrace us all.

but john kun how am I supposed to know how many justices your supreme court has

Is there a test I can take for the Russian Federation? My history is eh but I know how your government works (although Vladdy likes to change the rules so it can be hard to keep up.)



Dunno bru



This is going to sound insensitive, but do you guys recognize that it's sort of strange to change the rules of elections and terms as much as Russia does?

I know only russian language test for citizenship.

Yes. I dont want vote for putin desu

What is the plan to defeat him in 2018?

Too late, your vote for Putin has already been counted.

I know? Maybe sex with trump on the wall :p

Exit poll dont think so.

>Exit poll
More like
>Exit polonium

I got 60%


Exit poo in loo :-----D

I like you. May I send you a bag of potatoes?

Giv me your pass nigga.
Im 70% ubermencsh.

>What is one thing that Abraham Lincoln did?
>Saved or preserved the Union
[citation needed]


Sure. Russia St.Petersburg Vasilevsky Island 46/24.postcode 199004.

>ywn be American

deport yourself

I found one unofficial test for France but... it's in French

I'm 95% American. Feels good man.

10 correct

lol I got that one wrong

55% enough?
In american highschools you can pass years with straight F's

But how much do you actually need?

>name 2 ways Americans can participate in elections ( or something like that)
>the correct answer lists 3 ways
American education



I can own guns if im a permanent resident an married to an american right?
Dont need that shit, I already have the MOST POWERFUL passport.

no you can't pass years in American highschool with straight F's

15 out of 20

>2 years of French
I can't even find where the test is.

Why aren't you sleeping?