Null customization/control over your O.S

>null customization/control over your O.S
>spyware+addware at kernel level
>ugly as fuck

What are the pros?


Easy to use
Contains computer illiterates

I can press F for cinematic experience

It works well for me. It's a great experience.

Just works
Fast, no lag (unlike Xorg)
Thumbnails in file picker
Great file manager
Looks nice

virgin detected
>ugly as fuck
less bloated than 7
only criminals care about that

>>spyware+addware at kernel level
Not possible.
No one at MS even knows how NT works anymore.

>>null customization/control over your O.S
Only autistic people care about that, normal people just want something that works.

>>spyware+addware at kernel level
Prove it. Telemetry is not spyware.

>>ugly as fuck
Not an argument.

Not an argument.

xorg doesn't have lag


Drag a window around :)

Vidya u dumbfuck

What did he mean by this?

Macbook pro with retina display does not have this problem.

My only problem is package count.
Fucking Skype for Linux beta doesn't have screen-sharing. It's even fucking web-based.

If there were a functioning package for Skype and muh gaymes on Steam, I would switch.

Yeah no lag, I knew that already.

You're not one of those guys who tried slackware 10 years ago and bases his assumptions on that experience are you? Because it sure sounds like you are.

>Yeah no lag, I knew that already.
But that's wrong. The windows lag when moved around, like most things in Xorg. That's one of the reasons Wayland even exists.

Why do Linux users like to pretend these problems don't exist?

It's a great free operating system, but it still has flaws.

>finally uninstalled Classic Start Menu and embraced the metro windows 10 start screen because it's a hassle to configure third party programs every time i reinstall windows

enabled animations system wide aswell

>The windows lag when moved around
No they don't. Why do windows users pretend they know about linux problems? What ancient forumpost have you been reading mate?

Yes it has flaws, like anything, but lag while moving windows isn't one of them. And hasn't been in the approximately 7 years I've been using it.

compatible with software needed in most jobs

Games, best hardware support, niche apps for businesses, greatest market share outside of Sup Forums's echo chamber.

Use Windows 10 LTSB. Wow now you can enjoy working a job, playing games, and being a conceited asspie who still gets to go around letting everyone know how special snowflake and unique his OS is.

>best hardware support
>literally nothing works without downloading and installing a driver from the manufacturer's site
>meanwhile literally everything just werks on GNU
>greatest market share
>implying personal computing is the only market
Did you know that even microsoft employees go out of their ways to not use windows? They unironically rather use macs with windows vms.

You can open create .docx files which your family can open as well.

Pffffffft oh god oh god im actually dying here. No joke this is the first time someones post has given me an actual chuckle, usually its just a big grin. Imagine being as retarded as you, holy shit.

>best hardware support,

You must be joking nigger. Windows is entirely dependent on an internet connection to Microsoft to get your hardware to work.

>best hardware support
And another one who clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

What's up with winshills using 20 year old arguments?

Get Adobe Premiere CC working in Linux.

>He doesn't know the difference between hardware and software.

Kek, typical winshill.


It just werks. Linux is only good if you operate it over a terminal. Of course, OS X is the best of the 3 :^)

I admit I missed that. Hardware-wise, you are quite correct, Windows is at a disadvantage due to needing to download drivers from the manufacturer's site or from a CD. I don't think Linux has trouble automatically giving me a network connection for example.

You can actually do things without needing to curl google for help every five seconds.

Can you please explain what benefits OS X has? Windows has software. Linux has freedom. OS X has neither.

Works well, not ugly, plays games.

Honestly only idiots say it's bad.

It's nice to use. I looks good, is smooth and just works even better. I use it at work with various VMs and SSHs.
OS X is the best option for browsing, taking notes, office shit.


Linux is just a kernel, commonly used in operating systems such as GNU or Android.

>Linux has freedom
Contrary to popular belief, the Linux kernel from is not free software. It not only recommends non-free software but also actually contains it (i.e., software that does not respect your essential freedoms).

tons of software
driver support
ease of use
non-autistic gui
non-autistic configuration

You're right, it doesn't.

Honestly the only thing windows has over linux is software availability. If you need windows games or some other windows only software, linux isn't gonna help you. For literally anything else though, linux is superior. It's easier (and so much fucking quicker) to install, it's easier and quicker to update, it's faster, it's easier to use, installing new things is easier (and safer if you install from repos, which is 95% of the time the case), it's more customizable, it doesn't spy on you, better hardware support, better filesystem, it's free, better support, better community. I honestly can't think of a single thing besides software availability that windows does better.

If you provide source we probably can.

In other words, more software is available. That's literally the only argument you have. And it says absolutely nothing about windows quality, only its popularity. (and yes, those two are completely unrelated)

>Prove it. Telemetry is not spyware.
>litreally has a keylogger built in
>not spyware
lol ok

Adobe not compiling for GNU/Linux is not GNU/Linux' fault.

It can play crysis

>Telemetry is not spyware.

tons of software
driver support
>ease of use
>non-autistic gui
>non-autistic configuration

A lot of the things I 'need' a Windows install for in uni can actually be run directly through wine. The only things I have trouble with are things that require access to any of ports but a VM works for those

besides games im doing just fine with pure linux

ADMIT IT poorfags
you like Linux only because its kinda free

>ease of use
Is just wrong. Linux is objectively easier to use.

>non-autistic gui
>non-autistic configuration
These are your opinion and not worth going in to. I do disagree of course.


>spyware+addware at kernel level

Ummm, in all fairness, those are probably not implemented in the kernel.

>Made by the biggest tech company on the planet owned by the richest guy alive
>Thousands of experiences, well-paid programmers spend hundreds of hours each on making it
>HAHAHA POOJEET XD actually only 10% of the people that touch operating system code are Indian

>Made by some faggot who was butthurt about Windows costing too much at the time
>Like ten guys (most of them shitskins) that are too poor to afford a real OS fucking around on a github repository and then expect other people to use what they shit out

Hmmmm. Which one of these would I, a discerning first-worlder that has some disposable income, prefer?

>IT poorfags

every good developer/engineer is using linux or OSX with linux based tools

>No they don't. Why do windows users pretend they know about linux problems? What ancient forumpost have you been reading mate?
I think he means screen tearing.

That also doesn't happen though.

Adobe CC suite + games

>Is just wrong. Linux is objectively easier to use.
This is wrong both for complete computer illiterates and for somewhat savvy people. Unless you provide a bi fucking manual. Software center is a joke in most distros, including even leading ones like ubuntu. It either oes not work, or is slow.There was problem installing this and that. Permissions and updates get fucked up. Audio does not work properly out of the box. File managers are a mess.
Only thing that works is console. And i's not easy to use. Its completely unforiving inut mistakes. You have to 100% know what you want from it, and possibly have another computer or smartphone nearby to google for answers because xorg has died or wifi suddenly dissapeared.

>non-autistic gui
>non-autistic configuration

windows control panel is godly. Everything is laid out in intuitive way. Resolutions, keymaps, battery plans, notifications.

in linux however you may have only half of those options, simple things like tweaking UI is a separate package in gnome. How fucked up is that?
Either you are lucky enough to find a configurable file by going though that thick manual of yours,or you have to recompile your own shit. Which is crazy.

>That also doesn't happen though.
It's still happen if you use something like xfwm with Intel drivers, but not with modesettings driver.

Plus bash on windows.

because it's free to deploy on multiple devices and most they need is a text editor and compiler

>made by huge and inefficient corporation
>literally house an NSA office in their building
>make you pay for being their product
>riddled with backdoors and other vulnerabilities that microsoft intentionally leaves in

>made by techies
>no privacy invading spyware
>Is free for anybody to use, modify and distribute as they please
>when a vulnerability is found is patched in a day

Hmmmmm. Which one of these would I a sane person, prefer?

FTFY pajeet

no its because developing on unix-like platforms is much faster and easier to get working and you dont have to deal with bloated IDEs, ported compilers, and an awful window manager that isnt good for organizing workflows

didnt windows just get workspaces in win10? and you cant even change the keybinds for any of the things its WM does

All Linus's DE are shit.

Why are you americans so damn concerned about NSA? Are you afraid they will find something that makes you go to jail?

>L-linux is more secure gaise

Vault 7 disagrees.

Nah, Richard, its just Linux

idiots use DEs

all you need is a WM, literally anything is better

Rajesh, this is your manager. You'll have to do better than that or you can forget about getting paid this week.

these communists are afraid being caught for pirating media and downloading child porn

Its 2017.
You shitpost from your mobile and work from your desktop.

>This is wrong both for complete computer illiterates and for somewhat savvy people.
Nope, it's easier to use for both techies and tech illiterates like my 58 year old mother. (Source: she says so)

Software center either oes not work, or is slow. There was problem installing this and that. Permissions and updates get fucked up.
This never happened, you're either very stupid for messing up the most noob friendly thing ubuntu has, or you're a liar who makes up problems about an OS they never actually used.

>Audio does not work properly out of the box.
lolwat? Yes it does.

>File managers are a mess.
Nope, there's a shitton of them available, so not sure which one you're having trouble with, somehow I have a feeling the problem is you, not the filemanager.

>windows control panel is godly
More opinions, as I said before, not worth going into.

linux foundation comment about this is was basically like:


Not a yank, thank god. I'm not afraid of them, I know they invade our privacy. Privacy is essential for a functioning democracy, NSA are enemies of freedom.

>I haven't read the leaks.
I'm not surprised.

My camwhore and gpu drivers only work in Windows. Fuuuck

cons of windows:
not perfect

pros of windows:
less autism

>vault 7

You can check linux fixing vault 7 bugs. You will never know about windows.

And such comparisons are irrelevant. Everyone writes malware for the popular system because there are more targets. That makes windows the best choice for malware attacks - especially as most computer illiterate people use windows and thus all the easy victims are there.

>90% windows vulns and backdoors
>9% OSX and mobile vulns
>3 outdated linux vulns


>Nope, it's easier to use for both techies and tech illiterates like my 58 year old mother. (Source: she says so)
it's easy for her because you still live in her basement and help her deal with it in return for foo and shelter

>This never happened, you're either very stupid for messing up the most noob friendly thing ubuntu has

How could I mess up freshly installed 16.04 for example ? If I weren't that lazy I would go out of my way to find a link where they admit having some problems at the moment in the forums.

with solution being killing software manager task in taskview (turn off turn on again, how 2017) or apt-get in terminal because gui is for noobs


compared to market share it checks out

also member when linux mint official iso was replaced with malware?
that shit was hella funny, senpai!

No I actually installed linux for her because I moved to another country, and I knew linux would give her much less problems, saving me the fixing trips. Nice projection though.

>How could I mess up freshly installed 16.04 for example?
Only you could answer that lad.

>also member when linux mint official iso was replaced with malware?
I do, member how that has absolutely nothing to to with linux itself? Try harder child.

i gave my mother a shitty $300 netbook years ago with xubuntu installed and the only maintenance ive done is upgrade to latest LTS when i visited once and noticed she was running an old version and it still works flawlessly

and shes dumb as bricks she literally thinks evolution isnt real


>saving me the fixing trips
>fixing trips
Mang it's 2017 out there. Ever heard about vnc or shit?

you are a bad son

im a bad son for giving her an OS that fulfills her needs and doesnt break or have a chance of catching dumb mulware from bad browsing habits?

just admit youre fucking incompetent lmao, its alright we all had to start somewhere

it's not linux
i would change my os but there is nothing that i could use as a good windows alternative, linux likes to fuck shit up at random and i've had really bad experiences working on osx

You don't know my mom, trust me it's easier to come over and fox things than doing it remotely. Anyway, since I installed linux all has been good, literally 0 problems. She even managed to install something from the software center all by herself.

linux does not fuck shit up without user intervention, and all major distributions are pretty much idiot proof

unlike windows where you can literally lose progress through forced restarts while youre away from your pc

>linux likes to fuck shit up at random
No. Linux is famous for not doing that. The only way to fuck up linux is by doing it yourself.

what are dependencies?

s o f t w a r e s u p p o r t b o y
Literally the only reason why I use it
Isn't that after all the core principle of using a computer in the first place?

>doing it yourself
well you're right but who doesn't want to install firefox on his pc?
a couple years ago i had opensuse and i installed firefox on it, i don't even know what happened but a day after every single program that i installed was gone, it looked like installing firefox totally destroyed the package manager for no good reason
i had many other problems with linux too like screen tearing/flickering, no audio, huge lags, no drivers for my wifi, no drivers for my fingerprint scanner, random black screens for a couple seconds, something not working for no reason at all, some programs having no gui even if the windows version had one

and yes i've tried multiple gpu drivers, open source and closed source ones, nothing helped

GNU is just userland software, commonly used in operating systems such as Linux.

>who doesn't want to install firefox on his pc?
Firefox comes preinstalled in most distros, including openSUSE, in other words, you're full of shit. You're making up problems that you never had about an OS you never tried. GG pajeet, keep it up and you'll get a promotion soon.

actually very great os for a Live USB.


Did you miss the news? The CIA can comprimise literally any machine connected to the internet. EVERYTHING is a botnet. The war is already over. You lost. No point is using a placebo security timesink OS.