just tried to create a twitter account, twitter instantly found everyone i know.

just installated fresh arch yesterday
pc had no cookies
i haven't even logged in to facebook
created a new mail for this account only, asked for my number and confirmed

twitter literally found my classmates(including ppl i don't have their numbers), girl i have been speaking with 5 years ago, my neighbor's son(btw i'm not even home anymore)
and location settings was OFF

and twitter did found everything because of my phone number? are you kidding me? how is this even possible!???? probably also suggested them to follow me as well, even though they didn't know who i was because of my fake account. hopefully twitter didn't confirm them with my phone number.

i don't know what do you think but this shit is scary as fuck. if you don't believe me, just take a new email and create a new account. hell, if you are lucky me you might even find people who lost contact years ago

were you logged into an account on firefox or chrome for syncing? probably got contacts from that

also no...

even if i did, how i can prevent this happening again?

deleting cookies is enough? or bomb cia headquarters?

desu I don't really believe you
>fresh OS install
>first thing you did is create new email
>second thing you did was create twitter with that email
it doesn't line up. Did you have twitter installed on your phone?

Maybe the CIA just wanted to help. I mean, they're getting a pretty bad rap right now, is it so hard to believe they would be so generous as to help a facebook person move some data? Shit can be a pain in the ass, you know.

>not using a temp phone number from an app or website
there's your mistake
you go out of your way to anonymize your account and then use your own number? ya dun goofed

>having friends

At r9k, we warned you. Normie.

Yes it's all from your phone number

Get a separate number for this shit and it won't happen

i got nothing on my phone, only kik and whatsapp.

i think it actually makes sense now because i actually used whatsapp web, but it's still not clear that people who i don't have contact with also suggested to me. and those people don't know each other, i don't know at this point how can they collect this much of data, they must using some sort of cross collecting data from all sources possible

just try it, you gonna believe me

twitter is not sending codes anymore they calling you from UK.

i've used 3 different temp numbers when unlocking my shitposting account
never had an issue other than getting blocked for calling out the jew

what app

to add, they leave a vm with the code ;^)

textnow, but there are dozens
you can even get international numbers if that's your thing

Because your friends imported their contacts and you were on the list.

Might want to chill down their buddaroo.


guess i will have to create another email now and start over considering it's all fucked up now.

>getting a pretty bad rap right now,
they are just literally doing their jobs

this makes the most amount of sense actually
they set up an identity for your phone number back and were just waiting for you to sign up with it

>or bomb cia headquarters?

That would be a noble think to do but I'm afraid destroying that data won't be as easy as blowing up one location.


this, chill the fuck out OP

>he has a facebook account
>he has a twitter account
kys please.
If you're dumb enough to give your phone number and your real name on the internet don't expect any kind of privacy.
>i don't know what do you think but this shit is scary as fuck
We warned you years ago, what do you think Stallman is fighting against?

Fucking this.

>I've been giving away all my info to verious companies for years
>OMFG how do they know things about me??

Consider suicide.

Top kek. Sad but true.

>wah wah please use my shitty site look how it can find your friends!

>you are now on a CIA watchlist