>admin of this site creates zeronet one
>one peer will be current servers
>other peers are users
>bandwidth costs down
>more saving money
why is this a bad idea?
Yes zeronet is 100% opensource
moreinfo : docs.google.com
Referring to all community sites obiviously, not limited to this one
Oh and it is only 7mb, test it out yourself. I think this is future
Zeronet version of site such as this one
Other urls found in this thread:
*future for community driven sites
TL;DR : Its like torrenting, but a website. Users will not only leeach but also seed.
every couple months I see this shit pop up
I do hope this thing becomes used user/shill
good luck to you
>pirating websites
CIA will take this down because muh pedos
Actually there are forums. And it works great. (5 posts per day? Not bad.
Its to help the site owner + no central point of attack and sheet. Also no need to depend on that centralized DNS.
How? It exists at this very moment, there are forums (slow but it works).
Just try it user, its 7mb, completely open source.
How can I shill for a open source decentralized project haha.
I'll admit, I'm am a huge fan of decentralization (OpenBazaar etc. )
*slow as in number of posters, speed is pretty gud
If it's not in my distro's repositories it can fuck off.
wget github.com
tar xvpfz ZeroBundle-linux64.tar.gz
cd ZeroBundle
How hard was that?
How hard is it to make a package?
Fuck off.
IPFS is for file storage. Both zeronet and IPFS can (and will? ) coexist.
Is this some chinese marketing scheme?
I'm not very versed in how the internet works, how can sites still be visited if you're not connected to a network?
someone sum up the reasons from last time why it's shit
Mate, try it out , unless you are in India or something why would you worry about a 7mb download.
This is your chance to become a package maintainer
If it is shit, how am I using it right now?
Read OP linked doc, this is not replacement of network or something
You may check source code on github.
>If it is shit, how am I using it right now?
shit doesn't imply apparent dysfunction
Here's a better idea. Fuck off.
The devs can be package maintainers for their own fucking software or fuck off.
>The devs can be package maintainers for their own fucking software
Uhm, how can the devs know what distro are you using?
There are simple tools you can use to basically create packages for all distros you cunt. Fuck off.
haha, name one. (I already know about Appimage, flatpak and snappy)
Alright then. How do I become some stupid package maintainer then? Fuck off.
>How do I become some stupid package maintainer then?
Ask your distro's forum
Nah m8 fuck off.
>not git clone
i don't think you understand how zeronet works
What was wrong
TorManager Tor controller connect error: IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
>literally just did 'sudo usermod -a -G tor username' after confirming the file is owned by 'tor'
Just werks.
Cancer. You cant complain about floss shit if you dont contribute yourself
So you want me to spend my time by posting on my distro's forum on how to package this software which I barely know anything about and to maintain it because otherwise I'm like the women's studies majors who complain about women in STEM?
Fuck off, I can complain about anything. There's no criteria for criticism other than the merit of the argument of that criticism.
Wouldn't you be able to remove illegal shit yourself? As in not be a distributer? Or is it all encrypted to the host? Even so, I like the idea. I'd rather have pedos, drugs, etc., plus freedom than constant spying and internet oppression. One bad thing is it'll probably eat through bandwidth and grow uncontrollably over time. Unless you can only "seed" a limited number of sites/resources (to not have over 100GB of data sitting on your drive, growing exponentially), which just brings me to the first question I asked.