Last security update: march 2016

>last security update: march 2016

Why would any sane person use Android on a non-google recent device?

cause i'm a drumpf suporter

I use weekly-updated American-spy-free xiaomi

>letting NSA/CIA to update your botnet device

So what if my phone gets hacked? I have nothing to hide.

Why are you on a technology board if you don't know what custom ROMs are?

Than post your shit here.

>trusting some buggy ROM made by some neckbeards in their parent's basement

my 100 dollar acer still gets updates

whats your social security information?
Would you mind posting a picture of your self and wiener also what are your preferences towards LGBTBBQ people?
Whats your bank account info?
Can you install teamviewer so that I may check all this info?

Do you want my Samsung Smart television serial #?

Still beats running bloated stock ROMs that stop getting updates after 6 months, and official LineageOS is everything you need, you don't need to go on XDA to find superhyperperformancekernels made by some Pajeet

I don't understand. Do they have access to everything, or they are going to access to it if they have a "reason"?
Also, how does it work?

>tfw compiling lineageos nightlies with latest security patches
>tfw samsung galaxy s5

Feels god to be on the good side

I have nothing to hide from my friends Google and CIA.

>had a security patch yesterday
>blackphone 2 gets private patches

yes and proof it's yours

because we aren't retarded like you, why'd you ask?
>trusting closed source, eating more than half of your ram, stock rom which has planned obselence instead of open-source lightweight alternative

OTA updates exist you know.

>tfw oneplus + lineage

>mfw not the only poster from kebabland

LineageROM, proudly developed by Pajeet and Rajesh
Working: screen, calls
Not working: data, text messaging, camera, GPS, sound
Bugs: battery only lasts 15 minutes. Phone randomly shuts down. Any other bugs - you tell me ;)

>making shit up because it's actually allright