Order by evil, or rate from 1 to 10 evilness

Order by evil, or rate from 1 to 10 evilness

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10. Google
9. Facebook
8. Microsoft
7. Amazon
6. Apple
5. Pharmaceuticals
Google are seriously evil, I've had experience working with people from over there and they're clueless.

A service that sells things for comparable prices, [puts local businesses out of business though] 6
A company that upmarkets their goods and targets easily influenced with almost retarded language/ marketing buzzwords 4
A [free] website that has shaped everyday/ socialism within society around the entire world, provides intensives for bettering humanity, leeches on information 3
A [free] web service that has defined the very method of obtaining information as a species on earth, however, capitalises on private information 3
A company that sells computers/ operating systems, literally shaped the home-based computer experience for humanity, leeches on private information 3
Saved billions of lives while at the same time making billions, Yes the 'big pharma' [man I fucking hate this term fat-Americans use] operates on capitalism but their purpose is to better humanity, they are chemists and the end of the day, 2

Amazon == Google == Facebook > Microsoft > Apple > Pharma

This is pretty spot on


correct order:


FB is the most scummy with your data, MS pre windows 8.1 was relatively okay Imo but they've nearly reached Google levels of data mining.

Pharma, while scummy, are within the law (I think) but still doesnt mean there not evil. Amazon and Apple just wanna sell you shit for the most part or their level of tracking is nowhere near the previously mentioned.

This thread triggers me so much

t. bernout

>Google are seriously evil, I've had experience working with people from over there and they're clueless.
ridiculous, google only employs top experts like christopher poole


>muh pharma is EVIL mommy
You realize we wouldn't have cures to diseases AT ALL if there weren't profit incentives for pharmaceutical companies to operate?
Who would pay the chemists and doctors and pharmacists otherwise? There is your answer. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the best things that happened to this planet.

Pharmaceuticals are evil because mental disorders aren't real, it's how the big pharma companies want to own and enslave us.

They already have the cure for cancer, but won't share it for profit just like how they give kids autism through vaccinations.

None are evil you common scum

>Who would pay the chemists and doctors and pharmacists otherwise? There is your answer. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the best things that happened to this planet.
You could say the same thing about software and computing, my super autismo friend.

Software and computing in general is great, and has changed the world, yet somehow you think all the big software giants are evil? (Of course they are, but I am illustrating how your logic is shit. A good invention in the past does not negate terrible acts in the present.)

Also all the retards on this board who think software companies are super evil yet pharma is only moderately scummy. lol

Vaccinations cause autism

I thought Sup Forums liked autism though.

Tier 1 Pit of Hellfire
Fb, Goog

Tier 2 Singy Tip Pitchforks

Tier 3 Boss Always Yelling at You Hell

Tier 4 Slightly Incompetent and Annoying

Tier 5 Base Evil for Large Corporations

This is bait, but I feel a lot of the anti vaccination and anti pharmaceutical movement is false flags and controlled opposition to make anyone who questions pharmacy companies look retarded.

What "terrible" acts do they do in the "present"?

They sell medicine to cure diseases. It's literally all they do. And they use it to develop new medicine for new diseases. They're one of the least evil things I can think of.

>shatters of former KGB
>organ harvesting in china
>child traffiking

Tsek 'em/

The centerpoint of their evil revolves around faking tests to make it look like their new medicines perform better than their old, out of patent ones.

The entire industry is based on patenting and exploiting a medicine as FAST AS POSSIBLE BEFORE ANYONE ELSE CAN, so they push lame medicines through, faking the lack of side effects, faking effectiveness and throwing it onto the market to make some money.
A cure for cancer would be patented on day 0 of it being discovered and sold as soon as quickly to prevent anyone else selling it first.

>A cure for cancer would be patented on day 0 of it being discovered and sold as soon as quickly to prevent anyone else selling it first.
What's bad about that? They went through the effort of discovering it so they should be rewarded for helping people, not punished

Is everyone on this board a fucking socialist?

Trophy employee. I doubt he gets paid enough to even enjoy himself in the city.

What is evil about Amazon, as a retail store it's great especially with prime, I use a fake student account so only pay half price.

I only use it for next day shipping and twitch subscription.

But it also has Amazon music, Amazon Video and some other stuff.

Great discounts for prime users too.

Is there something I'm missing, I mean I know they don't pay the correct tax, but I feel they make up for it with their pricing and customer service.

Amazon has gotten worse over the last years. They always had reliable delivery and good prices but since a year they don't ship with DHL in my country (Germany) anymore, they made their own (extremely terrible) logistics company.
DHL had a fixed window when the driver would come, he was always nice, you could have packages delivered to the store if you weren't home etc.

Now Amazon Logistics comes "between 9-6", has drivers barely speaking German using extremely beaten down civilian rental cars, they don't let you sign the delivery and sometimes will just throw it on your front porch. Also no way to deliver to a store or anything if you're not home. Oh and good luck waiting for your package at home because they're actually using the "9-6" window. Had packages arrive at 9AM, 12PM, even 9PM.

From most evil to least,

amazon 6
apple 8
facebook 10
google 4
microsoft 9

facebook AND google
Microsoft AND apple

This. At least 50% of people on mental health and pain medication should not be on anything at all.


I don't think there's even a plan. It's just that enslavement is what happens with unregulated capitalism. How you regulate it gets evil too. I agree there's no mental disorders as diseases in and of themselves. They are symptoms of things going wrong with disgestion and hormones and parasites etc. etc.

Sounds like you were spoiled and now have the average. Poor you no packages at the store :(


>mental disorders aren't real
Care to explain?

Mental disorders are a Jewish trick


(10) Facebook > (9) Google > (8) Microsoft > (7) Pharma > (6) Amazon > (2) Apple

>people thinking pharmas are evil
The alternative to people getting rich off of pharmaceuticals is there not being any pharmaceuticals at all.

Yeah, it's perfectly natural to hear voices telling you to shoot a place up or burn a building to the ground.

Everything we experience is natural as beings of nature

Nigger are you sane? Sure a reward is great and they would undoubtedly get rewarded but not giving it until they know they will be rewarded is pure malice. I mean seriously
>not wanting to save humanity from one of the worst slow death ailments ever

I averaged together some of the answers and put them in order

Facebook 9 9 10 10 10 10 7 10 5 10
avg 9

Microsoft 9 8 9 10 9 9 10 9 5 8
avg 8.6

Google 10 10 10 10 9 10 6 4 5 9
avg 8.3

Pharma 10 5 7 9 8 10 8 0 5 7
avg 6.9

Apple 6 6 8 10 7 8 9 8 1 2
avg 6.5

Amazon 5 7 10 10 7 7 5 6 1 6
avg 6.4

Google = Facebook > Amazon > Microsoft > Apple > Pharmaceuticals

>solely islam
>not organized religion as a whole

saying pharma is evil is not against vaccines or polio .... its about pills to fix everything, and the drug prescription culture


Is Apple really evil in any way? The worst thing you can say about them is they sell overpriced hardware. That's not worse than selling overprice prescriptions to people with life-threatening illnesses.

die in a fire

drug companies are literally worse than hitler

It's too easy to get drugs and addictions form.

That's suprisingly accurate.

It's the US healthcare system, the rest of the world doesn't pay for pills their weight in gold. You also pay 30$ for a bandaid in a hospital but it doesn't make bandaid manufacturers evil.

Yeah they spend a ton more on marketing than research, but since no government feels like picking up the tab for the world's pharmaceutical research this is the way it is. If you think innovation is possible without capitalism just look at glorious places like Russia, pre-1980 China and North Korea.

Let's see.
>Amazon sells a product that listens to your every word
>Apple sells a product that listens to your every word
>Facebook builds an internal profile for every human being they can even if they don't use facebook...And listen to your every word for advertisement purposes
>Google does all of the above, plus uses the world's most popular browser to spy on people for that little extra flavor
>Microsoft wants to be one of the big boys and get their share of the CIA's cummies, but all you have to do to avoid it is just not use their shitty OS
>Pharmaceuticals do none of the above

To be fair I did make some assumptions, if they didn't have numbers I had to assume the highest one was a 10 which may have caused the results to be a bit high.


you are an idiot. they literally kill people. they know what kills you, they promote that to make you sick and then they sell drugs for that.

jesus fucking christ another drug corprorations shill in here, unless it's the same guy. jesus fuck. if you're not a shill you're an imbecile.

drug companies literally kill people. they go into hospitals paying for promotions that know make people sick. then they sell drugs to "help".

they literally the devil.

Could you please kill yourself?

Shill please leave.

>The pharmaceutical industry is one of the best things that happened to this planet.
You should do some research on IG Farben.

pharma is top evil
they are the true devil on earth

Hi Amazon

11, literally a data mining/ad company, their business gives no profit whatsoever aside from the data mining (see YouTube), and has hands on way too many services/softwares (almost every page has Google Analytics, also Android, Chrome etc).

I don't have it where I live, but I think 4?

7, seems to care about encryption and shit but has unlocked phones for the feds. Still better than Google.

9, same as Google except not as deeply involved with all the Web.

7 or 8, can't rate it as high than Facebook, neither as low as Apple, their OS has telemetry but no ones knows to which extent the data mining goes, also has only one big product on a decadent platform. Used to be worse.

Where I live big Pharma isn't as strong, so I don't know.

I disagree. Amazon is flat out selling things. They collect data to sell things. They advertise shit from their web site. They don't sell user data, they buy it. To sell things. From their web site. I put them as the least evil. A solid 5.

Every time something is cured in lab mice some idiots makes an announcement not realizing the treatment is not human compatible. If you're a lab mouse and you have AIDS, cancer, heart disease, impotence, or even thinning hair, a shot will cure you. That's because all the testing is done on lab mice. Human testing is forbidden until much much later.

They turned kickasstorrents owner to the police along with Facebook.

Poor American. They are being cucked by US's pharmaceutical conglomerate for high price medicine.

World's pharmaceutical companies worked for benefit of people but US pharmaceutical companies worked for profit.

Why would people consider apple and amazon evil? Sure apple sells shitty overpriced computers and amazon does... what? but they are not data whores like google and microsoft

Mah nigga!
Also how do you feel about the fact you need to help google bot learn how to read peoples addresses in the captchas we solve just to post

How is Amazon bad again?

google > facebook > microsoft > apple > amazon

I don't know anything about pharma.

Navigating on a Google-free Internet is borderline impossible, really. The captcha bot is one of the least worrying things about them.

8/10, sells your non-personal data to advertisers.
10/10, not only is it overly priced for the hardware, but they reserve the right to sell non-personal AND personal data.
>MS pre Win8
7/10, doesn't sell data but charges heavily for software
>MS post Win7
9/10, sells non personal data and charges heavily for software
Just... No.
6/10, gathers your info and purchases to better push product to you
Medicine scalpers due to antitrust and restrictions. See: Epi-Pens

Fallen angel, 4.
Jewish, 6.
Shekelmaster, 10.
Profit seeking, 3.
Turbojew 11+n.
In US? 10, outside US? 6-8.

10. Google
9. Facebook
8. Microsoft
7. Amazon
6. Pharmaceuticals
5. Apple

Microsoft has the longest body of work but Google & Facebook seem to have a global and demographic reach that not even Windows BotNet Edition can dream of.

almost all of you need to switch your amazon & pharma.. pharmaceuticals fucking run half the government corruption as well

7 - hey at least they're new to the botnet game
4 - Relatively not scummy, just annoyingly smug. Will push the envelope on user data privacy and wave their dick at some law enforcement.
10+ - Alpha evil.
9 - holy shit....but they do on occasion have nice token sentiment.
9 -
10 - The longest body of work, and will literally kill you for profit.


See: Self publishing, publishers, ebooks, taxes, selling fake products

those are just issues with individual sellers, that's like calling facebook evil because of the people on it.

10+ - the whole med industry is honestly the greatest things (((they))) created

the spying shit sucks and is far over reaching but i mean it could be worse. plus i don't care too much that zuck knows i look at autistic shit all day and advertises me more autistic shit to look at.

6 -> 10

They're latent evil... they seem nice, but beware. excessive data grabbing, but it's all there for them so. they say they're doing it for good.

i don't have a huge problem with them, probably rate them under facebook for evil tier

2 - Not evil, just retarded

Dev side: 3 - they used to jew you in to their expensive ecosystem. now they're desperate for you to use any part of their system. (please use .net,please, we'll fucking put it on lunix for you)

Consumer side: 8 - the botnet of windows 10 sucks.

>current year
>defending pharma
the ritalin really does wonders


>rating Google more ebil than fb
Explain yourselves

>You realize we wouldn't have cures to diseases AT ALL if there weren't profit incentives for pharmaceutical companies to operate?
Actually a lot of the needed research is done in universities, which are often publicly funded.

Pharma develops ready products and markets them, that is true, but they don't do nearly all the needed work and they profit from research funded by the public. Whether we'd have better cures or worse ones in a different kind of world economy could be argued, but the amount of cures would be nowhere near 0.

8. Big company, bad practices. Could lower the score by cutting down on DRM in their digital products and providing their workers with better work conditions.
7,5. Big company, bad practices, but gets -0,5 for providing at least some competition for Windows in the desktop OS market (even if neither OS is good for us, minimal diversity is better than no diversity).
9. Too big and does some outright creepy shit, also far too common and thus hard to avoid using. Could lower the score with more openness.
8,5. They're not currently doing as much evil as some others but too much power, no matter what they do, they should be less powerful.
8,5. They're very bad, software too proprietary and too common and they have a history of proper bullshit practices. Could lower the score by being more friendly to alternative OS:s and applications.
I'm not too familiar with specific companies but their worst shit is so unacceptably bad that I'll just give a 10.

actually screw this, they're all a 10