>70% of computer usage is on the internet

educate yourself on the best browsers please

Other urls found in this thread:


This is now /wbg/ web browser general

Anyone else using test pilot on firefox? I am loving this tab center shit

>Firefox and pale moon are excellent tier

Good meme my friend

How good is Aurora for Android?

Why is Waterfox below Firefox?

Same shit, except being 64 bit with automatic stable updates.

Where is Slimjet?

i dont get why opera has so little market share seeing as its a really decent browser and is imo better than chrome.

Botnet placebo



wtf is this

How do I update extensions on iridium?

Need a quick rundown on this as well.

Is there any good webkit based browser for Linux

UnGoogled chromium, you retards.

isn't it available on linux by default?

I don't get it.Why are Irdium and unchromium so high but Opera,Vivaldi and Brave so low despite all of them being the same shit?

Your chart is outdated.

Currently using Firefox and Brave for android, Firefox eats battery like nothing when modded (Ublock Origin, HTTPS anywhere,etc) so I use Brave when I'm out and it has a fairly decent adblocker built-in.

What are you people using?

If you meant gnome web,its shit
Other ones I know(Qupzilla,Midori) uses older outdated versions of webkit from what I know.

Googling unchromium and ungoogled chromium leads me to two different projects, you fucking retard.

Give me the basic gestalt on ungoogled chromium vs unchromium vs iridium

Iridium gives me untrusted site warning on almost every site, how do I fix this?

it's just Linux

>wants chromium without google botnet
>uses google botnet search engine
top kek

what about yandex

Most of the useful addons for firefox mobile are broken any way.There's no point in using it anymore.
I just use the default chromium clone that now bundles with lIneage OS.
Only thing missing is javascript whitelist like in Chrome.

Move to a different browser or find a way to downgrade. I'm totally serious, that shit will be broken until they get new builds out which they really seem to be dragging their heels on. I had to move to Chromium on my Windows machine because of it, fucking unusable.

I want to leave NSA and CIA,not to be cucked by KGB

Manually. Part of their de-botnetting is disconnecting from the webstore auto update service.

I think except for Chromium,Firefox and Webkit everything else is Placebo tier

>opera in god tier
hell yes

At this point I'm wondering if I should just go full on normie-mode and use Chrome for Android since the CIA/NSA already has back doors built in to fucking everything.

I.. just.. don't know anymore..

Do you mean reinstall them? But then I would lose my settings.

Does Waterford keep extensions up to date?

>current year
>not using Chrome canary
It's like you want to be slow.

I think I'm pretty normie and I use Firefox for everything, in every PC and phone.

what about bing browser?

Depending on how you do it, you don't have to. For me, with UBO and umatrix I can pack the extensions myself and do a seamless update that way, same with downloading the no update versions of 4chanX from their github. Others you may not be so lucky.

holy shit nvm i just realized bing is not a browser

>opera is botnet
>firecuck isn't

why is firefox in excellent tier?

>not Beyond God tier option
It's official. Sup Forums is a cuck infested board.

Firefox users, is anyone else connecting to "detectportal.firefox.com" when the browser starts up after the 52 update? Does anyone know why?

You can customize it however you want

sorry you had to use another browser just to post that

Why is buggy and unstable Nightly higher than Firefox?

Why is the Safari Technology Preview so much better than Safari?

The author thinks that cutting edge is better than stable for some reason.

>Tree Style Tabs is broken in Nightly
>The sideways tab experiment is broken in nightly as well



OP confirmed retarded

I'll just go on using Chropera until Vivaldi actually becomes fast

Why chrome when opera and firefox are simply better on mobile devices?

Because im really a CIA shill trying to reverse psychology people into using chrome heh heh heh.

Nah, it's just the first popular browser that came to my head, I'll probably end up sticking with FF.

>none of these have firefox beta

Nightly is better.

nnot him but nightly is buggy, I cant use it with my 380

How's UnChromium compared to nosync-chromium?


Why I'm not surprised

Stop putting midori in shit tier

>the adblocker plugins are shit though so I agree

Whats a good browser for openbsd? Linux is CIA nigger b8 now

Anyone used UC browser?


Why would it matter which GPU you're using? I'm using 360 and it runs flawlessly, just like the normal Firefox.

If you're not using cVim on chromium-based browsers (ideally iridium) or vimperator/pterodactl on ffox (ideally Pale Moon), you might as well be using mobile. Mouse browsing is casual pleb cancer.

Qutebrowser. If you're not running -current you'll need to port or wait for 6.1. For more traditional browser, Dillo is the way to go.

Xombrero was very promising - lightweight full featured ffox replacement with full vimlike functionality - but the project was failing and got removed from OBSD last month.

>Why is this different than Vimium, ViChrome, or Vrome?
>These extensions do a wonderful job of adding Vim-like keybindings to Google Chrome, but they lack many of the features that Firefox Addon, Pentadactyl, have.
>proceeds to list 9 features, 8 of which vimium has
so for real why should i bother with cvim over vimium

>Thinking a shit fork of Konqueror's engine is good
Atleast put Konqueror above WebKit.


How good is opera at running hundreds of tabs?

Never used it, don't use a chromium browser. It doesn't matter, point is: in a discussion on browsers, if there's no vim-like functionality, it's grandma baby tier. OP's list is catered to windows users and script kiddie ubuntufags

>tfw vimperator is going to be wrecked once firefox finishes transitioning away from XUL extensions

>Excellent tier
> Firefox

Pick one.

>No qutebrowser --backend webengine

Pick two.

Firefox is easily the best browser there is, literally the only problems with it are it crashes if you visit bad websites and they keep trying to make it look like fucking Chrome for some reason.

It's not even 32-bit anymore

Firefox is bloated SJW-infected garbage. If you have to use it, at least use Pale Moon.

Here's a better question

Which browser offers the best aesthetics

Rate the various browsers by aesthetics alone (stock)

>not browsing in fullscreen mode

>Not using browser with keyboard controls and no gui

>70% of computer usage is on the internet
that's nice, but how much internet bandwidth is www?

Disregard botnet. What browser is currently snappiest and overall fastest? Opera?

yes opera

it just tries to slip in links to amazon and shit into your speed dial like twice a year when you aren't paying attention

other than that is based af and even has a built in VPN

What's wrong with it?
If the answer includes M-MUH SJW anywhere then you are retarded and your opinion is irrelevant.

Yep. It's the fastest mobile browser too.

>even has a built in VPN

It has what now?


Thanks. I'm using Firefox now but it s

What about Opera Developer?

Opera is owned by Chinese

(owned by the Chinese Companies Kunlun e Qihoo 360)

Opera is a botnet working for China's secret agency.

>what about Yandex
>I want to leave NSA and CIA,not to be cucked by KGB

KGB owns Yandex, China Government owns Opera

>using unstable software for web browsing
Enjoy your viruses.

Unstable != Insecure/Malware-prone

If you knew how software development worked, you would know this. It's not like someone is writing exploits for the latest git commit that fixes issue #666666

>using a firecucks based browser


get out you fucking spic

firefox nightly is for developers RETARDS, its bugged as fuck compared to the released versions

Why I should leave? I'm just telling the facts.

The most decent 2 options for Browser:
SJW Firecuck or Ungoogled Chromium.

But none of the existing browsers are safe.

Vault 7 exposed the fact that CIA can hack (cuck) y'all no matter the browser you use.

>Nightly and developed version are bugged as fuck.
True. Firefox Beta > > Buggy Nightly or Normie Stable

Because your """facts"""" are typical Sup Forumstardism.


Opera hasn't been bought, the deal failed, macaco.

However accordingly to this thread:
>>Sup Forumsthread/59305906
Comodo is safe. Pain in the Ass for CIA to Hack.

I used it before. I thought It was just an Placebo. Wikileaks revealed just about 1% of Vault 7.
I hope Wikileaks reveals the remaining information.

1st. You are lying.

On 4 November 2016 Golden Brick Capital (Chinese Qihoo included) completed the acquisition of Opera

Source: newsweb.no/newsweb/search.do?messageId=412755

Even if the deal failed, Globalist European would keep control anyway.

And Opera is just a skin for the Google's Botnet.

Every human is just a glorified monkey, including even Jesus Christ.


>Every human is just a glorified monkey, including even Jesus Christ.
nice fedora

Where is Inox you cum guzzling winblangs retard?

Opera and Chromium.

What tier is Cyberfox and surf(suckless webkit)?

This, but it leaks way to much ram for me, have you find a way to fix this or are you not affected by this?

Sorry, I only browse real news websites like CNN and Huffington Post.