T-Mobile $30 plan

>T-Mobile $30 plan
>no better deal for poorfag burgers
Prove me wrong

>India BSNL $15
>Unlimited internet for a month(3g)

>Non burger posting about his 3g plan


>pay unlimited internet for home wifi
>also pay unlimited internet for mobile data
what is this

Wtf is unlimited Internet for home wifi? Is this a real thing? There is no cap on home internet data usage you cuck

Some ISPs in the states have Data Caps on Bandwidth for Broadband.

It's typically only the 'big' ones though such as Comcast, AT&T, etc. I'm using Spectrum (formerly Bright House) and it's unlimited.

why do you pay for unlimited data bandwidth, do you really need to torrent on the road faggot

fucking imbecile


In October, cuckcast secretly rolled out 1tb caps in EVERY area, be it big cities or rural shitholes. But they aren't even the worst. CenturyLink for example offers worse speeds and a 250gb cap for similar prices.

Welcome to America

I'm using Project Fi from the botnet. Works fine with my Nexus 6P running Lineage OS. $20 a month for unlimited calls and text, and I don't use cellular data unless I absolutely have to, and even that is $10/GB.


>North-east europe
>9Eur - 100Mbps + Cable TV


There's a bussiness centered network that's exactly the same as TMobile called Teltik that offers unlimited 4g for $35. You have to have an EIN and take a screenshot of the email that you get, but they do not care if you're a legitimate business

That's not true. Technically, all providers have a cap and will slow down your bandwidth if you pass within a month.

Psst kids, wanna see some quints?

I mean, you kind of got it

>needing the internet 24/7
>not using a free sim card for mobile internet
>going outside

Tell me more. Does it have tethering? B12/VoLTE?
I bet it's postpaid which is annoying.

Sorry, I may have made it confusing by how I worded it. Teltik IS Tmobile so everything supported by them should be supported on TelTik, though the mobile hotspot feature is limited to 10gb for $35, so that may be your limit for tethering as well.

So does bearing an EIN obligate you to any responsibilities or what?

Well random internet attorney I found said this

"It is legal to apply for an EIN when you don't have a business license and don't have any employees. Many businesses start by getting an EIN and forming a company, and then get a business license. And there are many businesses with no employees other than the owner of the company.

As well, business licenses are local issues - whether you need one or not depends on the city or county... "

So I don't think there's any risk.

Also currently using the tethering and it's working great. Streaming video on second monitor with 10 mbps down and 100 up

Away from here young Pajeet
To the designated shitting Street.

France, 15€ for unlimited 4g and everything

>Rates are still cheaper than other plans

This seems like a good deal, I'll try going for an EIN soon.

All providers? Do you mean all providers in the US or something?

Fucking lol, are the carriers putting limits on tethering for you? lmao

Finland, same but 20€. Also I have free 100/10 internet at home, which is nice. It's not amazingly fast, but hey, it's free and quick enough for me.

Algerian plan : 3.5$ (500dzd) you get :

-1GB 4G for 1 month (if you consume the 1GB over the month it becomes 256kbps unlimited for the rest of the month).
-you get also your 500dzd + 1000dzd bonus (talk+ SMS) for 1 month.

I just haven't tried to use the tethering feature and I don't know if it's unlimited or is limited to mobile hotspot data

>be romanian
>get 1Gbps for 20eur/mo
>get 100GB 4.5G dataplan for 15 euros
I cancelled my US visa for this, way too big of a shithole to live in desu