


slow night


anime is for faggots
check em


now those are some doubles i could get between :DDD

How was your Friday night

Fuck you. Anime is for übermensch

No girlfriend.

No care.

>kaks kakapoissi
>poo poopussy

You're a fucking rude cunt aye.

t. Ivan Ivanov

Don't take that tone with me cunt or you'll get glassed

>two poopbois

>not glassing him anyway to appear big in front of girls
Step it up senpai

But I am never in front of girls

time sure flies

do other balts eat this?

Sirelid lõhnavad nii hästi and birds are singing, what else would you want for life?

Is that Microbrewery beer?

this is mainstream lager beer by a big corporation

Pork fat?

yeah, though that kind of makes it sound like shit doesn't it :DD

No, it doesn't. Just need some rye bread and onions.

One day you might, and now you know what to do when that time comes.

Bench with a view on railroad track what else would you need for good life?

Le view

talking of which.. i made up some kind of hangover recipe, maybe you like

put the slices of fat on rye bread, cover them with chilli-tomato sauce, then slices of tomato, then slices of cheese and then put the sandwiches in an oven until the cheese melts and is golden brown partially



I haven't been hungover in years. If I know I'm properly shitfaced I drink a glass of water before bed for dehydration and I don't really get the rest of symptoms.

the times i don't remember who i am are the best i've ever had

Mmmmm sounds gud:-DD

you know the pics you take when you're drunk are more often than not heavily out of focus :DDD

This nigga knows whats up

I feel ya.

Cant get better focus right now because its too dark outside

Le scenery

Going to be slightly drunk is one of the best feels

>cool sheets
>everything is hazy
>room slowly spinning

another one of the best feels is going to a dungeon on lsd, you never know who you're gonna see and if they're real xD

have literally woken up once and didn't remember who i was for 15 second

most peaceful time ever

A Le coq arena. I made it

in the tunnel that is under the railroad

there is a little balt graffiti :DDD


Last time I did acid I had a horrible trip, I really couldn't remember anything 3 hours in and ended up in the hospital, I feel like it was laced with Meth or something

not that one :DD

the one that is closer to kristiine keskus


eewww, meth, what the fug why would they do that

Hei :3

Doggy in the dungeons

Ok ill follow the doge

morning maggots

Doge attacking me

what ever you do, don't follow the rabbit, he's a bit of a cunt

Ran away from doge. I think im safe


ah yes, the tunnel, you made it!


only 1cm, hmm

the ones that have D less than 1cm do not get to go into the box

Safe passage to home

but what haben to doggers?

Birds singing so loud

i know, i have all windows open and they just can't shut up for a minute

i wish the squirrels would eat all their eggs next year

When you hit 25 hangovers are the worst


unless you take medication

Doge went to back at its home.
At mecca räägu pesa right now. Must get one burger before sleep

vaata et sa peksa ei saa seal, reede õhtu, igast jõmme liikvel seal räägu kandis :DD


I get hungover after 5 drinks, am I lightweight

Null inimest oli praegu. Üllatav :o

by our standard, yes

jõmmid puhkavad ilmselt homseks eurovisiooniks välja kek

I'm skinny so I feel I can hold my own.
Who drinks more balts or Russkys

i think russians drink more in quantity

but their drinking style is very hard to understand to me

Suits peale head kõhutäit. Parim asi maailmas

ta on! suitsetamine üleüldse on väga hea haha

xD kõige halvem asi üldse

missassja? siin on nüüd küll väga kole tõendite puudumise moment :DD

aga mis siis ikka, 4:20 kohe, aeg piibule hääled sisse manada ja magama minna

blaze it

Poh läheb teine veel. Tupsu lõpubossid võeti politsei poolt kinni. 420 bäris hea jh kui üle ei pinguta. Ise oli kaks aastat sellest sõltuvuses

Legalise it

>legalize it

hehehe already blazed :DDD
time to sleep toight now

ei oska midagi öelda, 15 aastat piibu rohtu kütnud ja ei pea ennast sõltlaseks

Lolooo 15 aastat. Kõik normis jh mate:-D

no mul isiklikult on küll kõik täiesti normis

muidugi, aastate jooksul ma olen igasugu kimujaid näinud, kes on täis skisoks ära kütnud, kes on lihtsalt kangema peale läinud, kes on niisama luuseriks jäänud... inimesi igasuguseid :DD

Veab sol siis. Mind tõmbas ikka päris paranoiliseks ära. Lõpuks ei julgenud enam kodust välja liikudagi. Õnneks nüüd olukord normaliseerunud

Gonna go look for a factory job

good luck

Good luck

good luck

Cheers senpai

bit of a shit general

even /brit/ is better than this mess

time to kill self

Don't do it, senpai.

Really, you know that once you kill yourself, you die.

Listen to this user. He knows

Just threw up. Am I going to die now?
