Is Intel i7-920 an eternal processor?

Is Intel i7-920 an eternal processor?

launch 2008 and still playing latest games at high/ultra@60fps

No, you absolutely need to buy the newest Intel(R) gaymen processor so you can get more FPS in the newest brown&bloom console ports.

Now imagine you both the top of the line dual core in 2008. Think it would still play games?

That's why Ryzen is superior to 7700k.

Just because the chip is from 2008 doesn't mean this is a thread for 2008 time travelers.


Pic very related.

Some of the latest games, but certainly not all of them. You aren't getting a locked 60fps in things like Hitman and Fallout 4, even overclocked to 4GHz.

>Fallout 4

That's just Bethesda being incompetent as fuck. F4 looks like it was made in 2011.

OP here, now i have to try those games.

Anyway i´m talking about high/ultra not about 4K SSAO/MSAA 140hz autism.

x5470 owner with ddr2 here

still enjoying 98% of recent games at least on medium@720p

mafia 3 was the only exception as far as I can remember but who cares, game was bad and coded by team with exceptionally poor skills

Games are GPU dependant.

If anything it shows that the architecture is reaching its limits.

And games are designed with midrange hardware in mind. Rather than it being future proof devs work within set limitations.

Episodic ((((((Content))))))
>Fallout 4
Bethesda games run like shit, in other news water wet, sky blue.

Why would you play Fallout 4 anyway, it's an objectively terrible game

Well, no. Eventually the last of said type CPU and fails and it is extinct.

Well sir, let me just disagree with you there. I think Todd Howard has really overdone himself this time by developing that masterpiece Fallout 4(TM). Please buy the DLC so you can see for yourself how great the game is.

If my a8-6600k is slightly better and it's still absolute trash, also bottlenecking any good gpu, no, it's not eternal

Sure., I had it. sold it and bought the 975 instead

Yes I think so, it is eternal.

I bought mine in 2008 and still use it. Nothing phases it.

I'll probably still be using it in 2028

it's been overclock at 4.4Ghz from day one.

what a shitty processor.

The 920 was godly for how much OC it could take.

I'm looking to upgrade (replace) my 920 system I'm using now with a 7700. Double the performance will be nice.

The 920's value came from being able to OC it to 4.4Ghz on air cooling.

x5660 @ 4.2 couldnt run dark souls3

I had mine sitting at 3.8Ghz until a few months ago.

I upgraded to an X5650 for $100, there is no reason for me to upgrade for some time.
With a 1060 and an OC xeon, it does everything I need it to do.

Not even as good as the overclocked 1090T I'm currently running, and that thing can't deliver 60fps at 1080p in a lot of newer titles, even with two extra cores.

The 1090T can manage 60fps in most areas at 4GHz, though it really chugs in Irithyll and the swamp.

Thats not the Q6600 or 2500k

We are talking PC's not console dreams?