what you cucks have to say now?

He's pretty much one of them that fucking kike

>he still takes RMS as the be all end all of technological knowledge

I like how he still thinks being on Skype is relevant and him not being on Skype makes him an edgy revolutionary


fuck man i hate technology every cunt is now-a-days want to be a l337 liberal haxz0r

Don't be so self-conscious. It'll be just fine.

who would have guessed
>commie degenerate liberal thinks every software should be 100% open source
>the fucking linux kernel with millions of lines
>it's secure because if it's open source someone will fix it! someone will notice the problems :^)

2017 and people still doesn't realize that the solution to having a good piece of software is not only being open source but MOST IMPORTANT - having small, simple, documented code that HAS proprietary parts WITH MULTIPLE SECURITY MECHANISMS that is spread randomly across distributions of the same kernel base, that way the attack surface is irregular and hard to reach in a wide scenario.

You're retarded. Proprietary parts are shit and botnet. The true model is the openbsd model, have a core system that is CONTINUALLY AUDITED.

Better change the sticky now.

What did you expect OP? He's right. With Free Software we can defeat NSA/CIA/whatever malware, so no reason to pussy out.

You guys are dumb the best protection against hacks having no hardware. Live the life Amish.


>+1 Insightful

The commie degenerate never claims that. The commie degenerate never claims free software is better.the commie degenerate only claims it is more free the then closed source.

It the fork that didn't like free software more political stance on a user freedom that claims open source is better and more secure.

Please learn you shit buddy

>to any NSA and FBI agents
At this point he could add the CIA too

Hello there! You seem to have used the term "open source".
The term "open source" was created by a group of people that did not want to be associated with the free software movement. When I say "free" software (which is one of the alternatives preferable to "open source"). It's not about price; in that case I would say "gratis", or "free as in free beer". It's about "freedom"! This is what the free software movement is fighting for.
So what is "free" software? Free software is any software that guarantees the user the four essential software freedoms:
> 0. Run the program as you wish.
> 1. Study the source code and change it so it does what you wish.
> 2. Redistribute exact copies of the program.
> 3. Distribute your modified version of the program.
Some people decided that they wanted to restrict the user; but being able to study and modify the "open source" code is not enough! This is directly hurting the cause of the free software movement because it takes away the sociological "freedom" aspect of free software and turns it into a technological one.
So for those reasons I ask that in the future you use the terms "free", "free/libre" or, if necessary "FLOSS" (short for "free/libre and open source"), though the latter should still be avoided.

Everyone knows that Skype is a joke at this point, but there are no alternatives that are suitable for businesses. That's why people continue to use it.

RMS is obese


He also ignored the part where I asked him about Snowden being controlled and Assange being dead.

>100 percent mandated free model from factory with regulations on secuirty

>a sensible person on Sup Forums

i totally agree...

Please use English properly. Thank you.

Quite to the contrary, I think recent events have settled the debate in a fashion that decidedly rejects this fat fucking failure of a human.

>You were implying everything was compromised
>Suprised when stallman points out your idiocy
>Still posting stupid maymays from Sup Forums, even a lite version of "how will they/it ever recover?"

Please fuck off. This shitpost is no contribution to the board.

fuck you anime faggot

i would seriously smash your face in real life lol i am so confident

Richard Stallman is a false flag

Delete this, niglet.

Thems some beetus cankles.