GNU/Linux distros that are probably 100% compromised by government agencies
GNU/Linux distros that are probably 100% compromised by government agencies
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Any distro that doesn't install software by compiling.
julian stated that debian owned by NSA
soo.. should we make our own distro as Sup Forums?
>julian stated that debian owned by NSA
Sauce please
please god no, not again.
but muh SELinux. Any vulnerabilities in that?
>mfw SELinux not supported on Debian Jessie ://
Sup Forums tried it a year ago, based on arch. It fell apart when someone realised that some code would have to be written, and that you couldn't just find a command line in the Arch documentation or amend a config script.
All linux.
Use OpenBSD.
FBI backdoor
Red Star OS and whatever Venezuela calls their national Linux distribution are the only distros not compromised by the NSA.
FUD. You fucking CIA nigger.
>UPDATE: Wikileaks is officially denying that Julian Assange literally said “Debian Is Owned By The NSA”. For people who are choking on the mere summary title of this article, please see definition of Owned/Pwn (and get some hip!)
Wow, that was logical and well thought through.
The only secure system is one that isn't connected to the internet.
i'll start with the logo
I'd rather value my time.
It's either that or slackware.
TEMPLE OS is our one true saviour
playstation 2 with linux is the answer. you can play mp3 files but not sure about browsing though
...That you build yourself from discreet components and run on batteries....
TempleOS can't have a backdoor since it doesn't have any doors, just temple curtains.
Like your well-versed argument.
>someone actually got this butthurt from theos antics
did your special snowfake fee-fees get hurt?
>i don't like fedora so nsa owns it
I honestly don't care, I just found the picture humorous.
Fuck off NSA faggot
Stop making new distros, fucking nigger. The reason people hate Linux is because of all the autistic and ugly, useless spin offs.
wtf this thread is full of cia agents
First of all. If everything is supposed to be private and hidden, how easy wouldn't it be for cyberwarface aka cyber-war aka terrorisme? CIA, FBI etc. doesn't care about your hidden hentai folder. They think about big important things, like human lifes. This hysteria is laughable. All this being said, Linux for the win. Windows and Apple have too much power for my taste over their operating system.
I bet you get off to the thousands of dick pics while at the office, NSAfag.
NSA wants you to leave Debian.