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Why did you lie OP?

Look mom I made the thread again

Are you windows 10?
nope, first time

No but that is clearly file explorer right there.

I am lovin it

well its clearly different

Hi Shawn you cuck

i....... am lovin. it

I checked it at work and on 2 computers at home and I don't have it. I'm using vanilla Windows 10 Pro without any debloating scripts at work.

idk what to tell you, its on mine.
tell me about these debloating scripts

I don't have it.

Maybe it's US only?

That's actually a great deal.

Why is my operating system trying to sell me shit instead of providing security updates that they have known about and take Google the competing botnet to warn them for three months before going public?

Looks like it.

>Why is my operating system trying to sell me shit

Nothing wrong with advertising valuable services.

> instead of providing security updates

Windows 10 has more security and support than any OS right now.


click Acceso rapido and see

lmao what a cuck os

Nothing there m8

I'd dual boot Arch but is too much of a hassle.
I did it on my last laptop but it got stolen ;_;.

Glorious. How are you liking your "free" update from the superior 7?

How did you get that to show up OP?

I clicked my file explorer on the taskbar.

stop lyinnggggg


I don't have it either


>2 webm folders

>OEM laptop users

xD itt

>there are people on Sup Forums that didn't remove onedrive

I removed it because it was annoying whenever a program opened the file explorer it would fucking open the wizard for it. Like, no nigga I don't want to use your stupid shit

i don't get how ppl are getting this. i never seen an ad on my windows 10 desktop.

Oh my God, this is amazing!

>using Memedows
>Not buying a new 15.4" MBP

Smh desu senpai. You done fucked up nigger.

macOS doesn't have this problem.

I never had this but uninstalled onedrive after the 20th time the pop up window came up. Didn't even reinstall with the anniversary update.

Thank you microsoft for making your anal rape barely tolerable.


Are Home versions getting this or Pro versions as well?

Pro version here, I see no ads

>not MacOS

But that's not a pipe?

>distinctly remember turning windows update service off (disabled)
>power goes out in a storm when i'm not home
>this shit in my file explorer after i boot up
>windows update service is enabled and running again

>more security than any operating system.

I don't have any ads in my file browser, OP...

Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not using Cuckdows.
Feels fucking amazing man

>voluntarily using malware
What did you expect? Just be thankful that MS hasn't turned Windows 10 into ransomware yet.