Why haven't you installed gentoo?

why haven't you installed gentoo?

Other urls found in this thread:

last.fm/music/Midori/Aratamemashite, Hajimemashite, Midori desu

why do you listen to shitty post-hardcore?

can we get a full size pic of your waifu

why do you try to criticize genres when you clearly don't know what you're talking about

Looks like Mike's House Mac desktop.

Openbox is truly beautifull.

What image viewer are you using ?

> midori
> post hardcore

get your shit together

> why haven't you installed gentoo?

Because I much rather spend my time in something useful. Some day I'll tackle LFS but in the meantime I'm fine.

Stop listening to shitty weeaboo music anyway, it's `$current_year` already


>Mike's House

>why haven't you installed gentoo?
I have.

>NSFW in OP pic
This is why desktop threads were banned.


You know the person posting is this the new desktop thread meme.

I talk to her and she gave me photo's claiming it was her.

her name for cosplaying is Mike's House. I'm pretty sure it wasn't her but i still call this user like this !



because arch does the same thing without having to compile everything

> why haven't you installed gentoo?
I want these stupid macOS-"pretending"-to-be-other-os's memes to die

>uptime 8d
>ram 10325 MB used

>have RAM
>but don't use it

last.fm/music/Midori/Aratamemashite, Hajimemashite, Midori desu
learn to read faggot


because until my windows 95 system breaks, I'm not getting anything else

>GTX 1070
>when Linux isn't good for gaming, and there aren't that many GPU accelerated productivity applications like video editing software available on Linux
What's the point?

i only waste my time on Sup Forums, not setting up my computer.
trusty ol' lubuntu for me, kiddo.

Glorious gentoo + bspwm holy land.

probably a faggot that dual boots for le ebin gaymen

how do you get those rounded corners in openbox


because I do real work

Because I use lo/g/os

>arch linux

>He doesn't use the official Sup Forums distro

>Internet Explorer

how does gentoo compare to arch? i was planning to install the latter for bspwm but since installing gentoo is the meme i figured doing so is like reading loomis and ill be a good Sup Forumsentleboy.

OP can you post that wallpaper

>he actually installed gentoo
Should we tell him?

If you don't know whether you want gentoo or not, you don't want gentoo.

how did you get it working? the iso has been taken off of github for ages.

Richard Stallman is a nigger.

Care to share the colorscheme?


Because I want to use my computer without fucking about.

>there aren't that many GPU accelerated productivity applications like video editing software available on Linux
Whole machine learning industry works off linux mate

What are you using the 1070 for ? Dual booting into Windows ?

Why install Gentoo when you could easily install a normie distro like Mint or Ubuntu?

>why haven't you installed gentoo?
Because OpenIndiana is superior.

>not installing sabayon the normie friendly version of gentoo

at that point why not just use windows?

I have a low opinion of Gentoo GNU/Linux.

Gentoo is a GNU/Linux distribution, but its developers don't recognize this; they call it "Gentoo Linux". That means they are treating the GNU Project disrespectfully.

Because I have better things to do with my time.

What's the point ricedb is long dead