When programmer makes the UI

>when programmer makes the UI

Other urls found in this thread:


>when the programmer is responsible for making the art assets

I would have this over a hipsters shitty tastes desu

>when programmer makes the UI

Most current software, because not a single designer worth a shit would use the garbage that is material design and such

Is this some kind of offline image gallery software or something?
I need to know

looks comfy desu

It works, its compact and seems to not be heavy on resources There is nothing wrong here

Found it:

Probably loads lightning fast.

Like this more than the trash we have now.

Mind telling me how you found it?

You can have a nice ui that loads fast.

Doesn't look bad. Just dated I guess.


Oh silly me. I thought that was an edit by op. Thankz



It's still recommended by Gnu Community.

To be honest i don't trust Startpage and the other one i trust is Searx but it's garbage.

You program look really cool btw

Stop using this word as a synonym for everything you have a positive opinion about you meme parroting fuck

That's not a very comfy opinion of you.

You are so high strung. Get comfy instead

Use ixquick instead. Same company as Startpage but not just a google proxy. Have to use the .eu address now though, .com redirects to Startpage.

> fuck fuck no

Quick and easy to follow rundown of how to dip your toes into Blender, the programmer's 3D modelling software


I'm a programmer mainly and Blender is the first 3D program that seemed much more user-friendly than 3D Studio to me.

it's looks well made, only visually not appealing. If the colors been choosed better it would be very nice.

Weeb programmers are the fucking worst


Horse shit; quite japing. Graphic design is a form of engineering where the constraints and goals are organisation, accessibility and comfort. All people are experience those 3 aspects. The OP images only lacks comfort so that programmer he has probably just come to a sufficient place in his design, doesn't know the tech to make it more compact while still being comfortable, and hasn't been taught much in the way of art for more comfortable colour schemes.

>Horse shit; quite japing

Burst out laughing. I love this. It's makes me think that all the images were sized randomly then it was created by an AI using circuit design techniques.

Quite vaping, kid.~
Nothing personal.


half baked

Fuck off, Dorf Fort looks great

It objectively doesn't.

That poster never said otherwise.

>when system programmers make a torrent website

Looks like it was made to work well in a text browser for headless units.

Looks clear to me. Probably loads fast too,

There's a learning curve but hotkeys speed up production SO FUCKING MUCH. Any professional using blender would have a poster of that hung on a nearby wall.

shined turd

So, does it WORK well using that?

UI shame thread?

the captcha doesn't show in w3m

This looks fine. Not sure why they centered it thouh.

I like that look.
I really wish more websites were built like that.
They're simple and fast, clear and neat, everything's easily accessible, and they don't require dynamically loaded content.

>when powerpoint makes the UI

Pretty much why Tcl/Tk has a reputation for ugliness, despite being perfectly capable of delivering GUIs like pic related. It it so easy for a programmer to slap shit together with Tk and call it a day that nobody bothers to learn the fundamentals of interface design or often even the five characters it takes to create native-looking instead of pseudo-Motif controls.

this is the alternative you stupid faggot

this looks actually nice
git gud

>he five characters it takes to create native-looking instead of pseudo-Motif controls.
Which are?

>this looks actually nice

"ttk::". E.g., use the command ttk::button instead of just button. There is a lot of examples of how to use Ttk widgets at tkdocs.com/tutorial/onepage.html.

>kill me now

That word was perfectly fit for that post you retard.

> Being a retro hipster so hardcore they dismiss 8 bit for ASCII

ASCII graphics are functional, they aren't good by any extent.

i'll fite you
ANSI art games are great


>when hundreds of designers make the UI

This isn't sqt but what are these sites and how do I access them?

Seriously GNU needs to hire some paid UI designers and graphics designers. It's not like the fsf doesn't have money, maybe they could hire a full time UI / graphic designer for a year at the cost of not paying RMS grocery bill for a month?

t. Programmer

it's perfect


>when a programmer is responsible for the UI and optimising site load speed

>What are opinions
>What is taste

Surprisingly good taste. Does making public trackers just a little harder to access fix them?

Do they preload shit?

nope that's just what sites are like when they don't pull in 200 scripts from 40 domains

wow this site looks really good but it would definitely look better with some bootstrap. also a java script framework would make updating the page super easy I'd recommend vue.js since it is relatively lightweight but if you really wanted some nice features I guess angular could work. Also that's a pretty basic font you have there are a bunch of fonts that can be used that are hosted on google. and while we're at it since this site has a lot of white space it should probably have some pictures and video. I would recommend some auto-playing ads, it's really gonna make the whole thing feel more interactive. google analytics is a pretty good site but if you go with a more aggressive ad company you will easily be able to make more money. Oh and before I forget the back end should run one node.js.

Man this site has a lot of potential. Wish I could get my hands on it.

Dude ASCII isn't taste.

It's like saying you prefer dial up over high-speed. ASCII is just what's easy, fast and flexible.

Stop being a hipster

It would look better with bootstrap and would render better on phones with zero effort.

People shitting on bootstrap never tried to write CSS that wasn't garbage.

wtf i love multi-megabyte webpages now

dude, don't give a serious response to a joke post
that's just embarrasing

Not at all, high speed broadband is a direct improvement over dial-up.

ASCII even in it's early days was a choice, and a lot of people like how it looks.


With the come up of material design and general minimalism, it made it easier for anyone to just """"""design""""" their own shit instead of finding a good designer and paying them well.

I need (You)'s please don't take this away from me.

Dude it wasn't a choice. People choose ASCII because they didn't have time or skill to make art assets. ASCII was also all that was available on vt100 terminals.

It is not a choice by developers.

Including bootstrap CSS doesn't make your page a mb.

I know it was a joke, but user is stupid. Bootstrap and other CSS frameworks provide nice features other than looking good.

I agree pages are bloated these days but that's not because of bootstrap.

Not gonna lie, that looks like a really usable interface filled with important information. I'd be hard pressed to come up with something similarly informative and compact.

Just because you are used to GNOME and other fancy layouts with low information density, doesn't mean that is what everyone likes or even wants.


what are you willing to do to get them?

> giving out free samples

>grocery bill
More like his travel bill
He keeps on going to obscure nations in Africa and Southeast Asia to eat his foot skin and spread free software to people who've never seen proprietary software in their life before

i like to help the needy user
so what are you willing to do for my you's?

Not roleplay on a czech beerbrewing board.

thats a deal off then, bai

Wow rude.

It wasn't a choice in the 70s but by the 80s it already was.

If people like it, obviously some developers chose it over "real" graphics.

Chill man

oh lad why didnt you ask?

>text centered
>not center justified
They were so fucking close to perfection.

>mfw we don't have Windows 8 source code and it's entirely plausible the Windows 8 UI is a frankenstein version of PowerPoint

Consensual Sex In The Missionary Position For The Sole Purpose Of Procreating


Is that a nigger hand on the right
You shouldn't fuck niggers yo, they have aids and shit, better get yourself checked

>I'd be hard pressed to come up with something similarly informative and compact.
That's because you're an autistic programmer.


Make java swing look good

This is actually pretty good in terms of UI I mean everything is ordered and easy to find

But how fucking hard is it to add a couple lines of css jesus christ