Microsoft now puts ads in Windows 10 File Explorer, because of course

Defend this, wincucks

jesus. You don't have to click on the ads. You want a safe space on your computer now too? lol pussies. No wonder girls find you creepy and rapey. get used to it.

> Using Windows 10

lmao what a cuck os

Except that user paid for an OS only to have ads puked all over it.


Canonical did that first.

The sad part is Microsoft can do all this shit and Linux still won't gain any market share

People don't pay Canonical $150 to install Ubuntu.
That said, it was stupid when they did it too.

>and Linux still won't gain any market share
well, thank god

its just an ad. If you want a superior OS, you expect Microsoft to hire NEET communists or actual highly paid engineers from India? The ads fund the company who create jobs and run the economy. Think of it as a tax. You won't hate them then.

Linux isn't the real problem, Android is.

>tfw your last OS was shit and you can barely break half the users of an OS from almost a decade ago
>tfw you have to bait and trick your previous OS users into forcibly upgrading into your shitty advertisement OS lite just to appease your stock holders
>tfw you have almost 50% as many people using an OS from over 15 years ago as your newest release
microsoft """"social representatives"""" pls go

yet to see a single add here.
its not my fault you people dont know how to disable this shit

Why would they go from a bad to worse OS?

no ads for me

must only be for dumb people

why does Sup Forums take the bait so easily.
> linux fag since '09.
fuck microshit to death

> Windows finally copying features from Linux

Fucking CuckOS. Just upgraded from 7 and can't drag cursor to other monitor if you're

>people actually put up with ads on their OS

what if my socket wrench on my car started advertising

There's nothing wrong with this. Frankly, I'm in favour of it I love that ads are now personalised to me.

>The ads fund the company who create jobs and run the economy.
no, the license does

if windows had a free version with ads that'd make sense, but windows isn't free

Just to clarify for those that do not understand, this widens the attack surface, takes resources and tracks the user.

Being secure and efficient are key marketing points, besides all the telemetry nonsense that cant be disabled is bad enough already no need for more of it.

ive just starting to assume these people are just idiots
a proper bait requires a greater effort, and they are just not even trying


Use Enterprise.

>pay £89.95 for retail Windows 10 Home DVD
>get bombarded with adverts erryday

Get Microshafted (TM)

I only boot windows 3 times a week for gaymes so I don't care

Yesterday at the office PC at work (they have a W10). When I fired up Firefox I got a desktop ad telling me that Edge is 21% faster than Firefox.
Still comfy with my W7 at home fuck the W10 botnet shit.

Just run adblock in your router and you'll never notice

>Not getting it for free via the insider program
Go back to Sup Forums, this is a technology board

>paying for adware made by overpaid H1B retards
I think I'll stick to Manjaro

if you get baited by shit bait then it's not shit bait


Not really? I am SICK of unrelated ads, this way ads that are actually relevent to me can be targeted.

the OS advertises to you, not the network through the internet

>Not getting the LTSB version from torrent
get out of my Sup Forums


>only an issue with Microsoft accounts
>not having a local account

>"If you want to disable this pop-up, go to View > Options in File Explorer. Scroll down and turn off the option for “Show sync provider notifications.”"

this shouldn't even be a feature, they should NEVER show ads by default

daily reminder that when it comes to windows 10 you are the product

who gives a shit. flip one switch and it's off. the ads themselves aren't even that intrusive.

but no, go apeshit over some fucking mundane thing. do you people not have jobs or other obligations where you have to actual deal with real actual problems every once in awhile?

>the ads themselves aren't even that intrusive.
Thats pretty intrusive where I'm working on something and it fucking pop ups on my screen

Good that I disabled the ads, then :3

i got 9001 problems, but windows ain't one of them

>Canonical implements ads in the search for a gratis OS
>People still harping on about it even now it's turned off by default and was always able to be disabled
>Microsoft does the same
>You are here
I hope people beat Microsoft for this shit forever.

time to go back to Sup Forums for you, user

I really just can't believe the outrage over something so insignificant. I don't even have the energy to formulate a response. I'm glad you can get worked up into an infantile rage over a popup. Have fun!

>so insignificant
because the slippery slope you're defending is exactly what made people outrage years ago but now all that outrage is unreasonable for this day and age?

This is dogshit, it should have never existed and they're only doing it to make money on you

SAme shit with forced updates, they should NEVER force updates on me at all ever

>takes literally less than 10 seconds to permanently disable, just like every other annoying Win 10 feature

For people who are so obsessed with OS customization they spend hours fine-tuning minor functions (and then more hours trying to unfuck what they wrought), Linuxfags sure get triggered by a lot of petty shit on Windows.

>tfw baits this obvious get (You)s
Fuck off to reddit retards

I don't get it, why does microsoft charge money for what is essentially an ad-supported operating system?

Its the fact that my OS shouldn't be disfunctional out of the box

windows 7 and 8.1 work right out of the box why can't windows 10?

Why do I have to disable all sorts of stupid shit just to stop windows 10 from fucking me

Why do I have to jump through all these hoops and set GPO settings and edit registry entries just to make it stop farming my information and advertising to me?

Why does the mail app want access to my webcam and microphone?

why does microsoft want to read my emails and see who I'm talking to?

i paid 200 bucks for this?

But it was "free", yo why are you complaining

Microsoft needs a way to fund patches and service packs and improvements to their operating system.

unobtrusive ads are a good idea.

It's better than having to buy a new operating system every couple of years.


Fuck off shill

Prove it.

t. Pajeet
No sane person would use such a shitty "argument", hell nobody except paid shills would defend this shit



do we have to start recommending people apple products and chromebooks or something to stop this shit?

Nice try, but last time I checked windows wasn't a free product.

Why is safe space used as insult for everything by you lefties? Did us making fun of your precious safe spaces hurt you that much?


it's almost like people pay microsoft money or something geez

Pajeet will also use this argument when MS decides to implement monthly fees for all users.

Anti-MS crowd is getting desperate.

Should I dump all the anti-win10 shit in this thread, too? Would you like that, pajeet?

wincuck here I don't defend that shit and I don't ever plan to upgrade to windows 10.

ppl shilling for this shite really deserve every penny


It's honestly just Microsoft having a major disconnect from what they think the market demands and what the market actually demands. It's been their niche since their inception.



>fearing forced updates to windows 10
ways you can tell the author is a paid shill


Paid by who? Common sense?


So I'm conbinced I need to switch to linux.

Help me do that.

What distribution and why?
What desktop environment and why?
Why do I need tar files and what do I do with them with in the linux OS?
My hardware is vital for my work and leisure, what happens if my hardware is not supported?

I have more questions later.

It wasn't common sense you faggot

if you clicked the red X you got it installed anyway without your permission. You had to click that little itty bitty font that said "no thanks" and like millions of people who don't want to put up with fucking ads they just click them away unknowing that their fate was already decided for them

Another monkey that calls other Indians and thinks he is smart and better like that.

Im tired of explaining why this talk about monthyl fees, Windows Cloud setting about apps installation, "forced" updates and restarts or Russian hacker videos are bullshit, yet people like you are clearly not tired posting same shit over and over again. Makes me wonder if this is some kind of fetish to shit on MS for no real reason. I can understand that people are getting mad about things that cant be changed in Win 10 (like policies moved to "Enterprise only" category, but the crap I listed? Perfectly fixable.

But go ahead, ask how much MS pays me (nothing) or call me Indian, it all prove that you have no real arguments and have to ride on memes. Like typical shitposter.


Have Win10 Pro, will never see these ads.

>I'm tired of shilling against all these clear flaws because I can't find a reason why they're good.


Because more and more normies use computers, and the average normie gets progressively dumber and lazier.
Why does default Windows 7 babysit the user so much compared to, say, 98? Because normies are fucking their shit up on accident. Win 10 is just evolution of that aspect of OS.

Why ads? Because ads, subscriptions, microtransactions and shit like that has fused with normie lifestyle to the point MS can get away with enabling them by default.
Look at typical full-on normie (not gaymer) games - like the Sims, it reflects the shift perfectly. It was one of the first games to introduce the concept of spending disproportionately huge money on expansions compared to the core content, and get away with it. Still, if they tried to push online in-game microtransactions in 2000, it would be a disaster. Ten years later they introduced them and it was still a very questionable move. Now the target audience finds it perfectly acceptable to have offers to buy stupid in-game baubles for hard cash shoved in your face every minute.

I draw the line at being able to disable these features permanently after install (or introduction). As long I can do that, I don't really care what stupid shit MS introduces to make money off idiots on facebook machines.

I shouldn't have to go through ALL this bullshit though

Probably Ubuntu or Mint, for that first month when you either realize that you need to go back to Windows in order to do some work or install Arch and devote your life to never ending tweaking of system in order to make it work (aka something that everyone else do out of box), for that few days.

Linux Mint, it's the most like windows in terms of appearance, just werking, and driver support.
Cinnamon, because it's the default, it looks nice with its optional Mint-Y theme, and it's windowsy.
.tar.gz files are basically .zip files. If you need applications that aren't in Mint's repositories (if that's your question) you can download .deb files from websites and Mint has a GUI installer.
Your hardware will likely be supported, which hardware do you have? If it's not supported natively it might have community support in some way.

Yes, and the article describes that problem.

Your posting style gives you right away. I'm that user who you had a few massive arguments with, do you want another one? I don't really feel like it right now

Actually a legit complain, even if this dont take more than hour or two, when you know where everything is.

Actually you dont have to dig in registry, by the way.

Good to know that Im dealing with another braindead shitposter.

I think we've found the user with a fetish.
Just ignore them and they'll go away.
Having done their damage.
Nothing you can say or do will deflect them even slightly, in fact your activities simply encourage them. All they want is attention, which you give them in abundance.

You're wrong though :^)


Yours too - desperately wants to "fit in" and sound smarter than you really are. Fresh news - copypasting things without researching first does not make you smarter, its the opposite.

Not to mention that you need to imagine your "opponents" as some nationality to better deal with your own twisted logic.

No problem on Windows Server 2016

Sadly, you are probably right.

Its just that my own patience for bullshit is almost out lately.

It's okay, shill.
But even mental attacks won't work against us, do you not realize that?

Where did I copy-paste anything? You meant that image? I was in that thread.