Not believing that Thick latinas make the best fucktoys

>Not believing that Thick latinas make the best fucktoys

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I like petite girls.


Those aren't even shapely

>Tfw you live in a Latino country and you don't have a qt latina

stop that shitty meme pls

i like latina feet

Footfags are just as cancerous as furags

debe ser porque usas la palabra "latino"


Those are just fat, OP.

>ywn have a Latina girl sit on your face
Why even live?

Kek nigga atleast 90% of all latinas are brown and ugly

you've never had a fucktoy. you've conditioned yourself to be attracted to fat women because you've lowered your standards, or you're a nigger/hispanic/wigger, or you've bought into the "fat women should feel good about themselves" meme. this is disgusting and in ten years they will be huge. anglos are getting more into this because of browning of their culture increase in obesity and the sjw movement.

i will never marry someone who is not thin, women age terribly and blow up fast, especially non-french women.

Swallow a dick, faggot.

We have the same filosofy my dude

Es para que los yankees entiendan. Antes tenía una lincesa pero x eventos pasaron y se fundió todo. Ahora estoy soltero hasta la tumba, toda la noche meta joda meta cumbia

we're fine, thank you very much.



This. Fucking sick footgots

If you don't like this you're objectively gay

This is a foot tread now


i can dig it.

>this guy

this is why you're all faggots, more latina butts

Why do I have to pick one or the other?

i like

Just don't get them pregnant.

good post

>look at this
>don't get excited
>have proof of your own gayness

this, footfags should die slow and painfully.

we dindu nuffin.


die, dumb footfag frogposter

>Brazilian footfag


>user are you sure you don't like it?
>you can put the on your face, press them against your crotch...
>come on, we really want you to...
>geez user...what's your problem? I guess the rumors about you are true...

are you a tits guy or an ass man?

sexy soles 2bh. would succ

I'd sniff the dirt right off those soles t b h.

>I guess the rumors about you are true
well yes, I can confirm I'm a sane person.

>I guess the rumors about you are true
well yes, I can confirm I'm a sane person, that's why I don't like feet.

The soles of the feet are the most feminine part of the female body. If you don't like them, you're gay. Fact.

Buen post amigo

>The soles of the feet are the most feminine part of the female body.
tits, curves, hips and waist are feminine parts, feet are just feet.

>If you don't like them, you're gay.
according to you?, stop accusing people so badly of being gay, it's suspicious.

feet can be pretty curvy to be honest with you familia. most women have nice arches and curvy soles.

>the girls told me you didn't like it, but didn't believe it
>come on...
>seriously? no hard-on? nothing?
>so it wasn't just a rumor...

Those girls in your pic are not thick, op, they're just fat...

>implying any of that would matter when you're an old sack of shit

Riley is that you? I thought you died.

foot fags are a step behind being a full blown cuck

so are assmen.

If you don't like this, you're gay. Period.

Not this Tica. I fucked her when I wen to CR on a surfing holiday. Start at 2 minutes

r there any pornos with real gauchas and black guys?

I long for the day our robot overlords ascend to power and rid us of the footcuck menace

hur dur i lick feet

Watch this again.

No excitement? Gay.

whats wrong with the girl on the lefts face?


she's not brown, but she's ugly

Milena Santos is German-Brazilian from Santa Catarina:

Most mestizas i have known were below average. Why does yank society fetishise them so much?

most mestizas are butt ugly. only CHIcanos like them because they're mestizo themselves.

mestizas are butifel

Nice watermark, Schlomo

I would do anything to have one to call my own. Instead of deporting them back to mexico you guys should start sending some of them up here.


this is not what my experience has been, theres always a surprising amount of average or above qts here in southern california. Most do have some negative trait that holds them back though, like they'll have slightly odd faces, but amazing bodies, or pretty but with the body of a little girl.

In all fairness USA gets the ugliest ones, if there is something I love about my country is the variety of qts we have, some look white, some look Italian, or Spanish and some look like, well, mestizas. (native Americans are really ugly, tho).

>el salvadoriANO
you guys are a bunch of indios even that pick you posted 2/3 people are indios

That was exactly the point of my comment. God why are Americans so fucking retarded.

nigga you're all fucking black and below 5 feet lmfao

>especially non-french women

what did he mean by this?

you never made that point my indio friend

We are 100% European, idiot.

Miami is not really America, but it does have the hottest Latina girls from all over. You can find everything in the 305; pure white Argies, Japanese from Brazil/Peru, mulatas, Chinese from Venezuela, etc. Of course these girls are princesses, and do not seem to be very interested in Anglo men.

pic: Miami Colombians

Yes, we were talking about mestizas and I posted, well, two mestizas.

>that brown girl
this is what is considered mestiza in el indiolandia
even the mestiza has strong native facial features

>not wanting a petit Latina

>Not believing that Thick latinas make the best fucktoys
Except thick asians are much better
Much les likely to have an STD or that damn ZIKA virus

>pure white Argies

Nice try, Roberto Martinez.

petite latinas turn into little linebackers when they get fat

The power and glory of the thick asians

>petite latinas turn into little linebackers when they get fat
This, also Asian women are less likely to balloon into landwhales unless you'e into that sick feederisim fetish

>implying OP ever had sex

So you really think that that's how Native Americans looked?? Kek

Pick one, if they exist it's one in a million

In Asia they may not be numerous but they do exist. In California they are everywhere

im exaggerating my cousin is actually an india
she is still cute though

>In California they are everywhere
Nope, I should know because I used to work by china town in dtLA

>not wanting a fat petit latina to cuddle and sleep with

>worked in only one specific area where there are asians.
>also implying you've ever been there
I call bullshit. Also I'm sure they have thick women in chinatown as well as koreatown or any other asian enclave. You just don't wanna admit that the inevitable fattening of a "latina" is avoidable

Just don't have children with them, or you will end up with something that looks like pic related.

>I used to work by china town
Not look at any of the women, just worked there and went home when you were done.
Seven hells, all these logical fallacies are making you look bad

did you not read what i wrote when petite latina gets fat their backs get huge those are the ones that turn into the fat short troll women . my sister is a petite mexican but i can tell when she gains even as little as ten pounds that her back starts getting wide

> pretty but with the body of a little girl

Who is this semen demon?

>click on thread
>it's not a webm

You better be a pure Gaucho to make such a comment, but you are probably a dirty Carioca.

pic:Miami level Argie

want a webm

>muh fucktoys, haha pump and dump amirite XDD
fuck you