
weekend edition:
Fin, why didn't you make canal there?
Once you did, Scandinavia would be island like UK and Japan.

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you are drugged too much.....

Good thread, I have high hopes for this here.

You know i remember i had a friend in high school who thought islands just floated and were not connected to the seabed.

Peninsula is better than island.

It has the advantages of the islands but with land border.

Land border is disadvantage

>Peninsula is better than island.

Sorry Paella-chan, I don't think so.

- Korean Peninsula
- Balkan Peninshula
- Arabian Peninsula
- Crimea Peninsula
- Indochina Peninsula
- Sinai Peninsula and so on

I have a question.
Is Jutland a Peninsula?
Looks like is's island!?

wow, rude!

>Balkan peninsula
1. Get your annoying fucking country rivalry /out/
2. Don't believe memes

>Kiel Canal
>Elbow-Lubecuck Canal
Used to be, but it's all Rightful Danish clay tbhqh family


I like Denmark now.

Look at political world map and answer your question.

>Your clay
fuck off Igor.

This tbqh


There already is a channel from the Baltic to the White sea

That's great.
So next time when Russia is collapsed or defeated,
let's get it back. We're planning to get Sahalin and Kril islands back.

i-its beautiful

There are millions of Russians between the channel and Finland that would have to be dealt with. Someone who is not familiar with Russians might call it genocide and that has legal consequences.

yeah let's double team them. There's no way they could have enough men to fight a two front war... Right?


it's not like russians are strangers to the concept of forceful eviction

Would Russia even accept them back though? I mean, would anyone? They're Russians.

if the commies wouldnt have genocided the karelians this scenario could have been even remotely possible because they actually speak a bastardized version of finnish


i remember there was this poll in the republic of karelia (although it only had like 900-1200 respondents) and i think it was close to 60% that supported independence or joining finland

although i hardly doubt our economy could even support taking back the area we lost in ww2

A canal to put the Baltic sea in communication with the Arctic Sea? Very useful

what would be the purpose

Romans thought Scania is an island, no?
