Terry is /live/

Terry is /live/


Other urls found in this thread:


CIA niggers watch out he's revving up his car

im worried about terry :(


Been gone for some time. Who is this?

>watching zero punctuation review of resident evil 7

>desktop clutter

what keyboard does he use?

Why does he always look like he is about to puke?



What does he use to stream


seems like he is in good mood today


>not using ffmpeg command line to stream
>image of seinfeld character

Sup Forums could be his chat room temple

"Lets just all go over to Reddit." -Terry A. Davis

He has a folder of ogg videos he filmed. He filmed going to the store and emailed it to Dianna. Terry likes going to the store. Once he left dog at the store. Pets are homo.


Are the videos public?

You wish you could be as badass as Terry

Why can't he run TOS on real hardware?

i think he just keeps them in that mov folder on his desktop

You can run it on real hardware, but what's the point? It's ring-0, much better to run it in a VM with snapshots, can reboot quickly and restore if you fuck things up.

"Fonts are for faggots, are we clear? Get the fuck out." Terry A. Davis

He showed one where he interviewed his dad, but the stream was taken down :(
Pic related, it's a thumbnail from one of them

chat needs to get him to play his movies

We celebrate the High Priestess

He's one swag motherfucker

is he just streaming 3 amigos?

>Been gone for some time. Who is this?
Temple OS developer.

Time for some introspection Sup Forums. When you go to work tomorrow, whether that's the office or the bushes behind the school you jack off in, I want you to think about something. Look at the cattle around you, nigger cattle, if you will. As you gently gaze into their vacuous stares remind yourself that an actual schizophrenic not only likely received higher marks than them at University but was closer to understanding the geopolitical reality we face than they ever could be. As you ponder the pitiful state of these brain dead liberals, these champions of social equity at your expense, revel in the knowledge that if it wasn't for their discrimination against people like Terry he would likely be more successful than them. And then when the bitter day comes when HR replaces you with something they found swinging in a jungle you'll at least have something absurd to laugh at. Godspeed Terry, you were the hero we didn't deserve.

What does he think about the CIA leaks?

where is his cia anger?

Notice the bird is dead?


In french, PD means faggot


He's beyond that shit. He saw it coming ages ago and never doubted that God would BTFO the CIA. This is all old news to him, the rest of us are playing catch up.

In english french means faggot

Fucking nigger.

Damn, this guy is weeeeeird.

He is livestreaming himself browsing.

Brave man.


Fuck, Terry was going to tell us a story.


He was hungry though.

I wanted to hear the one about the time he killed the CIA nigger.

What's this NIST Randomness Beacon shit he keeps using, and for what is he using it for? Getting random poems or something?

Why am I watching this shit?

God speaks through the randomly generated numbers, and those of NIST are more ... "reliable and precise" according to Terry.

is Terry a CIA nigger in disguise ?

Whom do I pay to kill physics slut or at least make her leave the internet forever?

Nigger-loving CIA bitch is killing Terry.

No, Terry should stop following her constantly.

who is that ? ? ?

what does he mean when he's ranting about frasier and barney fife?


terry loves reddit

>NIST Randomness Beacon
Is this supposed to not work on Firefox?

did he talk about vault7?

He's been talking about vault7 since before vault7 was even a thing

his OS wasn't affected.

I don't think so, he's using looobuuuntu:)


Looks like Anzu. That Turkish trap that does cosplay all the time.

How does he get up random poems to read? I'd like to do that too.

trap? post pics lol

>terry doesn' use an adblocker

cuz Terry is a good guy who support websites. He donated 600-800$ to Wikipedia.

Just do a search for Anzu

i know, but he's seriously a trap?

who did he lose a bet too though?

This is Sup Forums, everything is a trap :^)

It's like being in a remedial reading class

Yes the technology board where a woman isn't likable unless she has a dick. What a time and place to be alive.

Terry Fortress 2

random numbers aren't space aliens

terry is a fucking cia nigger

You're goddamn right

Terry listening to soad


based terry giving money to his dad

He lives in my fucking house

he has to pay rent

>tfw he bought 128GB of RAM

Aw, him listening to melancholic music is making me legit a bit sad

What does he do on his operating system? Or in general...

From what I remember, he uses a random number generator, reads verses, and watches physics girl.

how about the "hope elephants"

fucking nothing

Senpai noticed us

it's useless.

Looks shooped.

Lots of CIA niggers in here this morning, mow 'em down, Terry!

He makes the continual offerings

Go away faggot. This is a Christian thread

frenchie btfo

She's the High Priestess you fucking retard atheist nigger

Shoo mudslime Turk loving monkey nigger. This is a Christian thread.

Dianna isn't a Turk you fucking Frazier monkey

video link and time?

why does he look like hes gonna fuck me

The other succubus

I like he's smile is very diabolic, we have to stop him before is too late, he's transforming slowly into a rapist