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I know SJWs love the whole "LE TRUMP IS HITLER MEME"

But doesn't it actually sound similar to Hitler in reality? Maybe its just me.

>>But doesn't it actually sound similar to Hitler in reality?
the irony is that you could make a decent connection with Mussolini(dude even retweeted a Mussolini tweet), but none of these fucks even know who that is and resort to "DERR HITLER"

He's right, btw. Our country was founded upon being unfair in trade and using our military to back our mouth up — there's an entire school of economics based on it.

Liberal Americans think they are very clever compared to their Trump supporting countrymen and rural religious folk, but in reality, they are just as misinformed about the world around them, but carry themselves with the same sanctimonious air which they think their superior knowledge gives them.

Conservative Americans as a plus, see their backwards belief as applying to themselves as only and only force it on other Americans. Liberal Americans wish to transpose their ideas on the entire world

>>But doesn't it actually sound similar to Hitler in reality? Maybe its just me.

Ancient Judaism mysticism(the Kabbalah) believes in reincarnation. The only time souls are reincarnated according to it is when they failed to fulfill their original purpose of their creation. Additionally, how much "good" they did in their previous life would determine how well off their next life would be.
The soul enters the body during the second trimester(week 13-28) according to Kabbalah. Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946. The average pregnancy length is about 40 weeks. This means that Trump would have been conceived roughly September 7, 1945, and his second trimester started(when he began seeking a soul) at about December 7, 1945. The second trimester would have ended about March 22, 1946.

Trump mentions George S. Patton a lot, he frequently quotes and speaks highly of him.
George S. Patton died December 21, 1945 — two weeks after December 7 1945.
George S. Patton was a firm believer in reincarnation(refer to "Patton: Many Lives, Many Battles: General Patton and Reincarnation".) It's also generally thought that Patton was murdered as his death was very shady. This would line directly up with Patton having unfinished business and constituting a reincarnation. Additionally, you could argue that Patton did a lot of "good" in his life to be reborn as Trump.

So, as to
>But doesn't it actually sound similar to Hitler in reality?
He reminds me a lot of George S. Patton. Patton was arrogant, constantly seeking publicity, and extremely well liked by the commonfolk.
He was also a staunch critic of Islam during the later part of his life after reading the Koran.
>There is no proof nor yet any denial. We were, We are, and we will be.

This to be honest. Everytime they praise Europe my eyes roll.

Best thing I've read in weeks.

Yeah, the similarities are evident. Although honestly, all right-wing strongmen have some similarities. If Putin gave big speeches he'd also seem just like Hitler

that's a spicy meme

I can't think of a single similarity between Trump and Patton

Hitler wasn't a legitimate socialist, because he privatized industries whenever it was convenient, and the oppression of people based on immutable characteristics and his call for a return to tradition are both very right-wing

>and the oppression of people based on immutable characteristics ... very right-wing

He was a redistribution and had progressive taxation and a welfare state. If Bernie Sanders can call himself a Socialist then so can Hitler.


Bernie Sanders isn't a socialist either, although he does oppose Neoliberalism. Hitler only opposed that kind of economic arrangement if it was led by foreigners.

Hitler's redistribution was exclusive for Aryans, and essentially nullified by his desire to create a slave economy.

>the meanie stuff was right-wing, duh

fucking leftists, christ

Yeah man tell that to all the socialist and leftist in general who where put into the camps...... Oh wait there dead

>his call for a return to tradition are both very right-wing
That has no sense at all, and I consider myslef really leftist.

>Hitler only opposed that kind of economic arrangement if it was led by foreigners.
Nazi German had a corporatist command economy, a welfare state and heavy taxation on the rich in favour of the poor. It was hardly neoliberal or liberal in terms of economics. It was a market economy though so that would be a better place to start your argument.

Radical Leftists always end up killing their own, it has been that way since the French Revolution. Radical leftists find it impoosible to work together in government so they end up slaughtering one another. See the Jacobins, the Bolsheviks and the Spanish Republicans.

nazi germany would be considered a socialist success if they never did the holocaust

>>Radical Leftists always end up killing their own,

Because they know too much. Simply, because, you see the USEFUL IDIOTS; the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of Soviet or Communist or Socialist or whatever system; when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That's why my KGB instructors specifically made the point, "never bother with leftists, forget about these political prostitutes - aim higher" this was my instruction. Try to get into, uh, large circulation, established conservative media. Reach filthy rich movie makers, intellectuals in so-called academic circles. Cynical, ego-centric people who can look into your eyes with angelic expression and tell you a lie. This are the most recruitable people; people who lack moral principals - who are either too greedy or too, uh, suffer from self-importance, uh, they feel that they matter a lot. Uh, these are the people who KGB wanted very much to recruit.

But to eliminate the others; to execute the others, don't they serve some purpose - wouldn't they be the one's to rely on?

No they serve purpose only [up] to the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in [the] United States; all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion; only to destabilize a nation. When the job is completed, they are not needed anymore. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned - when they see that Marxist-Leninist come to power. Obviously they get offended; they think that THEY will come to power. That will never happen, of course; they will be lined up against the wall and shot.

What's going on yanks?

retarded leftists think europe is a socialist utopia

now that KGB is gone, there's no one to get rid of old useful idiots
and they spawn others, then the others spawn anothers and so on

Probably would have been better if the KGB got to finish the job.

Well they're stupid then. Where I'm from is solid Tory.

Well, yes, but Hitler wasn't always perceived as a madman so it doesn't mean anything in the end.

I mean, Bush had all the charisma of a wet noodle yet permanently destroyed the middle east and by proxy Europe.

Trump and Hitler have some common ground i.e immigrants and "Make America Great" again but to call him a fascist is ridiculous. Everyone knows he's not going to set up death camps and it just debases the 'fascist' argument but people fall for it.

>"Make America Great" again
Patriotism isn't taboo in America

Thing is, he doesn't need death camps to ruin many many lives. Some of the biggest atrocities in human history came from simple actions like moving people. Trump either doesn't understand or doesn't care about the results as long as his actions are justifiable.

Yeah I'm not disputing that, I have no problem with nationalism although the concept of it has been ruined in Europe by WW2 but you can see some similarities. Got no problem with Trump, I'd vote for him if I was American.

Sweden really is just a meme nowadays isn't it?

Fuck you.
If you like them so much how about you come pay the taxes to take care of them and let them do the crime in your country?

You really think he's going to take it to the extreme? Taking control of your borders and enforcing laws are not fascist ideals, whatever the left likes to think.

>Be sneaky Japanese scumbags
>Get nuked twice
>Be honest helpful Swedes
>200 years of peace

You're just a pussy who doesn't have the balls to face the people you want to kill.

He doesn't need to. I will not repeat myself.

We'll just send them all to Sweden, problem solved.

>200 years of peace

You mean like when you opened your assholes up for Germany in World War II like good little cucks?

You mean how we saved tens of thousands of civilians by defying both the allies and nazis? While you were busy killing all the men, raping all the women, impaling all the children, killing and raping the livestock and then burning everything to the ground and raping the ashes etc.

He isn't going to move them all out though, it wouldn't be possible. That being said If he made a statement saying illegals committing crimes would be deported but those who contribute are safe in tandem with his wall statement I think that would actually be realistic.

You think? Wouldn't be possible? Reasonable? Why would any of this stop Trump? It's been almost a decade since their last war and the American people demand blood.

Yeah a massive industrial power takes over pretty much all of Europe and Sweden is supposed to somehow stand strong? Piss off if you think think it's even remotely possible that it could happen.

>tfw all I hear is bumbling and circular whining when I innocently ask them what the worst thing about Trump is.
>tfw the alt-Right will come into it's own in our lifetime.

They aren't demanding blood, people are concerned about jobs going overseas and their livelihood. I will concede that American exceptionalism plays a role in it, because that has always been a defining point of the nation.

>>tfw all I hear is bumbling and circular whining when I innocently ask them what the worst thing about Trump is.

>>Yeah a massive industrial power takes over pretty much all of Europe and Sweden is supposed to somehow stand strong?
no instead they supplied them with all the steel they needed to wage war :^)
good thing sweden cared far more about the lives of their citizens than the lives of your country's citizens

This guy here. It's hard to have any sort of reasonable debate when all the opposition has is 'RACIST, SEXIST!'

Ok take this point of view, your county isn't one with oceans on both sides, it doesn't have the populations or resources of a continent and it has a highly aggressive nation which doesn't are about neutrality within very close naval range.

yes and they put the lives of their citizens ahead of the lives of the people from your country

>support trump for collapse

But Sweden did, instead of fighting a losing war and getting people killed they chose to sell resources to Germany.

yes that was my point.

Sometimes you have to cut your losses, Sweden didn't have the ability to fight Germany.

>good thing sweden cared far more about the lives of their citizens than the lives of your country's citizens

What do you think the point of being a country is, exactly?

that was the argument against the swede saying deporting illegals is bad

>But doesn't it actually sound similar to Hitler in reality?

nah, Trump has this fake jokey NY/NJ style of bantering with the audience that is informal and allows them to think they are getting a peak behind the curtain.

Despite the liberal media always showing pictures of him with his mouth agape he doesn't really yell in his speeches.

>we were a nation led by genius thinkers until we opened the flood-gates of immigration and poisoned our own well

All post-immigration Americans need to be purged lads

Ted Kennedy's legacy

Global communism is the aim of the NWO.

There are still people who will kill them at command of the globalists.

You faggots really do deserve to die out.

Your faggot-minds must be the results of all your warrior-viking gene-carriers dying in battles, leaving only the physically and mentally weak to reproduce.

Like a genetic brain-drain

They already got cucked by Christianity, why not Islam?