Be Finn

>be Finn
>never see brown people most of my life except on TV and internet
>Still no curly haired African descendant gf to love and hold me

Why even live?

Other urls found in this thread:


These are more akin to latinas than africans user

Both pictures are the same girl and she says she's Black, not a Latina


Don't worry, soon the whole world will be black and we will all be ugly mulattoes with low IQ.

>Africa's Population Will Soar Dangerously Unless Women Are More Empowered

>By 2100 Africa's population could be three billion to 6.1 billion, up sharply from 1.2 billion today, if birth rates remain stubbornly high. This unexpected rise will stress already fragile resources in Africa and around the world...

>The U.N. has in recent years continually raised its midline projection for 2100 world population, from 9.1 billion in a 2004 estimate to 11.2 billion today. Almost all of the unanticipated increase comes from Africa.

>Negroids get BLEACHED
>Entire world's net IQ goes up
>Finns will actually say this is a bad thing


This girl is also a 10/10.

Would wife and impregnate.

>Why even live?

Same girl

Want to trade? You can come to the US and fuck all the sheboons you want, I'll go to Finland and find a nice white qt.



If this happens we just eradicate them.


well nobody would fuck an ape

the only hot black girls are half-breed




Well, you just have to cross your western border


Point is she could pass for a latina if she wanted to, as being only a mulatto can be an issue in some parts of the world.

Enjoy autistic Square heads




lets go boys


Are you even trying? Like online dating? Or are just looking at pictures in the internet hoping she will show up at your door one day? Why dont you move to a larger city where population is more diverse?

>that waist to hip ratio

know that feel finnbro

Tbh the first black person i saw was in Helsinki, so i guess you are not a stadilainen