Whag are your experiences with black Americans?

Whag are your experiences with black Americans?


I never relax around blacks.

so I haven't had too many problems.

From my encounters with them, I think they are far more racist than whites, or even Asians.

>I think they are far more racist than whites
They are

t. 2pac

I imagine most of them on welfare, dressing like gangsters and a bit racist specially on White Americans.

I would also like to point out that most of my encounters with blacks happened 10 years ago, when I was in the US as an exchange student. Maybe things changed from then.

It was East High in Denver, and like 2/3 or even 3/4 of students were black. The shit I saw there was beyond belief. The principal was also black, so they did not get into too much trouble. But the thing I will not forget, was an instance where some black guy was blaming a teacher for lowering his scores based on race, all while constantly calling the teacher "nigga". No one said anything to him about that and it seemed kind of weird to me.


I guess that's a mildly efficient way to make yourself vomit

>The principal was also black, so they did not get into too much trouble
This is really common. Black administrators are the fucking worst about this

>an instance where some black guy was blaming a teacher for lowering his scores based on race, all while constantly calling the teacher "nigga". No one said anything to him
Also common.

>Maybe things changed from then
They haven't and they won't for the foreseeable future. Nogs are entitled little shitstains that will get every niggling concession they can out of white people because "muh great great grandpa picked cotton"

I was shot 3 times trying to repo a car in Houston. I hated niggers before and hate them even more now.

>I was shot 3 times trying to repo a car
Shit, son
Tell me you at least shot back?

No. I passed out on the floorboard trying to reach my gun and woke up in the hospital 6 days later. Last thing I remember is hearing sirens.

Well most were normal people so I didn't even have the feeling they're different besides the sking colour. But I guess it was always in hotels, work places or pubs/restaurants so the normal ones go there.

I also had a clash with black bydło in a shopping mall parking(the place where you wait for buses to hotels) but I'm a big wend and quite agressive so they fucked off.

>be Americlap
>get shot 3 times

>be Mexican
>be silly

>Be Mexican
>jump border and mow lawns

That one's good

I have met a few in Australia.

Last one I met was dressed nice and politely asked if he could sit next to me on the train.

He then told me he finished a civil engineering degree at university recently and is now travelling the world as it's something he has always wanted to do.

Australian trains get so crowded you have to sit next to other people.

That's what you get for taking on such a shit cunt job.
