Are Asians better at computer stuff?

Are Asians better at computer stuff?


haha no
Only a few are, the rest in my CS course are only here to ruin the real estate market in it's entirety across the country and send the country in another recession with their parent's communist cash

>t. canadian

No, the meme comes from otaku with no life who spend too much time on a single thing.

Every other country has that but they don't call them otaku and aren't recognized for their obsession.

Yes, except indians, they poo in street

Can confirm, area used to be all white now its all chinks and poos

Anime lied to you. Japan hates foreigners, judges you severely, and you work like a slave till you kill yourself.

Supposedly Japanese are terrible with computers, especially programming

They're not, most of them are dumb as rocks just like any other race.

What happens is mostly the smart ones get accepted into the US and those are the ones you get to observe and maybe interact with. Try going to mai land china and you'll want to drop a nuke there there seeing how fucking dumb they are. Don't even get me started in the ghetto parts of that shithole.

t. someone who knows someone who is working in china and desperately wants to come back to the US.

Does Chinese vagina feel different than white vagina?

>bu-but muh average IQ

>being such of a brainlet your that IQ isn't well above the average of any race

I just saw a family at a restaurant that was a white dad, an Asian mother, and a black girl who was I assume their adopted daughter.

Could be a family friend?

What a beautiful family :)

Fuck if I know, all I know is adult chinese women are mostly like those ugly white girls in middle school except with squinty eyes and shittier attitudes.

u wot m8...

Yes, but that doesn't stop anyone else from being just as good

No. I'm getting into hack reactor and a lot of the people that work there are 'hackers in residence' ie students that can't find a job. Unsurprisingly most of them are Asian.

The top Asian countries are good examples. Japan got to where they are by rampantly copying the US, and all of China's companies are clones of US ones, propped up by how their government favors them over foreign companies. A company called LeEco (Netflix clone) is trying to come to the US with a fraud Tesla and smartphone. You don't need me to tell you, they're failing badly.

They're coming to the US in the first place because their government is fucking themselves in the ass. Empty cities etc

>Japan hates foreigners

They've produced a lot of hardware and software.

>Japan got to where they are by rampantly copying the US
Another meme.

No it isn't a meme. Their obsession with white looking characters is just a sign this seeping into their pop culture.

You're clearly a weaboo.

>Their obsession with white looking characters is just a sign this seeping into their pop culture.
Anime characters don't look white.

>You're clearly a weaboo.
You don't know what that means.

South Korea and China have an average IQ above 100
All other asian nations are irrelevant, except maybe Japan
IT doesn't need an IQ higher than 100

But you know what I mean.

China is known for rampant cheating

Anime characters don't look white.


I think they're better at memorization in general (which computer stuff does have a lot of) but I wouldn't say they're better. The reason we think they're all geniuses is they're the only ones allowed to come to our countries.

Indians are yes

Pajeet detected

Nice anecdotes, dickhead.

It must suck having an average or below average IQ.

Go back to your chink shithole if your """people""" are so smart, gook.

>Average IQ

If any of these apply to you then you've lost your right to make fun of anyone, cumskin.

Don't bother, some guys still think the Japanese think the white race superior therefore anime characters since don't look japanese can ONLY look white and be a matter of making characters unique and stand out.

I doubt he can fill her Nigerian meat bag