Mr Robot

Does any of Sup Forums watch Mr. Robot?
If so do you like it and why?

sure it's just a time waster whenever a new episode is available
too bad normies are on it too and suddenly they feel like they know more about computers than a man with two CS degrees

but okay

I got bored at the start of Season 2 with the adderall abuse and the nigger wanting to speak to the autist. It went downhill pretty quickly but I never expected much of it

It is funny that people watch this show, and all of a sudden are 1337 l33t h4xz0rz.

i did too, would recommend watching to the end of season 2 though

tons of third world fags too, suddenly if you go on any (dead) Tor service, you'll see the place littered with illiterate Abduls and pajeets with "fsociety12038123" as their username


Season 1 was amazing desu senpai, some of the best television ever made

Season 2 is kinda meh, but has some good moments

Its not about hacking
Its politics

Even hbo silicon valley contains more relevant terms to hacking that roboy

I don't watch TV. That means I dont do that

>implying anyone here watches cable scams
Pirate whatever shit release comes up first on a public tracker, or private tracker if you're in one.

Im more of a windows man myself

It's a bullshit series anyways, no different then normies watching CSI

basically this
although s2 is kinda dry, i realize it's largely a setup for s3 and s4
i'll be watching s3 for sure

First few episodes were interesting then it went to shit. Still, one of the most real 'hacking' examples on screen.

I liked the first two seasons but I predict season 3 will be cucked by Sam Esmail's liberal saltiness

I liked season 1 some of the political shit and the "hacking" was a bit cringe but the loner autist character with an opiate addiction was certainly relatable

God dammit is that real? Hopefully they don't go too overboard to the point where its unwatchable.

I really hope they don't litter the fucking season with political bullshit, ffs

It's a show for normies. What the fuck else are they going to put on there, material relevant to computing?

Literally this.

Also, Maximum Tip-to-Tip Efficiency was worlds better than the best Mr Robot has ever done.

>has been bitter for years
>oh thats easy, the thing that happened just now is why

It's not real you idiot. It's satire based on a scene from the first season

I've liked Christian Slater since Heathers and it was a nice surprise to see him in something similarly antisocial. I am way behind the head of the series, but the first season was pretty good.


I like the show. poking around on a live USB with python looks comfy.

You clearly have no love for the video medium if you think season 2 was shit.

>the prison inro
>the episode that started as a sitcom and had a heist-styled espionage scene

Neither do I, I still saw it.

Poor man's Fight Club.

Most boring tv show I've ever seen, and the cliche level only compounds the boringness.

I like Mr. Robot, the cast, the plot and (((le epic haxor))) quite enjoyable, the actual strategies that they use are based on real attacks almost every time, and just remember this is a TV series, it's meant to be enjoyed by more people than Sup Forums which is hardly impossible to satisfy to begin with.

Anyway, let's move on to the biggest failure:

The political stance on MR Robot is very simplistic and glorified, it's meant for the disgusting side of the current political spectrum which consists of people that value more feelings and the illusion of knowledge than actual knowledge and acceptance of reality, besides this they are pushing too much the woman role, muh diversity is also very obvious and deliberate, it feels artificial and that's a turn down, man I don't give a fuck if everyone is a sandnigger or chink or whatever, but don't put a little bit of everything perfectly balanced, holy shit they did everything on the books to satisfy SJW's. Transgender, lesbo, muslim, woman leading role, just fuck off.

Also related to this last point, the girl of the second season is, A: bad actress, bad role, incredibly dumb and obvious to the point where is annoying.(the redhead)

Aside drom this to points MR Robot is top tier.

ss3 when

Also the music is one of the best parts of the series.

Stop consuming Hollywood feces

We had this thread yesterday but yes.

the number of gibsons i hack in a month has gone up threefold since i started watching this show

>literally Hitler

Tyrell best girl

My normie friends don't even know what an ip is but they like the show. I'm not even sure hoe they follow half the shit that's going on.

Yeah and all the diversity is being killed off in series. Kinda poetic.

I like it; it has a nice story, nice acting, awesome characters, awesome soundtrack and it's awesome in general.

Yeah, I completely agree; I think this just shows how normies often times get their info from movies and TV shows.

Watch till the end of season 2. I also got bored at first, but the season is really awesome.

One thing I've found about this show is that you have to watch it continuously to really like it and understand the plot.
I started watching it when it was first airing, so I was watching it one episode a week, and got really bored and dropped it. I decided to give it another chance last summer, watched season 1 and 2 continuously and enjoyed it so much
When season 3 airs, I am going to wait for it to end, then watch it.
Watching it one episode a week will really ruin it.

I-I like his wife. Feels like she's the one pulling the strings for some reason.

The adderall abuse depicted is pretty fucking accurate as someone addicted to that garbage for a while.

Well, the main protagonist is played by an Egyptian, albeit an Egyptian from a Christian Egyptian family, so I am not sure whether or not this was done to please SJWs, because most SJWs hate Christians.

I watch it, it gets schizophrenia and aspergers right

Yep. I liked both s1 and s2. I found it highly relatable to work.
I liked it because of the twists and thrillers, as well as the tech/pentesting stuff.

It was pretty good, even if I thought s2 was weak kneed for awhile.

Everyone hated season 2 because it dealt with the afternath and consequences.

I hate her dumbass cleft lip and pig nose

The only TV series I watched, not for the "hack" stuffs but great editing and BGM. I do know something about Linux and the stuffs they show is somewhat accurate. They haven't compromised considering artistic license. Great show. The prison break epi in season 1 was epic.

The show becomes trash as soon as it's revealed he's been seeing delusions.

Seriously, this is the biggest disconnect you can make in any show. Once you do this a single time, how should the viewer ever care about anything going on in the show afterwards, given that it might not even exist?

How to kill anything ever:

"and it was aaaaaaaall a dream

-- the end"

You make a good point and yet I'm compelled to continue to watch the show.

>all of the stories that I wrote at 5-10yo

How did you spell words with numbers? Are you a hacker?


yes and it's shit

Your mom's shit.

Im watching it rn. The tech gets me hard because its real shit. Ive never seen any movie or show like this before. The story line, look its basically fight club; its just the tech I watch it for. Most of the characters Im not really keen on, and the delusions are sometimes annoying.


Season 1 was okay though. It was a standard drama with the twist being that the main character is an unlikeable computer dweeb. Even though it wasnt accurate at all it was kinda fun.
Season 2 shit the bed and decided it wanted the entire drive of the show to be the main characters internal struggle, even though he's designed to be an unlikeable dweeb. In season 3 they are either going to save it by going back to the recipe of the first one or they will just fuck it up with more "feel bad for freaky eyes man".

If anyone has seen the show Fringe they will understand this. By the fifth season the main fucking character is a clone of himself from an other dimension. I cared about the original guy, I don't care about his interdimensional cousin's clone.

As someone who has watched it, no, I don't understand.

there is something comfy about elliot's typing though. He doesn't try to be fast.

tv shows are always retarded, always.

Don't waste your time with this shit.

Knew it as soon as Wellick started to mention the company as Evil corp when they met.

Dude the last 2 seasons go off the fucking rails hardcore. It's been ages since i've seen it though so i can barely remember it, maybe im just retarded.

The plot seems too dissimilar to this series from my perspective. If I recall correctly, the only reason everything was going to shit was because the main character opened a window to a different dimension and saved another main character or something.

So I see you're running GNOME, I'm more of a homosexual myself.


That's the impression I get from all KDE users.. and Swedish

this guy's twitter profile is literally just him posting anything anti-trump he can find and reposting garbage about his show

show's great but looks like sam esmail is just another jew'd up holywood liberal


Yeah, around season 4 they throw that out of the window entirely. If i remember correctly the show switches to following the alterate dimensions characters rather than our own. And then halfway through, even though our main character is dead in their dimension, he just shows up anyway full on jesus mode and everybody stops caring 2 hours later.

I don't know if they changed director or something but basically you end up with the guy who you should care about being a fucking ghost and all of his friends having different personalities because they are from an alternative fucking dimension holy shit i didnt know i could still be mad about this.

First 3 seasons are GOAT tho.

i just want to see if there will really be parallel universes/time travel/mk ultra from what they set up in season 2

the show is still set in 2015 so they will just have donald on a tv in the background while hackerman complains about society

> Does any of Sup Forums watch Mr. Robot?
ATM yes. Not long started. just over half way through the first series
> If so do you like it and why?
Well... I like most of it. First episode was more about hacking though, clearly from other people it sounds like it goes ever deeper into his addiction with drugs. Which is annoying due to an entire episode fairly early on being consistent of Elliot having withdrawal and dreaming about a 1/4 of the episode... Honestly my prime ran out as well. though I get it half price because I'm a student. But anyway. I have it on blu-ray and watch about 2 episodes per weekend. (When I have most of my own time to myself).
Honestly, The only things I find in common with elliot as well isn't the drugs. But the actual unspoken autism. As an actual fucking autist (Functioning but still not perfect.) with moderate depression. So yeah. Like it enough to watch it at least anyway.

Best episode coming through

It's garbage.

>Even hbo silicon valley contains more relevant terms to hacking that roboy
And Silicon Valley is actually good, Mike Judge is a pretty great guy.

well they did put anti-Trump scene in one of the old episodes.

>le epic anonymous autistic Sup Forums dweller
>gets laid in first episode
it's just sjw propaganda show


I saw the second season. It was shit.

The first three episodes were good.

I watched all seasons and the season 1 is the best.

>it's just sjw propaganda show

Honestly don't know what you're talking about

watched the first two seasons on abbazone. greatest shit ever. it's a waste of time if you ask me.
the story is lame, the technical level is teenager's first kali aircrack experiment, the portrayed social impact is also lame and not well thought, the metal illness shown is stereotyped, characters to flat and so on.


Suggesting an autist can't get laid. Honestly an actually fucking autistic person is more likely to get laid compared to a majority of this board. Oh also it was never outright stated he lurked on Sup Forums just Sup Forums in general once in the first episode on his screen as he was just looking at the home page.


Season 1 was pretty good. It was refreshing to see hacking portrayed realistically, at least compared to what you usually find on television. But the plot just doesn't hold up. It's like a weird ripoff of fight club.

His Mom's shit must be pretty bad

Agreed, I have a friend with schizophrenia and it's almost a perfect match.