Ancestral groups that fascinate you

Yes this is a "muh heritage" thread but why not. None of us come from a single ethnic group.

I'll start: Malagasy, it's the only African ethnic group I can say I come from with 100% certainty and they had a very interesting ethnogenesis.

In essence from linguistic, historic and archaeological evidence it seems as though Malayo-Polynesian peoples slowly migrated from Southeast Asia to South Asia and Arabia and finally going down to Southeast Africa. They brought Banana (domesticated by Melanesians) and revolutionized African agriculture and changed continental demographics forever (banana diversified in Uganda and though transmission spurred the Bantu Expansion.) They also influenced Swahili seafaring who to this day utilize nautical terms stemming from Indonesian languages.

These people mixed with Swahili men and sailed from the southeast bringing African cattle, crops and laws settling on the east coast and southwest.

Other urls found in this thread:

No one wants to talk about their ancestors :'(

what's ancestral groups

I find papuans fascinating

Well an example.

Someone is English but England had many groups like on pic related before the English identity was formed.

Well you might be related to them, are you part Malgache? Many Malagasy were sent to Peru and apparently one of your presidents had Malagasy ancestry.

how do you know what your ancestry is if at one point people simple didn't register it

No, I just think it's an interesting ethnic group and wanted to bump your thread, btw what president are you talking about?

DNA. It's the only reason why I have Oceanian and Southeast Asian ancestry, the only reason why my cousin has a Polynesian motif haplogroup and because at least in the US Malagasy identity was maintained for sometime through oral traditions because Malagasy were rather proud of their ancestry.

Like my ethnic group is Black American but I have ancestral groups that formed the basis for the Black American ethnic identity to develop.

I am a Greek

Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro

what's the point though

I come from Mongolia

Post about it. Post about the different groups of Greeks or the ancient Greek culture of your immigrant family's region.

Gauls & Franks

Idk what's the point about reading history or culture in general? In my case it's pure interest and fascination.

what's the point of maintaining any kind of "ethnic identity" in a multicultural society akin to the United States of America

Post about why you admire them or what interests you?

Holy shit, it's true. Anyway I'm half Basque. I'm rh negative and all that.

Mongol pride world wide

We aren't a true multicultural society.

The melting pot does not exist, we are a mixed salad our ingredients mix together but do not necessarily blend.

We still have home cultures that vary, music and traditions and foods that affirm who we are that are not necessarily the same. We are a nation of many nations that while eventually watering down remain to a certain degree at the very least based on geography, intentionality and economics.


Why are you surprised. You thought I was Wuzin'?

Muhammad Ali, Mae Jamison and Fredrick D Gregory also are of Malagasy descent.

in this case the only logical outcome is pandering to the most relevant groups and largely ignoring the minor ones

happened in the PLC, it was a mixed salad as well

Can you explain

ANE, ASI and ENF? What's neolithic Eurasian, Mesolithic European and North Asian?

It just seems so random, never knew about the connection with Madagascar, pretty cool.

*wakes up drunk*
*pukes in the sink*
*takes a bottle of kossu*
*drinks the whole bottle*
*sets sauna on fire*
*kills the family*

>ANE – the modal component of the Northern Eurasians
>ASI – epy modal component of South Indian populations
>ENF – the component of the ancient European Neolithic farmers

Mongolian pride worldwide :D praise tengri :D

I find the minor components to often be the most fascinating like who the fuck would think of Madagascar being connected to Latin America

The migrations of Japanese in Mexico, Roma in the US, Sephardi Jews in Surinamese Maroons, Cape Verdeans in Hawaii, Swedes and Dutch in Ghana, etc...

All interesting as fuck
I took one similar to this though they expanded more African samples and Asian samples

How such savage people could accomplish so much.

What are your haplogroups guys?
I'm R1a1a and U5b1b1a1


One curry chicken please.


OP here

I'm I1

Black me please

Pretty sure they went directly from Indonesia to Madagascar with a boat. Very bizarre.

Unlikely and not supported by the known evidence especially amongst the earliest settlers given the currents surrounding Madagascar.