Teach me how to install gentoo, onii-chan

Teach me how to install gentoo, onii-chan.

uguu motherfucker




It's not 2am flan


it's 2am somewhere

is lain the cutest?







>step 1
buy firearm
>step 2


who is this onii chan?



karen would never read that book. she's funner and smarter than sicp.

you're right; she's more of a haskell kind of girl



I want to pat that head



who /u/ here?

>mfw I honestly entered this thread to see how to install gentoo

fucking weebs

vapid whores will never understand

>not being a cute anime girl



hey user-chans, what books did you steal from onii-chan?



come on you fucks, post qt anime girls




I want to creampie Flandre

Back to your containment board weebs

I want to gently kiss this loli while I install a hard drive

freedom never looked this cute!

>people wonder why comp sci is a joke
imagine taking classes with these 'people'

>c-can you teach me how use pointers, user-kun?

pic related

>hey user-kun, can you teach us how to make class for a sunflower!?

Sup Forums is an anime site.

>ubuntu, seriously user-kun? you should use arch or gentoo instead

you're right, but don't give him (you)s. it just encourages shitposting

>he doesn't know lisp

Could somebody tell me a good Sup Forums certified animu pls


for starters
serial experiments lain
love live
ergo proxy
ghost in the shell (movies and series, but keep arise for last)
cowboy bebop (ed-chan~)

this is for you, user-kun:

duomo arigato.. sorry for thread hijack

Eat this sage niggershit

boohoo. Can't install Gentoo?