Who else here ecstatic af?

who else here ecstatic af?

Other urls found in this thread:


>no transparent case


No thanks.

whats wrong with arm? shits pretty good

That design was cool 10 years ago. It's fucking irrelevant now.

what is it?


>irrelevant now
thats funny coming from a little faggot with no skillz make some moves pussy

ARM lacks a bunch of x86 and x64 instruction sets, doesn't it?
I'd rather get an old netbook with no touchpad (just a trackpoint) and install Debian on that. I could throw an SSD into it and it would probably perform just as well as this as a browserbox (probably the intended use-case of this UMPC), all the while having a better screen (768p, 900p maybe), keyboard and battery life.

Half your programs won't run. Linux already has >no gaems. The situation will be worse on ARM.

nice idea in 2005 we have smartphones now

>noooooo I am really a special shitflake and I want to be different and not able to make calls anyway because I don't need that because pretending to be a loser is all I know how to do!!!!!!!!!

next up you'll see the claim that they need to be typing a massive amount of shit while standing up, or needing a "real linux distro" being ignorant to android even existing and able to dual boot linux distros. This isn't really a tech product, it's just hipsters

>we have smartphones now
>posts a pic of an old iPhone in a keyboard dock
Yes, we have smartphones now, but they are less useful in specific use-cases. /vr/ would have riots over OP's UMPC, as well as people developing for ARM.

>Debian Linux

somebody is going to get really triggered about them referring to Debian that way

most stuff will compile fine on arm.

now now let's not be vague and pretend this "need" exists when it doesn't.

what are these specific use-cases?

If you'd spend more than 20 minutes on /vr/ you'd know they were staunchly anti-emulation of any kind and would rather drop $400 on a flash cart to play common games

Carry to server room, plug in to see serial console, configure stuff run tcpdump, etc.

It's most a fun toy and if it was sub $100 it would be a instant buy.

I would rather just have a good keyboard dock for my phone though.


Why does Sup Forums love the ugliest things?

* Look at that screen, how can you operate a full-sized desktop OS on something so small? You can't even see the text! The DPI is probably terrible too.

* Look at all of those buttons squeezed into such a small space. Unusable.

* It's so THICC

>he doesn't know how to make proper lists
>he doesn't know how to greentext properly

In proper markdown, asterisks would form bullet points. Angled brackets would be used for quotes.

Besides, who are you quoting?

I shouldn't want it but I do.

>ARM lacks a bunch of x86 and x64 instruction sets, doesn't it?
are you fucking retarded? ARM isn't an x86 processor, which means it obviously isn't x86_64 neither. it's its own microprocessor architecture with its own instruction set just like m68k, mips, power/powerpc, and sparc are not x86 and do not run x86 machine code without a software emulator

>expects it to just twerk on Sup Forums
>doesn't just greentext
>implying you're not a newfag

Sup Forums is chock full of tech hipsters who don't really give a shit about any of this and just pretend to use it all to pretend to be different

palmtop/handheld fags are that special blend of snowflake and neo-luddite stuck in early 2002 and are phone creationists in that they will simply ignore any modern phone features like bluetooth or usb otg, because in their shitty little made up world it still doesn't exist.

Point of these addons is that you can have it lightweight when you don't need it and then it will all fit in your pocket but still have the functionality. Handheld fags take 400% of the time to type the same shit on their tiny little thumb keyboards but it's okay because no handheld shit has ever held a job so time doesn't matter

seems comfy but it is more expensive than apple products

that things look so crappy

>gaming oriented but has Debian
>weak arm processor
>ugly cellphone buttons (pre-2007 phones)
>no touchpad
>probably 64Gb of internal memory or less
No thanks

pretty shitty op

check this shit out:

x86 hardware, run linux or windows desktop.

Good for playing old emulated games

wondering if wifi chip is compatible with aircrack-ng suite

if it can run x86 vms well it may be very good stealth pentesting device besides gaming

once upon a time 4chanx gave us proper markdown until moot threw a hissy fit and blocked it to implement his own shittier version

>€595 for the basic shitbox with two shitty arm processors

Wow what a ripoff what the fuck

wew lad enjoy your freedumbs

Why is the price so high? I would buy one for about $100.
A phone with a Bluetooth controller can play games.

Why would I want this ugly piece of underpowered shit when I can rather get for less money.


you can do that on a standard lagdroid phone/tablet though

Price/performance is so fucking bad only literal gnu cuckolds will buy this trash.
You can get far better specs AND price with a cheap chinese gaming tablet.
inb4 muh pocket pc i'm a 1337 hacker and need to compile gentoo on the go

>$0.01 has been deposited into your account

>less powerful than your common common cell phone
>gdp win costs much less

keyboard looks like shit and what kind of shit CPU are they using that they can't even dare name it?

[Click for more info]

>full windows experience and great performance and is able to play games
>underpowered arm running stripped down distro and basic web browsing would be an intensive task for it
>literally has no games except emulators(some that any phone can do)

man, such tough decisions

Are you the nigger whom has been trying to design this thing since like 2011? I recall vividly some dipshit queerboy making CAD sketches of an utterly useless ARM based netbook focused on expandability.

If so, holy shit good on ya man. Finally a dream realized.