First prototype!

The ThinkPad killer is real!

>That nipple placement

They missed the whole point of the nipple

I know Sup Forums will love this, but it bothers me that it doesn't have a camera or mic.

Also it won't kill any classic thinkpad because you can't upgrade the RAM or the internals in any way.

Don't think so, the whole size of the unit is as big as a normal laptop keyboard, it won't really hinder quick key access.

No front facing camera at least on such a mini device does seem odd

>and in other news, the chinese company, GPD, had a fire in their office, no survivors

I think it's pretty cool but not something I would buy.

Same, I already have a Win, don't really see the appeal for only computer use if the Win can game and do basic computing shit.


I am skeptical of devices like these. How will the battery life be? How well will the cooling work? How hot will it get? How loud will the fans be?

>I want to smuder the screen every time I open it

Don't you know about the GPD Win? It's basically the same hardware wise and the WIn works great, good cooling, great battery.

Honestly this thing looks like shit, I can't see how you can describe it as a thinkpad killer.

>shitty nonstandard weird keyboard layout, honestly find a worse designed keyboard than the one on that thing
>stupid useless nipple placement, completely defeating the point of one in the first place
>tiny ass screen, whats the resolution on that thing? looks about 500px high. greeat

and I bet it's super slow too

Did I hurt your feeling ChinkPadFag? Sucks you are wrong.

Go on, defend that keyboard layout. all the diferent sizes all over the place, nothing lines up at all, it's probably the worst keyborad I've ever seen

That's an opinion and not an argument user.

>windows 10

>completely defeating the point of one in the first place
you do know that the trackpoint was first invented by IBM as a size restriction overcome and not an actual pointing device replacement?


You can use your phone for that

more than you can afford, NEET

The battery and cooling are actually better, thanks to the bigger size.

I really want to like it, but they should've made it a tablet, instead, with a USB input or Bluetooth. The keyboard layout is mediocre like other cheap tablet keyboards and looks frustrating. I really want to like it, but the keyboard is the deal breaker and many features other say is lacking is really dampening its shine. It most likely costs a pretty penny, and it's purpose being this small will be impractical for the price. A modern 13 inch laptop will be much better, but still, a few jobs might actually use it, possibly like a glorified clipboard/PDA

>but they should've made it a tablet
They exist.

At 7" it's too big to fit in most pockets, so yeah, you are better off with a 11"-13".

I like GPD's products, I love the Win, but this thing seems half-assed. To me it seems like they just took the GPD Win's internals and put them in a different case.

I'm looking, but other models look like a WII U controller / handheld console. I'm talking about a product with a screen estate of an Nvidia Shield Tablet, but without the below adequate keyboard that would burden the Pocket. This looks very interesting, nonetheless.


>thinkpad killer

really makes you think.

>thinkpad killer
>no clit mouse
>maximum overkek

>tiny thing
>expecting huge performance
this isn't a place for tech illiterates

that's the joke, it has a clit mouse

That feelio when no UMPC with scissor switch keyboard.

>The ThinkPad killer is real!

>expecting huge performance

make up your mind, Chang.

>muh single core
>muh dual core CPU
nice cherry picking faggot

Chang pls

geez user, don't be a faggot, post the whole picture then

>single core in current year

Chang why u do this

>glossy chink shit
>ThinkPad killer

you have to go back >>>

it's okay to be defensive, your 20$ thinkpad from 2006 is still an ok toy, just don't try to multitask

The chinks make a ton of cherry trail windows 10 tablets, check out Chuwi, Cube or Teclast.

Pointless as shit. Basically 7 inch chink tablet with keyboard sold for 3x price. There is nothing you can't do on $200 chinkphone that you will be able to do on this thing. If you believe you will be able to """work""" on this thing you are in for a surprise.
Just like any gpd device this one will once again be bought by bunch of autistic 25-35 year old millennials who feel nostalgia for old form factor devices, this time umpc.
Just like previous gpd devices, no one on Sup Forums is actually going to buy this.

>Just like any gpd device
I have been playing with my Win for weeks. Best handheld gaming device ever.

Yeah, I got a chuwi hi10 pro for $150 which is basically disposable money. Decent IPS screen and runs fast enough to be usable for web browsing and office work.

can it run crysis?

yes, but buy something like a win for gayming

>drill hole in desk
>connect screen to powerful workstation
>use wireless keyboard in front of screen
>make a shit pocket meme book look like as if it can take down workstations
>make millions on kickstarter cause normies can't into thinking straight

How much?

this ain't 2006 user, we actually have good low power x86 chips

Same user. I came up with a better keyboard/shell design, because the concept of the GDP is fantastic, but I don't want to look like a fag using the device, especially in public. At that size of a pocket-top, why not just make it more accustomed to our thumbs? You use your thumbs to type while your fingers keep the device secure, rather than typing with beefy sausage fingers on your thigh. The thumb pad is also more practical, too, rather than the nipple pad contraption. A mini keyboard looks very uncomfortable and a keyboard, like in pic related, should be more comfortable. Bluetooth and a USB port will definitely make this a fantastic GDP.

Look, it's a Switch, but for shitposting
Well done user

Lol, it does, seeing it now. oops. The Switch definitely made a great controller, that the Wii U should've had long ago.

You know that designes like that predate the switch, right?


>don't be a faggot

>nice cherry picking faggot

kendyzhu777 why are you calling user a faggot? that's rude.

>everything I don't like is shilling
>if you correct someone or disprove someone's post in a positive matter you are a shill
people really must like having you around

Oh boy what a layout.
weird tap placement, Why not just remove the caps and make room there?
function keys are fn based and on a separate row.
Which is weird, but makes it rather hard to use, especially given the size of the keyboard.
The trackpoint is designed by a person who never used a trackpoint, a computer and possibly never seen a human hand that wasn't malformed.
How are you supposed to use this?
On a normal trackpoint you use your index finger on the trackpoint and the thumb on the left click / middle click and right click.
On this, you don't have middle click, you can't easily reach all buttons, it is basically useless.
If they had to move it, it should go up, not down.

There's an Ubuntu model too

it has both, win10 and ubuntu, dual boot

In the video they literally just open up furmark, you don't even get to see the GPU fry itself or run hot enough to throttle. There's a reason the video isn't even a minute long.

Don't think they could make it throttle or fry itself, the Win can run on continuous CPU/GPU without throttling, so why couldn't a bigger device with more cooling?

I'll buy one when they're like $300

Sorry for the issues. Please send an email to [email protected]. Please put "repair machine (your pledge ID + your country)" as the email subject, and attach your indigogo order screenshot and the problem of your GPD WIN. We will try to reply to you soon.

I feel sorry for faggots who got shitty QC GPD Wins

/csg/ is a fucking cancer on this board

The whole point of the nipple mouse is that either thumb is on the mouse buttons, your index finger is on the nipple mouse and your other fingers spread across the home row, so you barely have to move your fingers from their default positions to hit all the letters, and your thumbs just move up a cm to hit the spacebar.

This all doesn't work if the nipple is between the spacebar and the mouse buttons.

not like everything tech is made in chine nowadays...

But way too pricey

How come the keyboard looks so shitty? At 7 inches, a tablet keyboard is already very uncomfortable, but this looks very unusable.

It introduces a new niche. Overtime, it should saturate with competition, to reduce costs, not to mention the inevitable chink knockoffs

Literally your mom's ipad

>chink knockoffs

>chink knockoffs of a knockoff of a chink knockoff

>it's just a tablet/smartphone with a little keyboard permanently fixed to it

Enjoy your no shortcuts. Windows is a thing for UMPCs because of keyboard shortcuts.

Can it run windows 10?

>How come the keyboard looks so shitty?
maybe because it's a pre production test prototype?

There's this thing called Touchscreen, ever heard about it?
It's like witchcraft

>How come the keyboard looks so shitty? At 7 inches, a tablet keyboard is already very uncomfortable, but this looks very unusable.

As for input, Combined with ergonomics. Our design adopts the chocolate keyboard (plane island keyboard) that has won the highest award of the 2009 German Red Dot Award. Increase the contact area of finger and keycap. This leads to more accurate keystroke and more comfortable keyboard input than that of Surface 3. So it is very suitable for woman’s delicate fingers. At the same time, non-adhesive design also Reduce the rate of wrong input. Compared with a traditional keyboard, both the key process and key spacing of Pocket are significantly improved, increasing the comfort of operations.


But refreshing at the same time. Fuck front facing cameras.


>reee people are discussing something
>oh no, I must pretend to be a shill and shitpost
jesus, is this Sup Forums?

How much do you make shilling on /g?

>not getting the joke

Thanks for comment. This suggestion is just on discussion. We can't make sure it is feasible or not now. Hope we can get an confirmed answer soon. Any update new about it,i will let your all know.

>typing along
>fuck up and go to hit the delete key
>hit power key by mistake
What the fuck were they thinking?

So? Power key is set to "do nothing"

That's why the keys are bold and giant.

Pretty sure they confirmed linux runs well on this when it was shilled here last, so I'll probably pick one up when it gets cheap

>So it is very suitable for woman’s delicate fingers
That's what the keyboard seems to be made for. An x201 keyboard feels like the perfect fit for a portable model, because it is big enough to be used comfortably. At this size I might as well use my thumbs. Are there any more feasible designs for such a miniature device?

Thanks for comment. Yes. the power button is at the up-right edge of the keyboard. And You need to long press the power button a few seconds to shutdown. So totally don't worry it will suddenly shutdown by a mistake press. And yes.they are SPACE key. Yes, the windows is pre-stalled and you need to choose language and keyboard setting of Windows.

>Are there any more feasible designs for such a miniature device?



在老家伙的阴茎里ling着他的脸! user没有住房问题
在世界上吸吮他父亲的大怪物尖的经验! user
他收紧的嘴唇回到头顶的长度! 大家站

>user leaned forward and immediately put the beautiful thorn in his
Mouth, sinking to his knees on the floor as he swallowed it the whole ...,
In the old guy's penis ling lings his face! user no housing problem
The 10 "pipe (which is not like his dad's chicken) has already had the experience of sucking his father's big monster in the world! The guy in Dijon chewed for a while, making the brick harder in his mouth In the gently grasp the man's hair ball, while slowly back his tight lips back to the length of the head! We stood around watching awe, hope this is their Dix expert suction mouth

Fucking Poetry Here, thanks

Just buy it you fucking faggot

>ever heard about it?

Sure, and it is faggotry. There are loads of keyboard shortcuts in software which I use and I cannot imagine using screen or mouse or touchpad instead. Of course touch screen being right in front of keyboard is a neat thing but I will still prefer keyboard for almost any action which does not require graphic input.

It does.

This is for people who don't want a tablet with a keyboard. Clearly you don't like it, so don't buy it. It's not that hard to figure out.


How much do you get paid to shill on a Taiwanese fishing net enthusiast imageboard

I would buy it if the price was a bit lower. The battery should be better, I would want 20 hours. Basically cellphone tier.

I'm not going to be doing real work on it, but it would be a nice formfactor for travel or bringing to a coffee shop, etc.

It should be passive cooling too, having a fan in there kills the tossing it in your bag factor

Maybe the Chinese will clone it?

>I would buy it if the price was a bit lower.

Good, we don't need poorfags like you testing our product.

It would be better for the trackpoint to be in the middle of G,H, and B, but I agree it is serviceable.