Tell us your pajeet tales.Do you think they are good programmers.
/pajeets/ in tech
Never have I trained a more incompetent group. They literally believe having a cert or degree makes you a programmer.
And legit smell like a walking bathroom. Even tbe women.
Ikr? It doesnt help that you have to be trapped in an office space with them for the next 5 years.
In my post-graduate Mathematics program, there were maybe 8 or 9 Indians. They were all fairly diligent students who spread the gambit from bottom of the pack to top of the pack in a fairly normal distribution and spread the normal distribution of incompetent assholes, nice people, and pompous douches that you normally see in modern PhD programs..
You see the thing about Indians is there are a fucking lot of them. And any of them with the slightest bit of intelligence wants to get the hell out of India. And unless they have money, the way out is through higher education. Preferably something technical where language and culture gaps are less of an issue.
There's nothing more to the story than this. India is a shit-hole, people want to get out, some people can make it out, so you see a lot of them in a place through which they can get out.
India's a self-made shithole, it isn't getting bombed to shit or having warlords funded by PMCs from the US like Africa or the ME. What's India's excuse? Because it seems like they have enough time to pretend to be 'Bill Gates from Microsoft' and swear at you on the phone for a whole day yet are unable to fix their country or hygiene.
>burps as loud as they possibly can
>nose and ear picking shamelessly
>brings food makes the whole office compound smell like shit
>shares the said food, using bare hands
Short story is it was a mix of Imperial Britain not understanding the most basic Machiavellian ideas of rule over an indigenous people and the indigenous people not being even remotely homogeneous. But at this point it's been going on far too long for them to blame anybody but themselves.
>see pajeets in uni
>terrible programmers, constantly plagiarizing assignments and scheming in their shit-speak
>every class hounds the professor for more points
>asks absolutely retarded questions
india is too overpopulated and diverse to be a 1st world country, they are actually doing pretty well if you consider their immense diverse population
>diversity is good
i implied the contrary idiot
most of them are utterly shit, but the quantity pays so there are few good programmers.
But to be honest future is new startup memes and bigest corpo. Startup are 99% white and corpo almost always have outsourcing division .
Whiteys be mad no one wants to hire their entitled asses.
>I know how to write Python loops
>Give me $120k year now
>siting in office
>3 pajeets working in front of me
>1 was a woman
>she wears her shirt the wrong way
>the other two males have white shoulders of hair scales
Fucking pajeets man. It's just desgusting working with them.
neo-Sup Forums
>Its globalization.
>If I don't like my place I can move to a place
which I find comfy.
/g has the lowest common sense because of heavy usage of technology.
But it should what do you mean
They write in pajeet languages like Java so we don't have to
>Issue SFTPing files from a vendor
>Server is presenting multiple files with the same filename
>Gives wrong file when it's requested
>Server is clearly misconfigured. The behavior is undefined in the SFTP spec.
>Email vendor
>Nice customer support specialist gets back to me.
>She gets all the info, says she spoke with their dev team, and everything should be working now.
>Next day, same problem
>Email again
>Repeat twice
>Customer support lady finally puts me in contact with the "dev team" who have tried to get this working for several days and just can't grasp the simple issue.
>Name of contact is three paragraphs long.
>Fucking of course. Everything makes sense now.
>Tell pajeet he needs to clear the directory before writing a new daily file if he can't unfuck the server
>Tells me he put in the code to delete the old file before writing the new one
>Next day. Same. Fucking. Issue.
>Pajeet... Please do the needful and clear the dir before writing new files.
>"Haha I put the code in the wrong file! Typical mistake right?"
>I look at my signature in previous mails: Software Developer.
>Is this motherfucker seriously looking for sympathy?
>Ask him if we can test this now rather than wait for tomorrow morning.
>Nope, he can't test.
>It still doesn't work the next day.
I spent two weeks going back and forth with this problem.
Why am I not surprised. Why was I not surprised right from the start. Why am I never surprised, that when shit's fucked up, there's always pajeet holding the other end of the string.
Biggest bait I've ever seen.
>being against diversity
Well,the indian society is very critical of pajeets without degrees.They literally can't get any job in tech without a degree in India.
t.a pajeet.
Your stomach hurts it's time to poo...
But you can't be seen in the loo...
>still refers to century old stereotypes
By now u should stop believing the picture,ur corrupt media portrays of India.
>century old stereotype
>Nov 18, 2016
right pajeet now get back to scamming the elderly into giving you remote access
Just, stop. Pajeet.
Open defecation is still a serious problem in India. Fix your country.
OK,lol,then I live in a much better place....the perks of being rich.But I assure u,if u ever go to India and live in a rich neighbourhood,u'll realise that its not half bad.Agreed that open
defecation is a problem,but only in villages and rural areas,where,I guarantee u,u won't live in the first place.
Well the government has launched a cleanliness program in recent years.....and a nationwide change takes time
Honestly, whiteys are shit at programming. Indians and Asians shit on them in every level.
>Tfw live in a tier 1 city in India
Tier 1 wrt India ofcourse.
It's not that bad t bh
>Haha I was born on a piece of land where there is no war or shit on the streets
>Thank you luck nobody else should be able to come here despite my family being a bunch of immigrants that came from another piece of land to escape form monarchs
> people actually believe this
I don't believe you. You're openly defecating on your keyboard right now and smearing your shit all over the English language. How can I believe that you really do poo in loo?
t. Level 2 Java programmer working off site for a fortune 500.
>fuck having borders and sheeit
> Thank you that my ancestors weren't pussies and instead decided to fight against the most powerful nation on earth
> Thank you that my ancestors crossed thousands of miles in a disease-ridden shithole across the Atlantic
> Thank you that my ancestors had it 1000X worse than any spic crossing a small desert or a pajeet flying in a plane
Oh!?I thought I was on Sup Forums.I didn't realise that I crossed boundaries into a grammar class.Is that why,(some of) u whiteys suck dick at programming?
Now go teach grammar to second grade students...cuz u probably won't get job in tech anyway(and u sound too retarded to own a startup.)
Are pajeets this delusional?
Why is it that 90% of the contributors I see in OSS are white males?
> inb4 because all the real programmers have jahbs!
>company outsourced shit to india in mid 2000s
>they didn't do shit, ignored time limits, results and communication was always subpar
>now they just outsource to russia and everything works well
Okay 4/10 but I know you're trolling now. Take it easy on the 14 year old girl shorthand next time. You'll keep anons on the hook longer with a little more subtlety.
Well,I said "some" of u whiteys suck dick at programming,not "all".Don't worry though,my theory of u being a shitty programmer is 100% accurate.In fact ,u might not even be legible to be an English teacher,judging by how u couldn't understand my previous reply.
Not an argument
Unlike how former Brits stole their assets and resources from an already developed country and turncoated other places don't have the luxury
USA is filled with immigrants white or not illegal or legal
They have the potential to be, as evidenced by those who have been in my country for a couple of generations (Scan Computers is Indian, and best PC tech vendor+builder in the country imo) but natively from a still developing country, so lack the proper education and training back home. Along with India's main tech industry being call centres (working from a script and knowing nothing about what you're supporting is automatically shit) it paints a pretty poor impression on the face of it.